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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. It looks like it was actually just for you. The problem there was that you had set a default stream to one that wasnt there (or possibly that one with no title). Check again now The title issue is related to the language pack. I suspect you have had other packs and been changing them around?
  2. Ah, indeed it does. However you would simply click on no after changing the first setting, as you can changing further settings
  3. No problem at all 🙂
  4. There is no simple way in which to do so for all topics created today, but you can do it per forum if needed. If you select the dropdown at the side of any forum, you will see delete/move content. It then gives you a filter so you can filter by day if needed. You should never delete items directly from the database by the way. It can cause you issues in the future if things are missed
  5. We cannot advise on direct database manipulation. You would need to await the period the account is locked for. Looking at when this was posted, that would seem to be only 3 minutes away in any case 🙂
  6. I see the issue there, and see the other site is indeed licensed elsewhere. This has been reset for you
  7. Im a little confused as to what you mean in terms of asking for rebuild there, as it only asks for rebuild when you save. So you would change both fields then save
  8. Do you perhaps have multiple pages of PMs there and potentially have something buried?
  9. Ah I see what you mean now. We are aware of this, however at present this is indeed working as intended
  10. Check your database templates and ensure they are up to date for the latest release. Test with default templates if needed
  11. You should dismiss these messages and they then shouldnt return. They would be checked every day.
  12. You would be looking to change the meta tagsin that case. Take a look here https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/promotion/seo-r295/
  13. Also if you have a redirection from the old URL to the new, remove that while you are resetting
  14. You havent specified there what part of our API is being called? Or is this custom development?
  15. My colleague has this down to take a look at, however please bear in mind we are currently closed for the holidays.
  16. The question here is where exactly are you changing these? Translated items, unless there is an update to a language string and the item is removed, would be maintained between upgrades unless otherwise stated. It does need to be noted, version 5 is a major update, so its very likely you would need a new pack
  17. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  18. Please could you provide an example download link and we can take a look? (the downloads item itself, rather than what was posted above)
  19. I am not able to reproduce this issue in any way unfortunately. Please check this with all 3rd party items disabled, and test using the latest release.
  20. Im not able to replicate this at all on my end unfortunately. Please disable both of those items, clear your browser cache, and then test this again. Things seem to be working with no issue on my end
  21. One is the actual version ID used for versioning the file. The other is the visual version shown to the user. The former is what would be used to determine by the system whether or not its an update. You may, for example, upload something, quickly realise there is an issue. First one Version 1.0.1 Version ID 1001 Second one Version 1.0.1 Version ID 1002 The system knows its updated
  22. Please let us know if you do find a bug of course 😄
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