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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. You keep mentioning "The developers website" but havent actually stated a link to what you have seen. What you have there, it sounds like you havent actually edited the conf_global.php file to point to your test database. It would not be writing topics etc to live unless this hasnt been done
  2. Of course these are the blocks themselves, rather than text within a block. Which would certainly be the better way to go. There is no built in way to hide text within a block
  3. You would indeed need to create a new group for that purpose that has no access, and move them to that group as needed. There is no other way of doing this. These are individual notification settings. So they would edit their notification settings on the front end, rather than something you edit from the admin CP. They will have a "Moderation" section, which includes approval notifications
  4. This is your test installation, not a trial. As mentioned by my colleague, please could you let us know where you are seeing hashgenerator that you are mentioning, as that is no related in any way to that guide.
  5. Just a quick update to let you know our developers have taken a look at this, and been unable to reproduce the issue unfortunately. If you have any further information, of course please let us know
  6. I see you have a ticket open on this also that I have responded to. I will pick up on that ticket and see what we can get sorted for you
  7. There are also some areas in which are set by the locale on your language pack. Have yuou ensured you are using the correct language locale?
  8. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  9. These are generally only reset when you set your main URL. You should use the same URL for testing until such point as you wish to change the main URL. Many people will use a subdomain for this that they can point elsewhere if required. I can see there is nothing on the test URL at present, so have reset it on this occasion for you. And yet here you are, speaking with support 😉 We haven't removed support. We simply do it here on the community and not via ticket. I have taken a look at yours, and you would not be able to change your test URL in any case, as you still have an installation at your current test location.
  10. Have you contacted the author of that items first of all? I realise it may not be actively developed any longer, however you may still be able to contact the developer themselves
  11. I would ask, what is it you are trying to achieve here? You stated you "Started a fresh installation", but from the rest of what you have said it sounds like you are trying to restore a backup. So in the latter case you would not be installing anything. Please could you provide exactly what you have done?
  12. It wouldnt unfortunately, no
  13. As mentioned already, we don't have older versions available. Looking at the version you are currently using, I would indeed advise on upgrading in any case. It would be worth asking if they will have both PHP versions available.
  14. Certainly, seems to be the case. Its actually more likely the keyboard causing it than anything else
  15. Unfortunately, it does indeed seem it's the device itself adding to the editor.
  16. I have created a ticket for you on this. Someone will be in contact as soon as possible
  17. It's not something that is a default item, no. Glad to see you found what was causing you issues though. Are these showing in the mod CP?
  18. Glad to hear you found an answer to the problem 🙂
  19. Of course. Just let us know once you are ready
  20. You would be asking the developer of those applications for this
  21. Viglink would not have been causing issues with invision itself, no
  22. That would be correct, unfortunately
  23. You would need to edit and save in order for them to reparse.
  24. This is quick registration. If you wish to use full registration, you can change this from System>Settings>Login & Registration>Registration
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