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  1. Thanks
    shahed got a reaction from Eric BXL in Navigation Toolkit [Support Topic]   
    Sorry for the confusion. it is one of the new feature in 1.0.1 and you can see in demo website. I had submitted this version about three days ago and updated the feature list as such. since then this version awaits for approval by MP team.
  2. Like
    shahed got a reaction from Eric BXL in Navigation Toolkit [Support Topic]   
    Thanks @Everade for reporting.
    Every issue that are being reported (editor, quotes, badges, etc) will be fix in 1.0.2 // Navigation Toolkit 1.0.1 are already submitted for the review in marketplace.
    There are however a few notes:
    This is because plugin uses JavaScript method for storing user selections. and JS files loads during page load.
    There are so many CSS class variable in place and adding setting for them is really not the direction I want to go with this plugin. though I must mention that I have some ideas for easier customization.
  3. Like
    shahed got a reaction from Eric BXL in Navigation Toolkit [Support Topic]   
    This is one of the issues that will be fix in 1.0.1 👍
  4. Like
    shahed got a reaction from Steph40 in Navigation Toolkit [Support Topic]   
    This is one of the issues that will be fix in 1.0.1 👍
  5. Like
    shahed got a reaction from BertT in Navigation Toolkit [Support Topic]   
    This is one of the issues that will be fix in 1.0.1 👍
  6. Like
    shahed got a reaction from Everade in Pages Legend News - Supporttopic   
    Well it probably tells running the website with PHP 8.x finally triggered this old unnoticed bug. there is two parameter in templates that being missed to use. normally this error log should display to us long ago and dated back to early versions 😀. for me log appear after upgrade to IPS 4.6 and it is one of the problems that being fixed for 2.5.1. it will be roll out soon.
  7. Like
    shahed reacted to Matt in CKEditor 4 end of life - alternative editor consideration   
    I'd go back to plain text with Markdown.

    One thing we do want to do is do something extra for Pages. The functions you need for most topics/replies is vastly different to what you will need for pages construction.
  8. Thanks
    shahed reacted to beats23 in Pages Legend Magazine [Support Topic]   
    Pretty cool designing @shahed. Well done.
    Very unique.
    Now folks can have that trendy Wordpress looks in IPS.
    I hope IPS takes notes @tredy Wordpress LooKs

  9. Like
    shahed reacted to Jordan Miller in Invision Community 4.6.0 Beta 1 is live!   
    Hey team, it's been 84 years (if you know you know), but...
    We're excited to announce that Invision Community 4.6.0 Beta 1 is officially live! 🎉 
    @Matt has a blog post on the way detailing all of the amazing additions, including how many commits and lines of code that were changed. A lot. The answer is a lot. 
    Just to refresh your memories, some of the biggest changes/additions include:
    Achievements (Points!) Web app and Push notifications Anonymous Posting when posting as a member Highlight Topics with replies from specific Groups Spam Improvements (And more!) It's available per request for Cloud customers or, if you're self-hosted, by manually downloading it.
    Self-hosted: please make the necessary backups before upgrading. Because this is a Beta, please understand there is an inherent risk when upgrading.
    The more information/feedback we get, the better we can optimize and improve things 🙂
    If you find something and would like to submit a bug, please do so here.
    Looking forward to hearing what you think! Sound off in the replies below. 
  10. Like
    shahed got a reaction from Eudemon in Legend Styler - Posts [Support Topic]   
    Plugin is now upgraded.
    What's New in Version 1.0.3
    Fixed Issue with large gap in small content posts when Sticky effect is active Fixed UIP sizing with larger profile images when UIP width is choose to be Small or Smaller Change Setting: "UIP info area > Profile image hover [Vertical UIP]" to "UIP info area > UIP hover [Vertical UIP]". now display stats when hover on UIP area [Demo] CSS and HTML updates
  11. Like
    shahed got a reaction from Eudemon in Legend Styler - Posts [Support Topic]   
    I assume option Vertical UIP > Sticky panel is enabled? as I told this before, gap created because of sticky UIP. I have some Idea for this.
    Anyway for now If you deactivate this option, big gap will be disappear.
    Popular post highlight will be fix in 1.0.3 /
    Though I don't know what is advanced advertisement app. plugin offers multiple styles but for post area uses exact same post template as IPS default does. the only different is post template in plugin exist in a different parent. now with the look of this ad, should be a quick integration for app developer. plugin however are tested with IPS own ad settings (display ad after first post) and it is working fine.
  12. Thanks
    shahed reacted to Eudemon in Legend Styler - Posts [Support Topic]   
    great UI improvement with the latest update
    here are some latest bug
    with remove padding checked, some post still have this big gap

