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  1. Like
    bfarber reacted to christopher-w in So much empty space...   
    Come on guys, Invision is never going to please us all. And even if they adopted granular ACP theme adjustment tools same as Xenforo has, we'd still need to sit back and adjust dozens and dozens of margin, padding, line height and similar parameters to suit all of our individual tastes. And then you have the menu, which in my view should be docked in an object that can be bound to the DOM either on the server or in a CSOM. But, even if Invision did that, we'd still need to position it ourselves, and move it around depending on the app currently in use. So I say, be careful what you wish for as even though I'd like to see pages that are rendered a little more tightly and menus that break from the current paradigm, you can bet if Invision did that, we'd still be back with another set of demands next month.
    So how about we get together, put our hands in our pockets and see if we can find a designer come dev to create a configurable theme for us - and I mean a theme, not a (wanit in green, blue, red?) skinning exercise. It could include all sorts of presets including spacing, fonts, menu positions and so on, including specifics for desktop and mobile. Won't be cheap, but at least at the end of it we will have something we can use to give us what we want, rather than assuming Invision can pull a theme styling rabbit out of the hat which is going to miraculously please us all. I just don't see it.
    Of course, Invision are more than capable of doing this themselves. But a bit a string only goes so far, and if they do this, then all the other stuff we need like video transcoding (ok I need that 🙂 ) will get pushed to the back of the queue.
    So how how about it? Put our energies into something creative?
  2. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from Linux-Is-Best in We need webp NOW   
    It is recommended to output webp files in a <picture> tag instead of an <img> tag, which supports specifying multiple versions. That's something we'd have to take into account.
    Also, ios14 added support apparently: https://css-tricks.com/webp-image-support-coming-to-ios-14/
    I found that we have an open internal suggestion discussing this already so I've updated it. Thanks!
  3. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from jackflash in Cache table   
    You can delete the contents of that table at any time, yes.
  4. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in Spotify embed not working   
    Their oembed endpoint is down.
  5. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in Spotify embed not working   
    There were a few different Spotify issues that occurred within a short period of time. I would suggest testing the issue here on this forum (in the test forum) and if it's fixed then the issue is resolved for 4.5. If the issue is still occurring let us know.
  6. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in Spotify embed not working   
    Frankly we've had several fixes for Spotify in recent times and I can't remember off hand which was the most recent one to even suggest a way to patch yourself.
  7. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in Spotify embed not working   
    I can confirm a fix for this issue was committed - it apparently hasn't been released yet, but should be included with 4.5.0.
  8. Sad
    bfarber got a reaction from 403 - Forbiddeen in How i upload only JPG pictures?   
    When you use the "print screen" button, your operating system is taking a copy of your screen as a binary image into your clipboard. Most modern web browsers allow you to paste that binary stream into the editor (and in the case of our software, that paste is turned into an upload).
    There is no way to control what type of image file your operating system produces in this case. It is possible to convert the image type on the server, but there's really no reason to do so, so we don't.
    In short - there's no real way for us to control this behavior. You can check with Apple/Microsoft/Whoever makes your OS to see if there are any controls as to what kind of file is produced when you hit the print screen button.
  9. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from Ibai in We need webp NOW   
    It is recommended to output webp files in a <picture> tag instead of an <img> tag, which supports specifying multiple versions. That's something we'd have to take into account.
    Also, ios14 added support apparently: https://css-tricks.com/webp-image-support-coming-to-ios-14/
    I found that we have an open internal suggestion discussing this already so I've updated it. Thanks!
  10. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in Template, Inlcude external php   
    Yeah, I would say that if you already have a PHP script written to output the data from your custom database table, just include that script using the template plugin mentioned above. That'll be easier than converting the code into our framework (unless your goal was learning how to use our framework).
  11. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from tnn in <meta charset="utf-8"> must be the first element in <head>   
    We'll take a look, thanks for bringing this up.
  12. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from MEVi in We need webp NOW   
    It is recommended to output webp files in a <picture> tag instead of an <img> tag, which supports specifying multiple versions. That's something we'd have to take into account.
    Also, ios14 added support apparently: https://css-tricks.com/webp-image-support-coming-to-ios-14/
    I found that we have an open internal suggestion discussing this already so I've updated it. Thanks!
  13. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from AlexJ in We need webp NOW   
    It is recommended to output webp files in a <picture> tag instead of an <img> tag, which supports specifying multiple versions. That's something we'd have to take into account.
    Also, ios14 added support apparently: https://css-tricks.com/webp-image-support-coming-to-ios-14/
    I found that we have an open internal suggestion discussing this already so I've updated it. Thanks!
  14. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in We need webp NOW   
    It is recommended to output webp files in a <picture> tag instead of an <img> tag, which supports specifying multiple versions. That's something we'd have to take into account.
    Also, ios14 added support apparently: https://css-tricks.com/webp-image-support-coming-to-ios-14/
    I found that we have an open internal suggestion discussing this already so I've updated it. Thanks!
  15. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from crmarks in We need webp NOW   
    It is recommended to output webp files in a <picture> tag instead of an <img> tag, which supports specifying multiple versions. That's something we'd have to take into account.
    Also, ios14 added support apparently: https://css-tricks.com/webp-image-support-coming-to-ios-14/
    I found that we have an open internal suggestion discussing this already so I've updated it. Thanks!
  16. Like
    bfarber reacted to Allegheny in Login Anonymously Feature Missing in v4.5   
    Yeah... I've done a complete reversal on this after thinking on it for several hours.
    I should have paused and given it some more thought before only seeing it as a negative.  This new change will work just fine.
    Thanks for the positive reinforcement, it's appreciated.
  17. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from Gabriel Torres in Possible bug: sort by "most votes" showing up   
    I'm seeing the same. I'll make a note to look into this for an upcoming release, thanks.
  18. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from Dave Baker in Does the Forums application use a test suite?   
    Test Driven Development (TDD) is indeed a popular approach, but it is one of many. I would agree that in mission critical situations like pharma/aeronautical you may find very stringent requirements because the end result can literally mean life or death.
  19. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from Meddysong in Spoilers   
    Yes, just for clarity - disabling bbcode will have no impact on existing content, only on newly submitted content.
  20. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in Redis caching not improving performance - it's worse   
    Because it's not an option from the AdminCP, but is an option at the software level. You can review init.php and see all the available constants there with comments explaining what they do.
  21. Thanks
    bfarber reacted to JustHatched in Marketplace   
    Personally I like the new setup overall, makes checking for updates much quicker and installing said updates. If I need to add something custom not on the marketplace I am able to do so as well. I'm past the point of having time to tinker with the code, I just need it to work! (thanks @Adriano Faria for having all yur stuff work, it's appreciated)
  22. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in Geolocation on user login via Smartphone GPS or IP in IPS 4.0   
    The methods are still available in 4.5 yes.
  23. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in Geolocation on user login via Smartphone GPS or IP in IPS 4.0   
    \IPS\GeoLocation::getByIp() returns an instance of \IPS\GeoLocation (so it's an object, not an array).
    {{$geoData = \IPS\GeoLocation::getByIp( 'my IP' );}} {$geoData->lat} {$geoData->long}  
  24. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from kmk in We need more options for widget containers   
    An improvement like that will not be introduced in a point release. It will be something for a major version, just to be clear.
  25. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from LoPoSt in Problem with pasting code through editor into articles   
    When it is fixed, the fix will be noted in the changelog.
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