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    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from Aramaech in Change "Badges" to "Awards" and allow categories of Awards   
    I'm expecting you can change part in your Localization menu and use the 'translate' function as that's why I intend to you. You can find this in the Admin CP.
    As to categories for Badges, I would welcome this for both the member view and admin view. You can get lost in the amount of badges when creating them! Seems straightforward and logical to do so 🙂
  2. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Aramaech in Change "Badges" to "Awards" and allow categories of Awards   
    Simple idea:
    Wherever it says "Badges" (ie on the member profile it says Recent Badges) change "Badges" to "Awards", and then allow categories of Awards to be created by the admin. Example categories could be things like badges, trophies, medals, etc, or things like X related Awards, Y related Awards etc.
    (To push it just a little to far, it would also be nice if awards had hovercards, or something comparable like a page.)

    Thoughts about the details:
    On the admin cp, visually those would probably look like collapsable sections with titles (similar to the forum tree) each containing their respective awards in a vertical column just like they are now. That and the addition of a "create new award category" button would do it. Ok and maybe adding in section header category titles in the member profile's award(badge) display page.

    The way it is now, all awards are essentially lumped into a single category called "badges", and when you're on a members profile looking at their badges page it doesn't take the addition of too many badges before it's sort of a confusing mess to look at. It feels to me like allowing admins the ability to categorize them, and thereby vary them beyond "badges", it would not only look better but thematically it would open more doors for user individuation.
  3. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Jordan Miller in Scheduled Posts   
    Jotted this down. We'll see if this is something worth taking a closer look at in the future. 🔮
  4. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from TNTThom in Scheduled Posts   
    This would help no end. A universal option across the applications that create content would be absolutely amazing. Especially when time is a finite resource these days and sometimes you want to put something up at a specific time but you know you won't be around to do it at that moment. I imagine most people that work alongside their community as a hobby or/and second job it would be critical to their efficiency and possibly a huge wellbeing impact for people.
  5. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to SoftwareFactory in Brilliant Discord Integration   
    Please accept my apologies for the late response. You can remove any role assignments, so the app will not assign (except the "general role" which is granted to everyone who has linked their accounts) nor remove any roles during synchronization.
    Go to the Configuration page of Brilliant Discord Integration in ACP Click the Clear data button Check "Group data", everything else should stay unchecked. Click Continue.  If you have any additional questions, feedback or require additional assistance, do not hesitate to reach out to me at any time in a private message. Thank you.
    I have reached out to you in a private message about this issue.
    A solution for this problem will be released in the next update, among other amazing major improvements 🙂
    That's what happens when you register your account with Discord. If such a user signs out from Discord (which has been purposefully made impossible), they cannot sign in anymore. They can, however, set a password for their account - simply by signing out, clicking "Forgot your password?" instead of signing in, and providing their Discord account email. They will receive a link to set a password for their account, and then they will be able to unlink their Discord account.
    If you need further assistance with this issue, please let me know.
  6. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Adriano Faria in Raffles System   
    Free raffles = giveaways and Commerce isn’t required. It won’t use any payment method. 
    If you want to run Raffles, then Commerce is required and it will use any payment methods you have set-up in Commerce.
  7. Haha
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Charles in Hump Day: humpless   
    @Jordan Miller is on vacation.
    End of hump day.
  8. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from DamonT in Quizzes   
    No problem Adriano, thanks for letting us know. I'll keep my fingers crossed for the near future.
    Okay, thank you for checking. I'll do a few more tests with some other people and see what it does. I'll report back if I see anything strange.
  9. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Adriano Faria in Quizzes   
    Not interested in Achievements at this moment. Maybe in a future version.
    It's working fine to me:
  10. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from DamonT in Quizzes   
    Hi Adriano, just a couple queries if thats okay?
    Any chance of adding actions into this app in order for achievements to pick it up? Most common ones would definitely be:
    Taking a Quiz Taking multiple Quizzes Scoring 100% on a Quiz Also, just not sure my view is working regarding table and list view. I changed the option to grid view but when i refreshed my page it did not change the front end list so wondered if i'm missing an option or if its a bug?
    Many thanks
  11. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Marc Stridgen in Badges leaderboard?   
    There is no such leaderboard as such, but its certainly an interesting idea. I will move this over to our suggestions forum for future consideration
  12. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to loccom in Badges leaderboard?   
    Hi guys
    Is there a way to view badges earned in a week or month? We would like a leaderboard of badges earnt?
    Is this possible?
  13. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to SoftwareFactory in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    The new website design looks just amazing! Good job! I'm fine with most changes.
    If I was not a developer, I would hate the fact that I need to pay $100 more yearly. But I probably wouldn't need all the apps as well in such case, and it wouldn't be that painful. Though I wish there was a cheaper cloud option, maybe with fewer apps. I think that many customers don't need all of them. I also have some concerns about the future of Marketplace, but I will be making a topic about this later on. I would say it's already too much of things to read this week, for both you and us...