    I haven't looked into your code, i assume you replaced post content template, this breaks in post ad for those who use advanced advertisement app, it also breaks native popular post highlight


    site for reference: https://turboduck.net/forums/topic/35843-released-test-drive-unlimited-platinum/
  13. Like
    shahed got a reaction from Eudemon in Legend Styler - Posts [Support Topic]   
    Version 1.0.1 now released.
    What's New in Version 1.0.1  
    Bug fix: Remove padding-bottom in UIP when UIP does not have Sticky effect New setting: "Inherit UIP theme color scheme". useful for communities with multiple public themes New setting: "Stretched post area [Vertical UIP]". remove un-necessary padding and make post area stretched New setting: "Group indicator badges [Vertical UIP]". disable this option removes custom badges, dots and ... that assigned to User groups indicator New setting: "UIP info area > Profile image hover [Vertical UIP]". display stats only when hover on profile image [Demo] New setting: "UIP info area > None [Vertical UIP]". chose to not display any user stats at all New setting: "Stats > Grid (Small) [Vertical UIP]". display smaller version of grids stats CSS and HTML updates  
  14. Like
    shahed reacted to Jordan Miller in Hump Day: Improved appearance of the Notification Settings   
    Happy Hump Day, fam! 
    Been receiving a lot of messages about 4.6 and Achievements. We're near the finish line (I know that's annoying to hear but we're close!).
    Why the wait? We absorbed a ton of useful feedback from you and are implementing it 👏 Achievements is turning out even more epic than what we launched here a few weeks ago 😭. It'll be worth the wait (again, annoying I know, but sit tight).
    Our talented team of Code Yodas™ (aka our developers) implemented some cool additions that'll make their red carpet debut in 4.6. 📸 
    The ones we're highlighting today are the improved appearance of Notifications Settings and Top Files reporting in the ACP. Shout-out to YouTube Short URLs being fixed as well.

    Improved appearance of Notifications Settings
    You'll notice we're adding more flexibility to control what kinds of notifications show, and incorporating them with the Push notifications feature. 😍 . Thanks to @Rikki for hooking up the screen shot preview!

    Most Downloaded files statistics in the ACP
    And for the data junkies, we've also added statistics for the most downloaded files in the ACP. Shout-out to @Matt Finger for this implementation!

    Our full list of changes made in the last week:
    - Fixed an issue where changing table filters could cause the table to be stuck in loading state due to an underlying error.
    - Fixed an issue where Stripe webhook events may fail in some circumstances.
    - Account settings will no longer prompt for re-authentication if the account does not have a way of re-authenticating. Applies mostly to custom SSO integrations.
    - Fixed an issue where Youtube Shorts URLs would not embed.
    - Fixed an issue where API requests may cause an error if referencing transactions from deleted members.
    - Improved the appearance of the Notification Settings screen.
    - Added support for converting Markdown formatted posts in Vanilla.
    - Fixed some issues when converting from Vanilla and your files used to be in S3.
    - Added statistics pertaining to the most downloaded files

