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  1. Agree
    Hisashi got a reaction from Unienc in Pages (CMS) > Field > Upload > file size limit   
    I use pages app and realize that the platform is very limited offering few resources to admins.
    Why doesn't an UPLOAD tool have an option for the administrator to limit the size of file that is uploaded to server? 
    We are simply at the mercy of hoping that a person does not abuse tool.
    Something so simple that there is in application: Downloads

    @Matt Why in an upload tool doesn't have it?
  2. Agree
    Hisashi reacted to onlyME in Videobox   
    You can wait for Black Friday 😄
    Currently, it doesn't have Favorites feature, I will consider it.
  3. Agree
    Hisashi got a reaction from ZLTRGO in Pages (CMS) > Field > Upload > file size limit   
    I use pages app and realize that the platform is very limited offering few resources to admins.
    Why doesn't an UPLOAD tool have an option for the administrator to limit the size of file that is uploaded to server? 
    We are simply at the mercy of hoping that a person does not abuse tool.
    Something so simple that there is in application: Downloads

    @Matt Why in an upload tool doesn't have it?
  4. Agree
    Hisashi reacted to Matt in Pages (CMS) > Field > Upload > file size limit   
    Yes, that's a sensible idea. I'll make a note.
  5. Like
    Hisashi reacted to opentype in Help with a small edit   
    No, it’s not global. It’s part of the set of “Display Templates” assigned to the database. Found under Pages → Templates. 
  6. Like
    Hisashi got a reaction from Gabriel Torres in Time discrepancy in Most Recent Member   
    Same with me, it's 2 hours early.
    Correct time is 23:11 (GMT-3)

  7. Like
    Hisashi reacted to OctoDev in Brilliant Discord Integration   
    @SoftwareFactory could you please add a new menu item in acp where it says 'Discord Users' then it shows all forum members who have linked their Discord and what their Discord name/id is?
    There has been plenty of scenarios where people has linked their account and abused our Discord, we'd like to ban them from our forum as well but that's impossible.
    If there was like a new menu item in the Discord addon that allows us to view all members, or even look up Discord ID to find the forum member - that'd be perfect!
  8. Like
    Hisashi reacted to ReyDev in Story [Support Topic]   
    this is one of planned features, so we have this one in the next versions
    google ads, do you mean?
    there is a section called `my stories`. you can delete, re-share or disable the stories by mebers and admin
    Nope. all files after exipiry, will be marked as Passive stories.

