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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. There would be no way in which to restore a website from what you have there. It looks like you have just scraped the front end, and therefore only got the HTML. You would need the database and files in order to restore
  2. Please send me over that screenshot so I can take a look. Just to make you aware, these forums are worked through, and there really is no need to be tagging Matt on everything. 🙂
  3. Please bear in mind that while we welcome feedback, this does not necessarily mean it will always be added. While we wish we could be everything to everyone, unfortunately, that's not always going to be the case. Also when it is something we decide to add, it will be within our plans for release cycles. I understand its something you would like and would like right away, again this won't always be the case. It is worth adding also, you are making some large assumptions there on the release cycle of version 5 🙂 We have an ambitious goal for v5s release that won’t be years into the future and maybe sooner than you expect.
  4. Well the design will have changed, so yes. The reality is, there isnt actually a bug there. Its simply how its designed at present. They fit within the same bounds, its just that one has a profile picture showing and one doesn't.
  5. There is no update on this at present, this is very likely to be part of version 5
  6. See your ticket, we may actually know the cause
  7. I have created a ticket for you on this, so our developers can take a closer look
  8. We have seen the suggestion there of course, but I would think this very unlikely to be something that is amended before version 5.
  9. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  10. We would need to see this issue at the time its occurring in order to assist really. If you can get to that point again and let us know, we can then take a look and see whats causing the problem
  11. Ive created a topic on this one for you, to see if we can get to the bottom of it
  12. Please could you set one of these up on your site, and let me know. I can then take a look for you to see what is going on
  13. That actually looks to be something coming from your server I suspect. Please update access details on file, and I can certainly take a look to see if there is anything else it may be
  14. This is correct. I'd mentioned database templates incorrectly there. Its your theme templates as mentioned above
  15. I would suggest informing the author of this. Did you install it as a custom modification or from the marketplace direct?
  16. Amongst other things as it does now, yes. There are actually rumours that we will be plugging directly into Matts mind for some of the more advanced features, but I feel those rumours may be greatly exaggerated. We will provide more information on how development will work within the v4 framework in due course, but there will be changes to how this works
  17. Im not sure where you got this impression, but there is no function within the software at all that pushes an update. It has to be actioned by yourself or another member of admin. Letting you know this, as you may want to investigate that on your end. In terms of the restore, if things are not working then the restore would seem not to have been performed fully. It does sound like it may simply be a cache problem there though. Try these things first of all Test without any 3rd party items enabled Go to support in the admin CP, and click on clear cache Go to System>Site Features>Applications and disable an application (doesnt matter which) and re-enable it, as this will rebuild some items.
  18. The confusion here is that this has been explained on quite a few occasions. We are trying to assist, but there is only so far we can go to assist on a self-hosted environment that you're not sure how to run correctly, unfortunately. Our advice at this stage is to go with a more managed environment (our cloud product) or employ someone to manage this part of the site on your behalf, as you are clearly struggling with this. In answer to your question, what you need to understand is that you are on a very old version, so have missed the transitional steps between where you are now, and where you need to be. By this, I mean there were versions between which could use both php7 and php8, where you could upgrade, then switch. This is no longer the case and we no longer support PHP 7 at all. So, with the above statement, this means you can not use the automatic upgrader in the admin CP, and your site will indeed crash/break once you update the server to PHP 8. The process you need to follow is below Do a full backup of your site in its entirety. Switch your server to PHP 8 (Yes, your site will break. This is expected) Use the requirement checker to ensure you have all the minimum requirements on your PHP installation. You can find this at the following location - https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7046-get-ready-for-ips-40/ Upload a fresh set of files from your client area Visit /admin/upgrade in your browser to visit the upgrader directly. Log in and run the upgrader The problem you will inevitably have here, are 3rd party items you have installed there. This is the issue you have had a few times before. If you have 3rd party items that are not compatible with PHP 8 and the latest release, it is likely it will either break your site once its upgraded, or break the upgrader itself. You need to check these with the developers of those apps and plugins to see what is the best way forward. Our advice if unable to manage these would be to remove as many of these as possible. Again, I really cant emphasize enough how much I would advise you get assistance from someone to manage your site on this side for you if you are struggling with it.
  19. If you are installing an update to a language pack, it will indeed overwrite any changes you are making, as its updating them with what should be the correct ones. The only way would be to reapply any manual changes you are making
  20. You are certainly not the only one. There is quite a large uptick in spam lately, unfortunately. We do have more measures planned to try and combat this.
  21. Next time you do one of these, please disable all 3rd party items before you do so. Im not able to reproduce the issue on my end unfortunately
  22. Im not sure on what you are asking there, as it was yourself who stated it was solved, just above your message there. I would indeed suggest testing this with cloudflare switched off entirely first of all, along with any plugins on your browser
  23. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
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