    This is probably not the best topic to share this, but I love how the software evolved over the years. I also have many memories related to your software and the entire community around it. I was 11 years old when I and my friend were setting up Minecraft-related forums - that was my first experience with Invision (some crazy things happened afterwards, but it was funny and I learned a lot).
    There is no way I will ever forget this. Never. People I met on communities using your software had an incredibly significant impact on my life. And now as a developer, I am committed to helping people manage all of their amazing and meaningful communities, with apps like Brilliant Discord Integration.
    And you know what? I love doing this. Why? Because at the end of the day, the most important thing in life is the value you bring to other people's lives.
  14. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Matt in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    I want to thank you all for your feedback. I appreciate everyone who took the time to leave their thoughts and concerns. I've read every single one and replied to almost all of them.
    Firstly, I want to say that I understand that the messaging that went out ahead of this update fell short of what you deserve, and I want to apologise for that.
    After spending two days reading every single post, almost all concerns fall into these three areas:
    1) The future of support
    I've seen many people use the phrase 'no more support', which isn't true. I know the change from ticket support to staffed community support is a significant change, but I genuinely believe that it will benefit customers. I believe that we can create a living knowledge base of solved issues just like many brands do. For example, when I have a problem with my iPhone, I google it and invariably end up with a link to a topic within their support forums with a solved answer. I don't need to raise a ticket with them and wait for a reply.
    There are many "what about" concerns mixed in, and I ask you to try the new staffed community support areas and give us your feedback once you've used it regularly. We will work with you based on that feedback and make improvements where it is needed.
    We have custom functionality that shows our team links to your client accounts, including license keys, etc., so we know who you are and have all your information right next to the topic. You will never need to divulge personal information, or even your site URL if you do not want to.
    If your support issue is complex or needs developer intervention, with a click of a button, our technicians can convert this into a ticket for you and we will continue to resolve the issue with you in that ticket.
    You will be in safe hands.
    2) Price Rises
    We have not raised our prices for well over a decade. We've always been reluctant to do it and held off for too long, resulting in a large jump to make up for a lost time.
    We can't reduce the prices to their pre-September levels, but we will be much more mindful of price rises in the future.
    3) Annual Renewals
    We want to simplify billing and reduce the number of invoices we need to send, and you need to pay. An annual invoice seemed logical to achieve this.
    However, you have made it clear that moving to annual renewals affects your budgeting, and we have listened to that.
    We have reverted this decision and have restored 6-month renewals in your client area. This is not a temporary one-off offer; it's a permanent change.
    Again, I want to thank you all for being so vocal and passionate about Invision Community. We want to keep offering you the very best community platform to help your communities succeed.
  15. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from Clover13 in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    I think many, like me, who haven't responded yet are still really taking this all in. My overriding concern is the line above that was partially acknowledged by Matt later on somewhere advising they are a dying breed.
    As i'm still trying to make my mind up on how I feel about all of this, I've always felt its better to focus on action and what we can do together, rather than dwell and moan about stuff (even if I really want to).
    Queries in no particular order:
    Hobby (Non-Income) Communities - Are these categorically out of your operating model and vision now or in the next 5 years? I'm starting to feel like they are not in the vision based on responses so far.
    Hobby (Non-Income) vs Business - Following on, I would love to know the proportionate split between how many hobby sites and business take your product if you have that data? Gut feel again is you have a substantial amount of sites here that don't generate income like a business.
    Future Prices - With acknowledgement that prices will be more steadily rising over time rather than none in 10 years, will you link this external factors going forward, such as the price of living, etc?
    Future Prices 2 - Would it be something you can commit to, to say that any future price changes will be effectively in 3-6 months from an email confirmation? Gut feel seems everyone was expecting them to rise at some point, but I think most/all would agree a gradual increase over the next few years rather than an immediate hike is not consumer friendly.
    3rd Party Developer Prices - You may not be able to answer this Matt, but is there an expectation of 3rd party  developers to hold their prices?
    I've dramatically reduce them over the years but as many essential functions aren't in the core, then I still pay for 5-7 additional items. Gut feel based on what @Adriano Faria (who is top notch btw) said earlier that these most likely will all have a potential small increase too. Therefore, if this is the case:
    Adopting Marketplace into core - Have you and/or will you consider significantly more marketplace functionality into the core product? Do they need to be paid for annually moving forward too? Demand feels like it should be more for core changes rather than being asked to request plug-ins, in my honest opinion.
    I think overall price increases are accepted in general walk of life if they are reasonable and fairly done over time. My concern starting to shape is more about the knock-on impact of prices to everything else that you need as part of your website/home, etc and if the vision of IC still caters to a large base of consumers.
    Thanks in advance.
