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    AlexWebsites reacted to beats23 in Classifieds System   
    I'm interested in this too.
    Would you be able to make amazon and Ebay affiliate program work with this app?
  2. Like
    AlexWebsites got a reaction from beats23 in Classifieds System   
    Has anyone using this app incorporated ebay listing using ebay's api? My thought is to have ebay listings under the ads within each category as an option. There's a good earning potential with ebay's affiliate program. We used to run a classifieds section years ago and are looking into it again. We had ebay and amazon listings below with affiliate links using their api.
  3. Like
    AlexWebsites got a reaction from Joriz in Sign in with Apple   
    I saw an article about it today and its going to be leveraging more privacy and going as far allowing users to hide their emails by creating alternative emails with the 3rd party. Any emails to that created email will then forward through apple to the user. https://www.engadget.com/2019/06/04/sign-in-with-apple-privacy-security-google-facebook-wwdc/
  4. Thanks
    AlexWebsites got a reaction from Sovereign Grace Singles in Newsletters   
    I don't recall but if a user visits their notification settings and un-checks to Send me news and information, the check mark for the newsletter is still on. Do they receive the newsletter still with the main setting off? It doesn't shut off the newsletter toggle.

    I still think having this in two different areas is misleading to users. Maybe a link under the notifications section to manage newsletters would be helpful. some don't find it right away.
    I find that I can shut off the IPS setting in ACP but can't under the member page do this with the newsletter(s), so I have to login as the user and visit their settings when there is a request. It's too many steps as an admin.
    Would be nice to have a setting under member view in ACP alongside and within the notifications settings.

  5. Like
    AlexWebsites reacted to Claudia999 in Chat Application ( Support Topic )   
    Hi @TheJackal84
    many thanks for your work.
    1) Do you plan a counter in the menu how much members are in chatrooms as described by @AlexWebsites?

    2) I think all users should be in the "Who's online"-list. Could you implement a setting if users can be anonym in chatroom or not?
    3) We don't want to have chat messages in search, activity and so on. Is it possible?
    4) If an user enters a chatroom all old messages should be killed. The chatroom should be empty. Is it possible?
  6. Like
    AlexWebsites reacted to Sonya* in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    You submit RSS like sitemaps, same area, they are just listed along with your sitemaps in the Google Webmaster.
  7. Like
    AlexWebsites got a reaction from Joel R in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    I was of the same thought that the more you index will correlate to more traffic, but it just isn’t so if the content is not quality. Pages with what google sees as not valuable content (empty profile pages) can get dropped and if they don’t, don’t rank for anything good anyway. IPS default sitemap does include profile pages but excludes ones with no content, which I think is better. You don’t want spiders wasting time with pages that have no valuable/ranking content.
    However, I do think some forum pages are not getting crawled for some reason and it’s likely due to content not being of value to Google or spiders not getting there. I also think older topics get ranked less than newer ones.
    One thing I know works is to have well written topic titles, which in turn are your page title tags. I’ve edited many topic titles and have seen them rank better afterwards.
  8. Like
    AlexWebsites reacted to bfarber in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    The more pages you send to Google to crawl, the more pages Google has to split its resources over. Google will have a finite "crawl budget" for your site - how much resources it will spend crawling your site. If you send Google a ton of links to crawl that are low quality, you ultimately take resources away from Google crawling your higher quality content. You will find that as usual, it's quality over quantity.
    You are incorrect about profiles not being included in the sitemap (there is an option to toggle it off in the AdminCP - make sure it's enabled).
    Example: https://invisioncommunity.com/sitemap.php?file=sitemap_profiles_1
  9. Like
    AlexWebsites got a reaction from Markus Jung in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    I was of the same thought that the more you index will correlate to more traffic, but it just isn’t so if the content is not quality. Pages with what google sees as not valuable content (empty profile pages) can get dropped and if they don’t, don’t rank for anything good anyway. IPS default sitemap does include profile pages but excludes ones with no content, which I think is better. You don’t want spiders wasting time with pages that have no valuable/ranking content.
    However, I do think some forum pages are not getting crawled for some reason and it’s likely due to content not being of value to Google or spiders not getting there. I also think older topics get ranked less than newer ones.
    One thing I know works is to have well written topic titles, which in turn are your page title tags. I’ve edited many topic titles and have seen them rank better afterwards.
  10. Like
    AlexWebsites reacted to Sonya* in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    I have run an experiment for over a month. I have increased the number of entries in one sitemap from 500 to 1500 and have added lastmod date to the sitemap index that contains the last modification date of the newest entry in the sitemap (and NOT the timestamp of sitemap generation). Result: there was a slight increase in page indexed by Google, BUT there was no change in organic search traffic. 
    For me it is not worth just increasing the number of pages in index if there is no influence on traffic. That's why I have given up to "optimize" the sitemap. Can somebody here give a prove that number of pages in Google index correlates with organic search traffic from Google? I mean the traffic is the goal at the end of the day and not the number of indexed pages.
  11. Like
    AlexWebsites got a reaction from Sonya* in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    The question is, has your organic traffic gone up with more indexed pages from your new sitemap?
  12. Thanks
    AlexWebsites reacted to Nathan Explosion in (NE) Hide content   
    Not yet.
    If you hear nothing about it then it's purely because I haven't looked in it - when I do, and I make a decision, then I will update here.
  13. Thanks
    AlexWebsites got a reaction from Fosters in Member Lists Pro   
    It works on my end now, thank you.
  14. Thanks
    AlexWebsites reacted to Fosters in Member Lists Pro   
    I've uploaded a new version fixing this.
  15. Thanks
    AlexWebsites reacted to bfarber in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    I don't think it will have any impact, mostly because we use canonical meta tags to prevent duplicate "pages" being indexed. When I clicked on this topic I ended up at URL:
    https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/442742-large-community-you-have-a-problems-with-sitemap/page/10/?tab=comments#comment-2784429 In the HTML page source I have
    <link rel="canonical" href="https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/442742-large-community-you-have-a-problems-with-sitemap/page/10/" /> So when Google visits the URL I did, the resulting URL they will index is 
    With your customization you are attempting to send signals to Google "look at this URL and this URL and this URL" all from the same topic with the same canonical tag, which is different from the URL in the sitemap. I think, if anything, this will cause confusion to Google's spiders along the lines of "why does their sitemap say to index url X but when we visit it they tell us the canonical URL is Y?"
  16. Thanks
    AlexWebsites reacted to sadams101 in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    @DawPi has completed the custom sitemap application that I mentioned which handles all posts. You can see an example of it here:
    but it is modeled after the existing sitemap--but this one handles just forum posts. We were not able to add a minimum word count to this application, as one person suggested, because it slowed things down and put a load on the CPU. We were, however, able to add the ability to exclude certain forums, for example my site has around 25 different forums, so I was able to exclude a general chit chat and a technical support forum that are more or less off the main topic of my site.
    Whether or not this will be a benefit or liability in Google search is an open question, but I'll follow up here with any noticeable changes, positive or negative.
    I believe this will have positive results, simply because we are making it easier for Google to index specific content and allow them to provide more relevant search results for any given query. Currently Google's results may send people to a topic page like this one /page/10/, and the person who searched will still have to fish on it for the specific results of their query. With all posts indexed, Google should be able to send the person directly to the content that answers their query...at least that is my hope here.
    Anyone interested in this app can contact @DawPi
    Here is a screenshot of the admin page:

