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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Feel free to add that as a suggestion if its something you would like to see in the future
  2. The above information is indeed correct. You will however receive renewal notifications via email if you have a renewal due With regard IPS updates breaking items, it would be for the authors to ensure there are updated versions to resolve any incompatibility issues. Really you should check for compatibility before upgrading where possible
  3. If you're here, you will want to know about our courses, and all it has to offer within the Invision platform. Courses is a lightweight learning platform, that will allow you to provide a simple learning experience for your users. Helping to deliver training, digest important information, and validation of that retained information by the use of quizzes. Creating and Settings Courses and related global settings are set up from the your AdminCP at the following location Community->Courses There are 3 submenus, which I will give a brief overview of, before we begin to create a course Courses - This is where we would create a course and view/manage any courses that have already been created. Settings - There are settings relating to views, and quizzes here, along with the ability to allow paid courses to be set up on the system Enrollments - This will allow you to quickly see who is enrolled in which courses on your system. To create a course, go to the courses section and select "Create new". On this guide, we are going to create a small course on rules for our fictional school You will notice I have selected this to be a required course. Doing this will mean members cannot complete another course, before they have completed this one. When created, you are taken back to the course list. Note from here, you can click to go to the course, and manually enroll people if you wish to do so Modules, Lessons & Quizzes Once you have created a course, you can head over to the front end of your site to add modules and lessons. You can select the view icon in the admin CP to take you straight there if needed.At the bottom of the page, you can select course manager to add and arrange modules on the course Once you have added all the modules needed, if you visit a module, you will see you can then add a lesson to that module. Lessons are as simple to add as adding a topic on the community. So you can add whatever you need to them, such as videos, images etc. You will notice that on each of the modules, you can add a quiz from the button provided Clicking on this will allow you to add either multiple choice, or true/false questions for your members to complete after taking a course Enrollment Enrolling in a course is as simple as clicking on the enroll button in the top right of the page, if your permissions allow. If you have set permissions so a user cannot enroll themselves, you can manually add them from the enrollments section Community->Courses->Enrollments
  4. Live Topics is a hosted live chat and question-and-answer event that is converted into a forum topic upon completion. It combines the fun and togetherness of a live event with the permanence of a forum topic allowing you to continue the conversation long after the event has ended. This guide shows the setup and usage of Live Topics on your community. Permissions Live topics can be used by any moderator that has the relevant moderator permissions set. These can be set in the following location, on the live topic tab, by selecting the relevant option. Note, if a moderator is set to "Unrestricted" they will already have this permission Members -> Staff -> Moderators Creating Live Topics Creating a live topic is as simple as visiting your ModeratorCP and visiting the "Live Topics" section, as shown in the image below. Once you have clicked to schedule a new live topic, you can configure the following options Duration - This is the scheduled duration that attendees will see before the event. This sets expectations of time for your community. Add To Events - This option creates a new Calendar Event in your Community. This allows the live topic to be searched, viewed, and promoted like other event within your community. Live Video URL - This is the URL of a YouTube embed. You can also add this after starting the live session. Attendees - This option specifies who can attend the live topic. Leaving as "Recommended" allows any registered member to join. Staff - The staff are responsible for moderating user generated content as it comes in. The default setting will add all groups that are allowed to moderate live topics. You can adjust this default in the AdminCP using moderator permissions. Additional Hosts - Hosts have the highest level of permission in the live topic. They create questions, update the video URL, and guide the discussion. By scheduling the Live Topic, you are automatically a host but you can add more hands to help. All hosts get a reminder notification close to when the event is due to start. Require Approval for question replies/chat messages - During the live session, you may wish to control the rate of incoming content (especially questions). Chat Message creation can be locked during the live session. Hosting a Live Topic To start a live topic, you need to click into it from the ModeratorCP. Alternatively, if it was added to an Event you can click into it from there. Then just click start, it's as simple as that. Your attendees will see a waiting page with a countdown. It is worth mentioning that the live topic cannot Run without any hosts in attendance - When hosts abandon a live session, it will automatically end within a few minutes Run longer than 6 hours - The aim of Live Topics is to accompany a live event and to be short-term compared to regular forum topics. The live session will also end automatically in this case Once a live topic is started, the screen is divided into have 2 main areas: One for Main Questions and another for Chat. Any video streams you embed are shown in the top right and automatically started. Main Questions/Replies On the left, you will see Main Questions that have either been added by a member of staff or moved to the main questions area from a chat channel. There are important items to note about the main questions area Main Questions and their replies are what will be preserved when the topic is converted into a forum topic. For each question, you can also configure if the replies are "locked". A main question can be unlocked, locked to all members, or locked to non-staff. When a question is locked, new replies cannot be created. Chat Channels For each Live Topic, there is a General Chat and a Staff Chat Channel. If a member is non-staff, instead of the Channel selector tabs, they will see only "Chat". When a non-staff attendee creates a chat message, it can be marked as a "question". This lets the host know that the question was intended for others to respond to. Optionally, the host can even convert the message into a question so it's integrated into the standard topic post-conversion (moved to the Main Questions area mentioned above) Live Stream Tools Hosts can select a time in the live feed a main question was answered by selecting the time on the video, then hitting the "Use current player time" button. This will then timestamp the answer to show the location on the video. You can change the video embed at any time mid-session if required. Moderation tools Staff can hide or delete questions, chat messages and replies. The reply and chat feeds can also be set to automatically hide new items on creation, if required. Non-staff attendees can report content, the same as they would in any other area of the community. Reports for live topics show within the staff area of chat, rather than in the main reports area. This is so they can be quickly dealt with during the live session.
  5. To clarify, the uploader is stating the maximum total size of files you can upload to the editor at that point in time. This can be limited by any of the above factors, be that a limit for content item, the total left the user themselves can upload, or indeed the upload_max_filesize setting in PHP. Which ever is lower is what will show
  6. I have created a ticket on this so we can take a closer look for you
  7. Marc


    The "This site cant be reached" issue is something you will need to contact your hosting company on, as thats the hosting itself rather than your software. With the logging out, I would ask, do you have any caching running on your server somewhere? If so, disable this and test again
  8. Just as a thought, you could use manually applied achievement badges for this. Set up a badge for "Promoted to moderator" 🙂
  9. You would need to explain a little more what you mean by its generating errors. What error is being generated? This are just names of pages, rather than errors. These also dont appear to be invision pages
  10. No problem at all, David. 🙂
  11. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  12. Its not releasing space correctly unfortunately, so yes it would be your hosting company that would correct this. I tend to see this happen more on myisam than innodb, so thats certainly something that would be worth checking too (you should be using INNODB tables)
  13. Ive tagged our developers in case it is something of interest, but from what I can see, it does seem its their issue on this occasion
  14. Very glad to hear it 🙂
  15. Please update access details on file for that user on the front end. You would need to temporarily change their login details if needed, but we will need this to test with, especially as you are using SSO
  16. I would suggest clearing your browser cache, and even testing another browser. Im actually having no issue at all with logging in there
  17. If you can provide an example user, and ensure your access details on file are up to date, we can take a look for you and see whats going on there
  18. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  19. I would just add that this is not a supported action either. So you would need to ensure you do this at a point you are willing to revert to that backup if needed.
  20. You currently have an installation under both your live and test URLs on file. Have you since managed to resolve this?
  21. Just a heads up that we have responded to the ticket there, and awaiting response from yourself. Please check your emails
  22. You would create multiple calendars in that scenario. They would then be filterable when looking at the calendar views. They aren't filterable on the overview unfortunately.
  23. We are unable to provide timelines for the fixing of issues unfortunately.
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