  9. Haha
    Hisashi got a reaction from sobrenome in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
  10. Agree
    Hisashi reacted to Clover13 in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    My take so far reading through all of this...
    Don't lose your marketplace developers.  They're a key to your success and help build your suite of products.  It's a win for customers in getting more robust features, it's a win for developers in earning revenue, it's a win for your company/product suite in both revenue and features that can be adopted.  It's a tough balance to be had, but I can certainly see a credit system whereas developers are credited back license costs once they contribute X (whatever X is deemed to be).  This incentivizes them, and should be coupled to a quality metric to ensure they aren't just throwing something out on marketplace to get the credit but that their offering provides verifiable value to the consumers. There is a huge gap in affordability between hobby sites and business sites.  To have the same pricing model apply to both only serves to make it unaffordable for hobby sites entirely.  If IPS has an interest in being the forefront of online forums/CMS and gain correlating exposure, this approach is leaving hobby sites out of the equation and that is a net loss for IPS in gaining visibility which translates to future sales/adoption by new hobby/business sites (penny wise, dollar foolish).  Not to mention the immediate loss and future visibility from hobby sites that migrate to another solution and popularize it will negatively impact future IPS sales/adoption.  IPS needs to find a way to balance the affordability based on the target customer, but not at a reduction of features (as that inhibits marketplace incentive and adoption if that feature set can be found elsewhere) Support.  You need to address the turnaround SLA for support and customers need an appropriate path to solving site critical issues within a reasonable SLA without it costing $1250 or waiting 3+ days for a resolution to take effect (note, not 3 days to respond, but 3 days to resolve it and have the site properly operational). Unquestionably, the PR around this specific case needs (and is getting) review.  Moving forward IPS needs to do a far better job in broadcasting the roadmap of these changes and provide their customers the opportunity to assess them, which avoids customers being cornered ala "big bang" like we've seen here. I can see MANY are quite upset by these changes for a variety of reasons, but I also see opportunities for IPS to revise their approach for their benefit and for their customers' benefit.  It's a complex situation, and there are fair arguments on both sides, however there is a big void in the balance in the current solution and it WILL unquestionably adversely affect BOTH IPS and its customers.
    - "cannot see the forest for the trees"
  11. Haha
    Hisashi got a reaction from Sonya* in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
  12. Haha
    Hisashi got a reaction from Duken in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
  13. Haha
    Hisashi got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
  14. Haha
    Hisashi got a reaction from WP V0RT3X in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
  15. Haha
    Hisashi got a reaction from Percival in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
  16. Like
    Hisashi got a reaction from TDBF in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
  17. Like
    Hisashi got a reaction from Yamamura in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
  18. Haha
    Hisashi got a reaction from sudo in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
  19. Agree
    Hisashi reacted to opentype in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    Speaking of that: There seem so be another change, causing entry-level cloud customers to loose the ability to even install resources which are not from the Marketplace. From a developer’s perspective, that makes offering products outside of the Marketplace even less appealing. 

  20. Like
    Hisashi reacted to PoC2 in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    QFT – This is a serious point.
    I can handle the price increases (10 years is a long time without one, absolutely) but the way they were communicated and implemented has been... poor.
    Que Sera
    One other note, as mentioned above, more recent PR and community management has come across as rather shallow and insincere.
    We are not children.
    Some of us have dealt with death on a daily basis and are not 'funky teenagers'. If you are a business, with business prices, please endeavour to keep it business-like, with a business-like respect for your customers' intelligence.
    Thank you.
  21. Like
    Hisashi reacted to Talksofa in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    The announcement of a price hike combined with no more ticket support is reason enough for me to reconsider my business strategy.

    I rarely need ticket support, I usually solve the problems myself. But having no ticket support for a software is simply a no-go for me. And having a newsletter that tries to sell a drastically price hike from $50 to $80 as "increase of $2.50/month" is more cynicism than I need from a provider. If I need cynicism or sales speech I will do that myself.

    I worked for more than 20 years as a developer, team leader and divisional head in the software industry and I think I have a sixth sense for software companies and how they work and think internally. In the last year I have got too many bad signals from Invision: maybe in the future cloud only? Zapier not until protests? Price hike. No more ticket support.

