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    opentype got a reaction from ibaker in Stream efficiency   
    Put the secondary content in a club, so people who are interested can join and see the content, the ones who are not interested see the main site as before. 
  2. Thanks
    opentype got a reaction from AlexWebsites in Forum Defined Tags - Open System   
    They are just shown in a highlighted way when you type something. 

  3. Like
    opentype got a reaction from SoloInter in Pages SuperTimeline (Support Topic)   
    No, that is not possible and it is unlikely to make that possible just from the template. It’s something IPS would need to add. 
  4. Like
    opentype got a reaction from SoloInter in Pages SuperTimeline (Support Topic)   
    It works exactly like any other Pages database listing display. So yes, it can be assigned to a category and it will show a pagination when the number of records is higher than the value set for one listing view in the database settings. 
  5. Like
    opentype got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in [Bug] Sidebar Position   
    It’s not “incorrect”. It’s how responsive web design works. You have a flow of containers – one after another – and with a left-to-right reading direction, an element on the left comes first – whether those elements fit on one screen or not. And with the right-to-left reading direction it’s the other way around.
    It might not be “preferred” in every situation, but there is nothing “incorrect” about it. 
    For example, because they contain essential/important information. The help guide section here on the site has the navigation sidebar on the left. That’s a deliberate choice to use the behaviour wrongly labelled “incorrect”. 
  6. Like
    opentype got a reaction from Douglas Horbelt in Featured content on website   
    Hover over the abbreviation. It gets explained automatically. 
  7. Thanks
    opentype got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in hCaptcha failed to initialise   
    The developer console says “Missing sitekey”. So check that the site key is set correctly in the ACP. 
  8. Like
    opentype got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in Embedded link to another post resizing   
    See also.
  9. Like
    opentype got a reaction from Nathan Explosion in Dangerous PHP Functions enabled. Have access to PHP.ini.   
    Try without the quotation marks.
  10. Like
    opentype got a reaction from everzel in Strengthening Community Trust with Privacy and PII Data Features   
    For my taste, “account deletion” is too well hidden under “security and privacy”. 
    I would suggest to either change the tab name or to give this function its own tab, like this third-party solution does it. 

  11. Like
    opentype got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in Allow Pages databases to not have a "title" field   
    I wouldn’t call it a hack. It’s why editing the form is supported in the first place. The content of the field can also be processed via hooks or from the templates. Tons of options. But the average user will have a need for a proper title field, as this is what is shown and used as link in the ACP and on the front end. I doubt IPS will mess with that.
  12. Like
    opentype got a reaction from Princess Celestia in How to sharpen group badges?   
    It’s a custom.css rule to limit the size while uploading a larger image. 
    .cAuthorPane .cAuthorGroupIcon { max-width: 60px; }  
  13. Thanks
    opentype got a reaction from CheersnGears in Pages - WYSIWYG block with Pictures   
    I am not surprised it works like that. Floating images is a very crude method. It pretty much does what is asked. And that’s why I never float anything deliberately, whether it’s blocks, or articles or forum posts. 
    It also doesn’t play well with the responsiveness of the page, because you force a width that might work in one window size but not another.
    For a proper view of that layout, you would currently need custom HTML and IPS’ column or grid CSS. That can also deal with the responsiveness.  
  14. Like
    opentype got a reaction from ThomasDiy in Pages, Article Preview   
    It’s possible out of the box with some clever use of custom Pages database fields and just a tiny bit of HTML code. 
    I use it here myself: https://www.opentype.space/free-articles/
    That website also has an article which walks you through the steps, but that is part of my commercial Pages online course. 
  15. Like
    opentype got a reaction from David N. in OG - Open Graph images that takes the first pic in a forum topic   
    A simple solution: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8992-og-image-for-forum-topics/
    Only uses attachments though. 
  16. Like
    opentype got a reaction from David N. in Pages, Article Preview   
    It’s possible out of the box with some clever use of custom Pages database fields and just a tiny bit of HTML code. 
    I use it here myself: https://www.opentype.space/free-articles/
    That website also has an article which walks you through the steps, but that is part of my commercial Pages online course. 
  17. Like
    opentype got a reaction from TDBF in New year’s resolution: Make the Marketplace great again   
    I’m not judging in any way, just listing some observations about the developer/Marketplace situation in the recent years. 