  16. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to InvisionHQ in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    Generally speaking, after so many years I feel I can say that invision is a company that thinks well about the choices it makes. But this time, as others have already written, I am very concerned about the collapse of the Marketplace. It is quite clear to me that the new pricing policy and the type of support offered for a fee is aimed exclusively at the business sector. This means that hundreds of hobby forums will be looking for alternative software solutions and this also means less appeal for me and many other developers to develop app and plugins.
    Although I don't know the reasons for a series of "blows" thrown at the customer at the same time, I find some of the choices made by Invision risky.
    Even if I accept the price increase, which is something I can live with, I think it was a mistake to remove the possibility to pay every 6 months. This has disoriented customers even more, even giving a perception of a heavier increase than it really is.
    Furthermore, it must be acknowledged that one of invision's greatest assets has always been its ticket support. 
    In short, I'm a bit worried, I'm sure I'll be one of the last to abandon ship... I've been here for 20 years... but I confess that I've been looking for alternatives for the first time in many years.
    The problem is not the price, I am more concerned about the choice to let the hobby communities go.
    Unfortunately I don't think the the fresh new green buttons can turn this into good news.

    Let's see, I understand that even the pandemic period is not the best but let's try to give confidence to Invision as Jordan asks. Instead I would ask invision to review at least the possibility of returning to payment every six months, not for me, but I think it would help many.
  17. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to CoffeeCake in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    I am concerned that you might think that the feedback is "send an e-mail a few hours before changing the look of your web site (and oh-by-the-way-side-note-pricing-models-for-existing-clients-go-into-effect-immediately-with-no-significant-advance-notice)."
    The feedback is that you should have provided notice on revised pricing models, inclusive of what those revised prices would be months before implementing those changes so that organizations could make appropriate changes in their expected operational expenses.
    Speaking for our organization, there's no issue with the changes other than you didn't give any notice to revise our operational forecasts and planning, and our renewal is also in November. Thankfully, we have the ability to reallocate funds unexpectedly, yet not all of your customers are in that position, and it's rather poor form for what we consider a partner in our organization's ongoing success.
    I receive an e-mail from a streaming video service that their monthly price will go up one dollar with more than a month's notice. It's just inexcusable to have tied this all into throwing a new shade of paint on your sales site.
  18. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to WP V0RT3X in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    The higher prices will have a big impact on the Marketplace too.
    - Many ppl will leave IPS -> less sales in the MP.
    - The ones that don't leave won't invest as much as before in addons.
    - Less addon sales will make devs switch to other platforms.
    - Less and bad supported addons will frighten new customers
    (that and the high prices for the basic backage of course).
  19. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to opentype in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    I knew the prices would rise with this site relaunch, but I expected more a generous correction for inflation for new orders (not renewals). But the changes are far from slight. And for people like me who have many licenses, it actually threatens my entire business, because the price change is multiplied by the number of licenses. And the new terms make it all even worse. For my oldest license, I had an upcoming renewal of $85 as the last payment in this financial year. Now that jumped to $310—well over 300%! Yes, it’s for 12 months, but I still need to pay it NOW without having earned this money through the site or even planned for it. And even if would manage with this one site, I certainly can’t manage it for 5 self-hosted licenses and their upcoming renewals. 
    And it didn’t had to be this way. There is the established system of grandfathering existing prices while only charging more for new customers for example. Or it could be a slow transition that is announced a year or two in advance, so we could have prepared for it someone. Dropping these drastic price and terms changes on us like a bomb, effective and possibly charged immediately, was a bad move. 
  20. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Kirill Gromov in Ideas Application   
    Support topic for Ideas app:
  21. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Adriano Faria in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    Submitted. Follow the file to get notified when It's avaialble, then we'll work in bugs.
  22. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Adriano Faria in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    No, nothing related to scripts at all. Resources from TheJackal84 are all very well written. I was referring to changes required in templates to work with PHP 8, like missing default values, etc.
  23. Agree
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Adriano Faria in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    What a huge app! It took the whole day only to fix template issues and still there are things to do. 😳
  24. Agree
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Chris Anderson in Quizzes   
    It goes without saying that we all want every one of  the marketplace apps to be updated within days of a new release.  We need to better manage our expectations as Adriano has a very large collection of marketplace and custom apps that he supports. They will all be updated when they get updated and not a moment sooner.  
    Coding and testing works best when you are in a good frame of mind.  Being constantly pestered for updates is unlikely to put Adriano in such a state.  Be of good cheer@Adriano Fariaand the other marketplace developers, we appreciate all of you...

  25. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Adriano Faria in Tournaments ( Support Topic )   
    I'm working on this app. Should be available in a couple of days then it's up to the marketplace moderators.
    I really don't promise achievements now. I haven't even tried that yet and I still have others resources to update. First will be a compatibility version with a couple of fixes for issues reported. New features will come in a future version.
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