    Lots of exciting things going on here. What's your favorite from the list? Sound off in the comments - we'd love to hear from you! 
  15. Like
    shahed reacted to Jordan Miller in Hump Day: Achievements Improvements   
    HAPPY Hump Day! 
    A lot has gone down in the last week or two. In case you need a little refresher, we recently soft-launched Achievements. It'll be available for all in the coming weeks, but for now you can get a taste of it here in our own community. 
    The response has been insanely epic 👏 
    The feedback even more so 🤯 
    I personally took notes of all the feedback provided. We've already started implementing some key changes (shout-out to our super talented development team!! Show them some love in the comments), including:
    Explanation for how you earned a badge Current position / max number of ranks shown so you know how far you have to go Added tooltips on rank badges Added lazy loading Optimized rebuild routine Fixed a bunch of bugs I know that only scratches the surface, but keep in mind we'll continue better Achievements over time! 🤠
    Lots to absorb here. Now that you've had some time to digest Achievements, how are you feeling about it? Sound off in the replies below! 🥳
    PS - here's a short-list of some of the 4.6 fixes we worked on in the last week:
    - Added a confirmation pop-up when mass approving account withdrawals.
    - Added an option to limit Withdrawal requests to one per currency at any time. 
    - Fixed an issue where the AdminCP livesearch results link to categories instead of blogs.
    - Removed Aggregate rating from JSON-LD structured data
    - Worked around a bug in MySQL when viewing statistics in the AdminCP.
  16. Like
    shahed got a reaction from Amy Pond in FAQ/QA Widget [Support topic]   
    Hi @Amy Pond,
    Yes. though if you create page as "Manual HTML" just make sure you have enabled "Use suite HTML wrapper" option.
  17. Like
    shahed got a reaction from sobrenome in Pages in Clubs?   
    I have a really old suggestion about this. I mean it shouldn't be any different with how we handle adding Forums, Files, Gallery, etc to clubs. When you Open a Forum section within a club, it's not like create a whole new forum setup. or gallery or files sections for that matter. It's act like create a new "Category" from those app in clubs.
    For Pages, thinking about giving all those insane Pages app features like template management, fields ... to the hand of normal users... it's really disturbing. I think the best option is to Assign one Page's Database as a dedicated criteria, for Whole Club things. like when a user want to create an Article section for a club, it's simply create a new "Category" from that dedicated Page's Database. with this, all ACP functions remain in the hands of admin, while normal users can just create a category with settings like "Name" and "Description" and possibly, "FURL Slug"? more? I don't know just an idea.
  18. Like
    shahed got a reaction from BankFodder in FAQ/QA Widget [Support topic]   
    Not at all, suggestions and ideas are welcomed. they definitely put to consideration. sometimes doable and sometimes not. in your case, I think it's doable. 👍
    For next update, two feature will be added. description field for widget, and per-use of the widget, so admin can have more than one set of FAQ/QA widgets.
  19. Like
    shahed got a reaction from BankFodder in FAQ/QA Widget [Support topic]   
    FAQ/QA Widget is a widget, can be assign to any page through Block Manager by Admin. Admin can add/remove QA from the front-end of website. After installing the plugin, there is many option to customize the look and appearance of the widget. like background color, titles, colors and font size. you always can use default view as well, which is inherit the look and appearance from normal IPS style widgets.
    Please use this topic for support request or suggest new ideas.
  20. Like
    shahed got a reaction from kmk in FAQ/QA Widget [Support topic]   
    FAQ/QA Widget is a widget, can be assign to any page through Block Manager by Admin. Admin can add/remove QA from the front-end of website. After installing the plugin, there is many option to customize the look and appearance of the widget. like background color, titles, colors and font size. you always can use default view as well, which is inherit the look and appearance from normal IPS style widgets.
    Please use this topic for support request or suggest new ideas.
  21. Like
    shahed got a reaction from Poseidon2 in Pages Legend News - Supporttopic   
    What's New in Version 2.2.2  
    Template Update  
    @Poseidon2 This version will fix two bugs that being reported by you. however, you don't need to install, as fixed version already patched in your templates. 👍
  22. Like
    shahed got a reaction from Poseidon2 in Pages Legend News - Supporttopic   
    Please use one area for the support request.
    About review comment ... Thanks for bringing to my attention. It will be fix in the next update.
    I need a link for this but, I don't think you are using Pages legends page builder here. I think it's IPS Two column Page builder. regardless, Pages legend block seems doesn't have it's necessary CCS classes. Since you can see good result in first try and refresh make it broken, Use CTRL+F5 to refresh the page and see if it's works. It need to be tested in other browsers as well.
    In ACP navigate to Site Features > Plugins > Legend News > and change the setting for "I'm using IPS Wrapper".
  23. Like
    shahed got a reaction from Unlucky in Legend Blocks - Supporttopic   
    Individual title sections in blocks is being removed from templates in favor of plugin's settings, which itself works with "Page Builder" Template. There you can name every section with or without custom links.
    Your Theme > Edit HTML and CSS > CSS > pageslegendblocks.css > find this class:
    .legend_GOT_ipsCalendarDate { background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8) !important; border-radius: 0 0 3px 0; } change it to:
    .legend_GOT_ipsCalendarDate { background: rgba(130, 130, 130, 0.8) !important; border-radius: 0 0 3px 0; }  
  24. Like
    shahed got a reaction from Unlucky in Legend Blocks - Supporttopic   
    Block's height is a matter of block's settings. how many records, or if you choose to have description for them. but if you using Page Builder for you landing page, there is an option that helps to have more aligned design.

    It's possible. I will add new option for this in next release.
  25. Thanks
    shahed got a reaction from Joel R in Quick Links - Supporttopic   
    Plugin works only in Desktop. IPS itself have something similar in mobile, so plugin just hide in those devices.
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