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Stuart Silvester

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Stuart Silvester

  1. I did take a look at the code, nothing immediately stood out to me that could cause this. Please do let us know if you can reproduce it again.
  2. Yes, the automatic redirects will take care of old style links for content. You just need to keep the converters application installed and enabled after the conversion.
  3. It looks like this is due to the translated strings on the buttons being too long for the space available. We'll see what we can do although I do want to avoid the cookie banner overlaying the entire screen on mobile.
  4. I cannot reproduce the issue with the forum selector (it uses the database to store the preference) it works perfectly fine for me with optional cookies disabled. Optional cookies can be anything, it isn't possible or required to list them all. We only list essential cookies and what they do.
  5. Were you seeing the cookie banner with a button to enable optional cookies?
  6. If you go to <url>/cookies and enable optional cookies, does it work?
  7. Are you referring to forums display view? or something else?
  8. In the developer portal on PayPal, can you get the two(or so) related API call logs for this transaction (event logs > api calls). - Feel free to send them via PM. The exception is something we need to look into, but I don't see how a payment could be processed twice. With PayPal, the customer has to click a button to redirect to PayPal, then they have to sign in and then they have to click another button to confirm the purchase.
  9. Tap more sharing options and it'll open up your device apps to share too, including WhatsApp
  10. TikTok use OAuth so you can already implement it with the Custom OAuth method. The only downside is that TikTok won't provide the users email address so they'll still have to enter their email and complete the validation process. Using TikTok to sign in won't be any quicker than registering.
  11. They're automatically generated from the images uploaded in the Web App section of the AdminCP. Having various sizes of these icons are normal to ensure maximum compatibility with many devices and sizes of devices.
  12. They don't have any renewal date and cannot expire, so they're deemed 'active'
  13. Hi, This is a problem with the 3rd party Connections app. I would recommend letting the author know about this problem.
  14. Administrator actions are logged (like for everything else too) in the Administrator Logs section (I did just fix a couple language strings)
  15. There's a fix for this being reviewed currently. If it's approved, it will be in a future release, not 4.7.11 (Since that beta process has already started).
  16. I had made an adjustment for the next beta. Thanks!
  17. This is our June maintenance release. Key changes include: Strengthening Community Trust with Privacy and PII Data Features Explore Our New Reporting and Statistical Capabilities
  18. Hi, No, that information isn't available via the REST API at this time.
  19. It's also worth pointing out that (depending on your settings) the member will be asked to select a subscription in order to use your Community, but the account being able to exist before that point is not a bug (it would be the same scenario if the account was created via API etc)
  20. It's something we're aware of and have on our list for improvement, however it's part of a very central library we use so it isn't an easy task to remove it.
  21. Yes, you can resume if the conversion hasn't finished
  22. Hi Christian, `login()` is analogous to HTTP Basic Auth. public function login( string $username, string $password ): static { curl_setopt_array( $this->curl, array( CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH => CURLAUTH_BASIC, CURLOPT_USERPWD => "{$username}:{$password}" ) ); return $this; } We'll update the documentation to have a non-framework example.
  23. I suspect you're using a non-standard language pack that has an incorrectly translated word (converted_x_of_x)
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