    I'm in the process of converting a bunch of Xenforo and Wordpress sites to Invision and today I've halted the process. Final decision how to proceed until end of the year. In the end, its all about trust.
  22. Like
    Hisashi reacted to WP V0RT3X in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    The higher prices will have a big impact on the Marketplace too.
    - Many ppl will leave IPS -> less sales in the MP.
    - The ones that don't leave won't invest as much as before in addons.
    - Less addon sales will make devs switch to other platforms.
    - Less and bad supported addons will frighten new customers
    (that and the high prices for the basic backage of course).
  23. Like
    Hisashi reacted to Square Wheels in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    Again, change comes very slow, and often we get things we never asked for.  "Pay us lots of money and wait to see what you get..."  I don't think so.
    I am not a happy customer at this time and still feel this was done to suit the big customers.
    Moving to your online plan is not an option for me.
    Like others have said, we have options, and it looks like many of us will exercise those options.
  24. Agree
    Hisashi reacted to sudo in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    I am not sure where to start with all this. I cant believe you guys did all this along with a site redesign at the same time and no notice period, I am speechless!
    I cant believe I will be losing email support while you increase the price at the same time. I paid for priority support and now that's an insane price per year for what is email support. It takes serious cahoonas to both increase the price and cripple email support at the same time. Email support pricing should be far far more reasonable, I honestly thought $1250 was a mistake when I saw the screenshot above, I could understand having an email support pricing tier and then a $1250 priority support tier but also renewals shouldnt be going up while we lose proper email support.
    Then if we dont pay for support we cant use the market place and cant even save our prior purchases so if we need to reinstall an addon we are out of luck.
    We are lucky, we can afford the support increase price wise but one of the HUGE reasons I liked IPB was the email support, it can be very curt at times but I valued it and if you had only increased the price and not removed email support I would have dealt with it as it has been a decade.
    I am strongly considering renewing our Xenforo license to have a play and test viability after this.
    Initial feedback:
    Build the knowledge base publicly first before removing support
    I understand the desire to have self support with a knowledge base, its a good thing for everyone if it gets populated but you should have been doing this months ago building the knowledge base publicly before doing any changes, that way you can point to the option and say its there and useful. Get a common ticket theme in, create a KB article then have the subject field for support request do a search as you type pointing you to articles that sounds similar before submitting the email request.
    We need a reported/acknowledged bugs area
    This needs to be along with the knowledge base really, a bug tracker would have cut your support requests because people would be able to see if it has been reported before, I know the support forum kinda does that but its not a bug tracker and its not clear if its an active bug with a fix pending or release or even workaround.
    When I hit an issue on other software I always check to see if it has been reported first on bug trackers but because of the strange mantra of open a ticket you guys have we are blind to upcoming fixes usually until release, Jordon has at least been mentioning them but its still not a proper solution.
    Both things above should have been done before these policy changes with support
    That way your customers would have become familiar with them and you could have iterated through any issues with them before removing email support and you could actually see if this type of support works well before causing big issues for your customers, it seems so rushed.
    You guys made the whole "tickets are similar" problem yourselves with the submit a ticket mantra that is here, you should have been correcting that before making sweeping changes to support. You have entered self support mantra with none of the real tools used by others to help aid people do this. You may have plans for these tools but you literally have not shown them to us which is crazy if they exist. Right now we have a sole forum for support, I have no idea why you have rushed this through.
    I have more to say but I thought I would shoot out first.
    Please get the knowledge base live and a bug tracker live asap to at least help and to be honest delay the email support changes past the renewal/January deadline until this mess is sorted and people are comfortable, this should be a much much slower transition.
    Also contributors/devs need a discount/special license to prevent the massive bleed that will happen.
    Its crazy you dont have a way of reducing their burden and its a major issue to the viability of the market place and IPB. Their are fewer addons here than other competitors and it will only get worse with dev's having to pay large amounts to renew AND customers of devs having to pay to even buy their addons or even install them. This is crazy crazy crazy and so hostile to developers. Its one of the main reasons no one wants a certain v5 of software out there, regularly people complain about the lack of addons.
    You could get them to apply with the proviso the license isnt used to sell addons not on the marketplace and not run a full site on. Aka they can have a public site showcasing with the options etc and even getting support there but it cant be a way for a serious site that has nothing to do with the developer to get a cheap license. Hell they could apply after they have published an addon and the large discount applies to the renewals side of it.
    I am really disappointed some of the best developers here are now looking at possibly removing addons to reduce their burden rather than developing for those addons and being able to test on those addons, its so opposite and harmful because of the increased costs.
    And there was me thinking things had improved a lot when @Jordan Miller with communications and community activity, I actually could see things improving a lot with better engagement with end customers then this whole chaos happens.
  25. Like
    Hisashi reacted to Daddy in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    So, we're just going to increase the cost of licenses without notice so no one has the chance to renew before the price hike? That is very scummy, and seems pretty intentional. We're losing features, getting slapped in the face with useful features that's cloud only, and now we're paying MORE for the same thing... What is going on?
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