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Marc Stridgen

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc Stridgen

  1. We would also need to know the exact steps and exact messages being received, in order to advise.
  2. Content will of course. In terms of layout/theming etc, of course, you would need to visit that once v5 is out to update anything required. But that would apply to any area. Its based on permissions, so if they have permission yes. We would then need to an example. I would advise creating a new topic with your issue though, rather than in this topic
  3. I can only really advise on letting us know if this happens again, and we can look further. But as mentioned by my colleague, we cant see any way they would be able to do so on their current setting
  4. Your sitemap is at /sitemap.php . So you would follow them through there. They would be under topics.
  5. Could you please confirm exactly what you would like to have imported. We can import the default ranks, default badges, default rules etc. Of course these will replace what you have there already
  6. The Classic platform is one platform, and one price for this. So you purchase the classic platform and get all the apps on that platform. There is no way In which to purchase only downloads There is only one points system. For what you are describing, it would essentially be 2 points systems There isnt. The leaderboard is actually not based on posts either. The leaderboard is based on a users reputation, which is something given in the form of reactions to content
  7. Only items listed have been tested to work with the converters. I would think its quite unlikely that the 3.x converter will work with 6.x
  8. You would be best posting on the authors site rather than here
  9. Unfortuanetly, this is an unknown, as it would not have been tested to either work or otherwise, either before or after
  10. Or please upgrade to the latest release of the platform to resolve
  11. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  12. Yes, so the forum itself will have not had postcounts switched on before it was move I suspect
  13. You could update that (ensure you backup first). Once you do, you would need to recount though. Bearing in mind it will only count what is currently present EDIT: Thinking about it, you mention topics over 10 years ago. Something must have moved that forum to clubs. The reason I say this is that clubs didnt exist at that point in time.
  14. If you go to your admin CP, and go to the support section, check there is nothing showing under the mysql section
  15. As mentioned above, there is an open bug report for this
  16. Also please try updating to the latest release of the platform. I suspect that message will then stop happening
  17. When you say it doesnt show on the day view, are you looking at the day it starts? Do you have an example I can look at?
  18. Thanks for the username/id there. You havent confirmed if you have asked the user how they switched it there. This would be helpful information as to locate the source of the issue
  19. There isnt, but it's the only thing that will have changed between the 2. If you go to Forum Settings, you can switch that off and let it unarchive, then see the difference there
  20. The software on cloud will archive old data, which is why Im asking if that may be the case here
  21. I would need to know the name (or just ID if needed) or that member in order to take a look. Also, I would ask, have you asked the member themselves?
  22. There isnt much else I can really advise on this, other than at present you are hitting that max connections
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