  17. Like
    AlexWebsites reacted to Nathan Explosion in (NE) Hide content   
    For clarify - it currently hides content if the user viewing the content is a member of the groups chosen in the plugin settings.
    Am I correct in reading that you would like to be able to hide content if the post has been made by a member of a group instead?
  18. Like
    AlexWebsites got a reaction from TheJackal84 in Chat Application ( Support Topic )   
    Two different chat apps by two different developers. 
  19. Like
    AlexWebsites got a reaction from Fierce God in Chat Application ( Support Topic )   
  20. Thanks
    AlexWebsites reacted to Sonya* in Chat Application ( Support Topic )   
    It was a feature in previous IPS Chat version. In the main menu where Chat tab is, there was a number of currently active users in the chat. If there is nobody in the chat, then there is just a "Chat" if there are two users, then the menu tab looks like "Chat (2)". 
  21. Thanks
    AlexWebsites got a reaction from SJ77 in Member Lists Pro   
    I still cannot get any custom profile field to show, is anyone else having issues?
  22. Thanks
    AlexWebsites reacted to Pete T in TXT & PHP Widget   
    I have finial updated to 4.4.1 sorry delay been working overtime get this finished.
  23. Like
    AlexWebsites reacted to Rikki in Forum Index data-pagecontroller for each view   
    .ipsApp_front is also a class on the body element, so you need to remove the space (I've also moved that class to the front of the selector for clarity):
    body.ipsApp_front[data-pageapp="forums"][data-pagemodule="forums"][data-pagecontroller="index"] .ipsBreadcrumb { display: none !important; } An alternative way is using the data-pagelocation attribute in the same way you've used the others, since that tells you whether it's 'front' or 'admin':
    body[data-pagelocation="front"][data-pageapp="forums"][data-pagemodule="forums"][data-pagecontroller="index"] .ipsBreadcrumb { display: none !important; } Either of those approaches should work 🙂 
  24. Like
    AlexWebsites got a reaction from marina_ls in Forum Index data-pagecontroller for each view   
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    AlexWebsites got a reaction from CheersnGears in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    Is mailbouncer working with 4.4? I do not see 4.4 in the compatibility box.

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