    4.5 tightened the rules drastically. Result: several developers left for good. price increases. Developments needs a self-hosted installation and possibly a demo website. It’s now 850 + 300 annually. Someone starting out as developer really needs some killer products to earn that back and then generate profits. Cloud testing of resources would make it even more expensive (+1,788 annually).  Shift/changes to cloud. The lower tiers don’t have the ability to install third-party products. This decreases the reach and makes running independent third-party shops less useful/profitable.  Signatures turned off. No possibility for passive advertisement through community posts.  Limited compatibility field. Sales can only be created for one version, limiting the income.  I have no magical solutions to offer, but are improvements for this something we could put on the table for 2023?
    Currently, I am not very optimistic. We only have a handful of active developers left with continued announcements of departures. If it is still working well for some (?), it’s probably because of a large set of files and existing customers with renewals. But I can’t see how new developers would want to get involved in the current situation, replacing the ones who left or even growing the marketplace. 
    I understand the costs and downsides for IPS. Paying for code reviews, chargeback fees and of course all the support issues with third-party resources. But then again: Looking at the broader field of online software: all the big players strive with and in part because of a flourishing third-party marketplace. So, improvement could easily be a “win-win-win” situation for IPS, developers and IPS customers. 
    (I would have some suggestions myself but I don’t want to push the topic in a specific direction, so I am leaving it at the problem statement for now.)
  18. Like
    opentype got a reaction from InvisionHQ in New year’s resolution: Make the Marketplace great again   
    I’m not judging in any way, just listing some observations about the developer/Marketplace situation in the recent years. 
    4.5 tightened the rules drastically. Result: several developers left for good. price increases. Developments needs a self-hosted installation and possibly a demo website. It’s now 850 + 300 annually. Someone starting out as developer really needs some killer products to earn that back and then generate profits. Cloud testing of resources would make it even more expensive (+1,788 annually).  Shift/changes to cloud. The lower tiers don’t have the ability to install third-party products. This decreases the reach and makes running independent third-party shops less useful/profitable.  Signatures turned off. No possibility for passive advertisement through community posts.  Limited compatibility field. Sales can only be created for one version, limiting the income.  I have no magical solutions to offer, but are improvements for this something we could put on the table for 2023?
    Currently, I am not very optimistic. We only have a handful of active developers left with continued announcements of departures. If it is still working well for some (?), it’s probably because of a large set of files and existing customers with renewals. But I can’t see how new developers would want to get involved in the current situation, replacing the ones who left or even growing the marketplace. 
    I understand the costs and downsides for IPS. Paying for code reviews, chargeback fees and of course all the support issues with third-party resources. But then again: Looking at the broader field of online software: all the big players strive with and in part because of a flourishing third-party marketplace. So, improvement could easily be a “win-win-win” situation for IPS, developers and IPS customers. 
    (I would have some suggestions myself but I don’t want to push the topic in a specific direction, so I am leaving it at the problem statement for now.)
  19. Like
    opentype got a reaction from LiquidFractal in New year’s resolution: Make the Marketplace great again   
    I’m not judging in any way, just listing some observations about the developer/Marketplace situation in the recent years. 
    4.5 tightened the rules drastically. Result: several developers left for good. price increases. Developments needs a self-hosted installation and possibly a demo website. It’s now 850 + 300 annually. Someone starting out as developer really needs some killer products to earn that back and then generate profits. Cloud testing of resources would make it even more expensive (+1,788 annually).  Shift/changes to cloud. The lower tiers don’t have the ability to install third-party products. This decreases the reach and makes running independent third-party shops less useful/profitable.  Signatures turned off. No possibility for passive advertisement through community posts.  Limited compatibility field. Sales can only be created for one version, limiting the income.  I have no magical solutions to offer, but are improvements for this something we could put on the table for 2023?
    Currently, I am not very optimistic. We only have a handful of active developers left with continued announcements of departures. If it is still working well for some (?), it’s probably because of a large set of files and existing customers with renewals. But I can’t see how new developers would want to get involved in the current situation, replacing the ones who left or even growing the marketplace. 
    I understand the costs and downsides for IPS. Paying for code reviews, chargeback fees and of course all the support issues with third-party resources. But then again: Looking at the broader field of online software: all the big players strive with and in part because of a flourishing third-party marketplace. So, improvement could easily be a “win-win-win” situation for IPS, developers and IPS customers. 
