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Stuart Silvester

Invision Community Team
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Everything posted by Stuart Silvester

  1. Hi Brad, You're currently on a legacy Cloud package that doesn't include some of the latest features we've been releasing. You would need to upgrade to one of our current packages. If you want to send an email to support, we can help you out with that.
  2. As a long shot, you might still be able to sign in to the AdminCP, disable all of your 3rd party apps and then continue the upgrade at /admin/upgrade
  3. Hi Rob, That is a customisation specific to that community. You may be able to find a developer here: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers/ that could implement this for you.
  4. I'm going to move this to a ticket so we can investigate further. Please keep an eye on your email for further updates.
  5. Sure you can go ahead and do it, but sit on releasing it until you have something meaningful to include. Whether that be bug fixes or enhancements. Releasing only this change is a waste of time for our reviewers and for customers.
  6. This is our May maintenance release. Key changes include: Introducing Courses Giving you control with Email Bounce Management
  7. It sounds like you may need to go into the PayPal subscription and manually re-check it. It's possible it timed out if PayPal took longer than expected to collect the payment.
  8. We made a patch available earlier today that fixes this issue. If you are using an affected version of 4.7.9, it can be obtained from the AdminCP > System > Support page (top left box will tell you if there is a patch or update available)
  9. We made a patch available earlier today that fixes this issue. If you are using an affected version of 4.7.9, it can be obtained from the AdminCP > System > Support page (top left box will tell you if there is a patch or update available)
  10. We made a patch available earlier today that fixes this issue. If you are using an affected version of 4.7.9, it can be obtained from the AdminCP > System > Support page (top left box will tell you if there is a patch or update available)
  11. We do not have support for the Badging API at this time, likely to be something we add in a future version though.
  12. I would recommend emailing the accounts department about billing queries: https://invisioncommunity.com/contact-us
  13. I would recommend upgrading to 4.7.9 first, the prefix has less chance of being added in 4.7.7+.
  14. No, I would recommend finding a new host that doesn't have arbitrary limits on database size. (it has never made sense to me)
  15. There's a new task that runs to check the status after a payout request, we'd want to check to see whether that's running properly and if it's getting an unexpected response from the PayPal API. If you can updated the client area to include AdminCP and SFTP credentials, we can take a look and check these items.
  16. I have created a ticket for this so we can look further into the issue, we'll be in touch via email
  17. A fix is now available for this issue in new downloads of 4.7.9 and for those already on 4.7.9, it can be obtained from the AdminCP > support page in the top left box.
  18. A fix is now available for this issue in new downloads of 4.7.9 and for those already on 4.7.9, it can be obtained from the AdminCP > support page in the top left box.
  19. Requests to that URL are totally normal. The service worker requests and caches the page so it can be shown on the device if network connectivity is lost, or the server is unreachable. If your users are seeing it, that would suggest that they're unable to connect for some reason.
  20. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary. To clarify for anyone else reading this: this does appear limited to a display issue, the products aren't actually free.
  21. One or more of your other login handlers will also be set to display name or email address. You will also need to edit those and set them to display name only.
  22. I can confirm this was addressed in 4.7.9 - Added status badges (pinned, hidden, etc) to the grid view.
  23. It looks like you may have restored, but you should be able to find more information about what caused the 500 ISE in the servers PHP log. I do note that you have a lot of error logs from the last few days indicating MySQL server issues including a lack of disk space.
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