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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Glad to hear you got that sorted 🙂
  2. Usually the PHP error log is where it would be found
  3. The only way to remove those if you are using our wrapper would be customisation
  4. Setting cron up would indeed be advisable in that scenario
  5. If the image is on your clipboard, you should be able to just paste into the editor in any case.
  6. There is no way in which you would be able to prevent this at present unless you switch of items like about me, and use only items that use regular expression. You would then, in theory, write a regular expression to prevent these
  7. Unfortunately this can only really be an issue with your cloudflare rules. The issue that was previously present can no longer be replicated
  8. No problem at all. Glad to hear the issue was resolved for you.
  9. Im not able to replicate this on my test site. Please could you let me know what browser it is you are using?
  10. You should use recovery mode in order to regain access to your admin CP. That error looks like it may be unrelated to the issue you are having
  11. I think to avoid confusion here, please can you screenshot what you are seeing as guest, and what you are seeing when logged in, then I can advise accordingly
  12. -200 is an error returned from plupload on upload to the server, and is a server side error. You would need to check your server error logs to see what the actual error is there
  13. While I understand, thats something you would need to resolve with your email host
  14. Looking in the providers directory would be the best place to start https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers-directory/
  15. The only way in which to do that would be to develop a custom application for this purpose
  16. This is something you would need to have coded int a custom theme. It's not something you can do within the software itself.
  17. Glad to hear you managed to get the issue resolved
  18. It appears to be a facebook issue unfortunately. https://developers.facebook.com/community/threads/791595499632799/
  19. Looking at that indeed it seems you're not the only one unfortunately.
  20. This is then something you would need to take up with sparkpost
  21. This is actually the second report I have seen of this today, so Im suspecting it may actually be facebook. Do you have an example?
  22. I have added a bug report for this. The issue is simply "could not be sent". Your email host is rejecting this. It looks to be this " 220-We do not authorize the use of this system to transport unsolicited, 220 and/or bulk e-mail."
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