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Stuart Silvester

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Stuart Silvester

  1. 87% of current pending reviews were submitted either yesterday or today (i.e. in around the last 24 hours), there are three pending reviews that are taking longer than usual for various reasons. Reviews are definitely not slow at the moment, but what you may be seeing is a developer saying their resource is pending review and then their submission being rejected. In this situation it may look like the reviews are taking longer than they really are, but we're waiting for the developer to submit a fixed version in that case, so we can review it again.
  2. These items aren't available in the AdminCP Marketplace at this time, we wanted to get this out there for use and plan to add functionality as we can.
  3. They're available now, we just hadn't published them (whoops!)
  4. If you scroll down on the Marketplace, you can select a previous version, if you find the last release before the 4.5 version was released, you will be able to download it.
  5. If you see this go to <yoururl>/admin/upgrade to complete the upgrade. We're looking into the issue.
  6. @Adriano Faria The issue with @Morrigan not being able to upgrade is because your new application has a lower (long) version number than your plugin did (despite this being a point in the guidelines for this exact reason). No one using your plugin will be able to upgrade to the newer version.
  7. You can exclude /index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=marketplace from your password protection
  8. And language packs... basically anything you can get from the Marketplace in your AdminCP. The update check is less important in 4.5.1, if you visit the Marketplace listing in the AdminCP it will always use live data to determine if an update is available.
  9. A setting for this was introduced in 4.5.0 The Image Proxy was removed in 4.5 due to inherent security risks that it was no longer worth trying to work around since the adoption of SSL has drastically increased since we introduced the feature.
  10. I would recommend submitting a support ticket in the client area we will need to look into what is going wrong.
  11. Feel free to submit a ticket if you're having an issue. 4.5.1 (inc the betas) contained a number of improvements for checking for updates of Marketplace resources, I haven't seen any tickets to indicate these changes have issues yet.
  12. Have a read of this document, it covers the CSRF protection requirements
  13. We were generating renewal invoices way too far in advance, so they were including anything that expired in the timeframe. This should be fixed now.
  14. The Marketplace now (we introduced this change a few months ago) requires an active license. I can see you've just renewed your license so you should have access to it now. If you're still seeing the issue, please submit a ticket and let us know.
  15. We'll look at making that more visible.
  16. After upgrading to 4.5 you must complete the Marketplace set up process. Open your admincp notifications and click on the marketplace setup notification to get started.
  17. You can click check for updates on the applications page, it does the same thing 👍
  18. This is addressed in 4.5.1, but yes for now you may have to check for updates more than once depending on how many marketplace resources you have installed.
  19. If you had copied your access token to the right place (without modifying any code), it would also show you signed in. As I've noted earlier though, there isn't an issue with installing things locally and we've said that in the past. The technical requirement is for the login process only because we need to securely transmit data to your community and currently there is no other way to do that without potentially compromising your community account.
  20. I merged the topic with an existing topic on the same subject, it was nothing to do with any internal discussions. I touched on above how to login to the Marketplace on a locally hosted install, there's nothing stopping you doing it providing that you meet the technical requirements for it. That is, pointing a resolvable URL to your local machine and using your TESTINSTALL license key.
  21. @ibaker I have merged your topic with an existing one that had similar questions and already has responses.
  22. If you want the 4.4 version, scroll down to the changelog area, change the version to the one that was compatible with 4.4 and click download.
  23. Not directly, however the original bug report was reporting a different 'issue' where _Dean couldn't log in to the Marketplace. You only need the install to be accessible for the initial login, it doesn't need to be online 24/7. Along side these changes we did also introduce stricter submission guidelines (you'll like point 2.2.8) and we now review all updates -- previously we would only review the initial first submission.
  24. There is nothing stopping you using the Marketplace locally, you just need to point a URL to your test install (that's registered as the -TESTINSTALL license key) for the authentication system to work. There are plenty of 'dynamic' DNS type services you can use for this if you don't have the ability to set up your own DNS. I appreciate the fact that it's a change from how it used to work, but you can still test resources from the Marketplace.
  25. I would recommend submitting a ticket,then we can have a more in-depth look for you.
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