    (I would have some suggestions myself but I don’t want to push the topic in a specific direction, so I am leaving it at the problem statement for now.)
  20. Like
    opentype got a reaction from Meddysong in Double charging   
    Ideally there should be a “staging mode” with settings to turn off payments, emails and things like that. 
  21. Like
    opentype got a reaction from Genestoy in New year’s resolution: Make the Marketplace great again   
    I’m not judging in any way, just listing some observations about the developer/Marketplace situation in the recent years. 
    4.5 tightened the rules drastically. Result: several developers left for good. price increases. Developments needs a self-hosted installation and possibly a demo website. It’s now 850 + 300 annually. Someone starting out as developer really needs some killer products to earn that back and then generate profits. Cloud testing of resources would make it even more expensive (+1,788 annually).  Shift/changes to cloud. The lower tiers don’t have the ability to install third-party products. This decreases the reach and makes running independent third-party shops less useful/profitable.  Signatures turned off. No possibility for passive advertisement through community posts.  Limited compatibility field. Sales can only be created for one version, limiting the income.  I have no magical solutions to offer, but are improvements for this something we could put on the table for 2023?
    Currently, I am not very optimistic. We only have a handful of active developers left with continued announcements of departures. If it is still working well for some (?), it’s probably because of a large set of files and existing customers with renewals. But I can’t see how new developers would want to get involved in the current situation, replacing the ones who left or even growing the marketplace. 
    I understand the costs and downsides for IPS. Paying for code reviews, chargeback fees and of course all the support issues with third-party resources. But then again: Looking at the broader field of online software: all the big players strive with and in part because of a flourishing third-party marketplace. So, improvement could easily be a “win-win-win” situation for IPS, developers and IPS customers. 
    (I would have some suggestions myself but I don’t want to push the topic in a specific direction, so I am leaving it at the problem statement for now.)
  22. Like
    opentype got a reaction from Hatsu in ChatGPT / AI coming to Invisioncommunity+   
    Looking at my sites, it seems like spammers are already using it. I get more and more replies to old topics which somehow are on topic but still somehow make so little sense that I can’t believe a human registered to post it. 
    I’m not afraid of AI and use it myself, but only like a brainstorming partner, where I judge which replies are actually useful and correct. I can’t imagine having AI (auto) reply/publish anything on my sites at the moment. And I think it would only dilute the value of a community. Because the AI answers will soon be available directly within search engines and other apps and services. I rather run the place where answers can be different and better than that. 
  23. Like
    opentype got a reaction from Thomas P in CSS question...or disappointment   
    It’s understandable that you don’t like this change as it prevents you from doing something you have gotten used to, but please keep it honest and factual. 
    This was already answered. Clearly and thoroughly. So why ask it again? This is actually a dishonest debate tactic. By keep asking it, even though it was already answered, you are trying to suggest there is no good answer. 
    And you know this how? So far, from the 27,436 active clients you are the ONLY ONE who mentioned a clear need to make drastic changes to the core CSS files. So it is questionable to suggest that “many” will turn away, when you have no foundation whatsoever to say that. You are likely just claiming it to give your position more weight. 
  24. Like
    opentype got a reaction from Kjell Iver Johansen in ChatGPT / AI coming to Invisioncommunity+   
    Looking at my sites, it seems like spammers are already using it. I get more and more replies to old topics which somehow are on topic but still somehow make so little sense that I can’t believe a human registered to post it. 
    I’m not afraid of AI and use it myself, but only like a brainstorming partner, where I judge which replies are actually useful and correct. I can’t imagine having AI (auto) reply/publish anything on my sites at the moment. And I think it would only dilute the value of a community. Because the AI answers will soon be available directly within search engines and other apps and services. I rather run the place where answers can be different and better than that. 
  25. Like
    opentype got a reaction from Maxxius in ChatGPT / AI coming to Invisioncommunity+   
    Looking at my sites, it seems like spammers are already using it. I get more and more replies to old topics which somehow are on topic but still somehow make so little sense that I can’t believe a human registered to post it. 
    I’m not afraid of AI and use it myself, but only like a brainstorming partner, where I judge which replies are actually useful and correct. I can’t imagine having AI (auto) reply/publish anything on my sites at the moment. And I think it would only dilute the value of a community. Because the AI answers will soon be available directly within search engines and other apps and services. I rather run the place where answers can be different and better than that. 
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