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    sobrenome reacted to Nebthtet in 4.5: Invites and Referrals   
    This will be a welcome addition and can I can see also the potential for other uses.
  2. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Matt in 4.5: Club Pages   
    The next clubs blog should make you very happy. 🙂 
  3. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Maxxius in 4.5: Your new admin control panel   
    Looks nice, but I'm completely satisfied with the current ACP theme. 🙂
  4. Like
    sobrenome reacted to GreenSock in Theme Tip: Create custom error pages with the Pages app   
    You can view the code of the original error page and get access to the error codes so that you can display different specific content for error types by navigating to your theme, editing the HTML and CSS, and then navigating to core -> front -> global -> error. 
    Unfortunately IPS doesn't provide a full list of the error codes, but a user posted a list in the thread below that you can check out.
  5. Like
    sobrenome reacted to AlexWebsites in 4x4 Growth Hacks 🚀   
    @GTServices if you change the topic/page title you still get an automatic redirect because its driven by the topic id. 
  6. Like
    sobrenome reacted to GTServices in 4x4 Growth Hacks 🚀   
    I do the same but I try to keep the same URL if possible. I limit words used on FURLS to 5 words max which allows me to make changes without changing the URL. But, there are times you just have to change the whole title.
    Other things I do to improve SEO...
    Merge similar topics (especially if old and not driving too much traffic; especially, those that have some value) Format content so that it's easier to scan.  Improve content that drives traffic. (Evergreen content) Delete/Archive old poor quality content.  Delete old accounts with 0 content. None of this is easy but it's worth it. I recommend starting with your most popular topics (high Views count).
    I'm against auto-tagging. I just don't see any value to it.
    My team have instructions to tag only "high-quality" content.
    We use tagging for the Similar Content block because it gives us some control.
    We have control over what keywords are used. We  have control over what topics are tagged.  We have control over what topics are found in Similar Content block (and tag pages). The easier it is to find these "quality pages" the more value they gain. (eg. More traffic, shares, word of mouth, etc)
    Years ago I used tagging like you do. Enabled auto-tagging, allowed all members to tag, etc ... we literally had hundreds of thousands of tags (perhaps over 1 million) - many were similar, typos, poor quality, etc. (VBULLETIN BIG BOARD SITE)
    I found myself working constantly in cleaning the mess. The ROI just wasn't there when compared to other things I could be doing. So I dropped it altogether with no regrets.
    I'm sure you have heard of User Generated Content (UGC). If you run a forum site you are dependent on your members to produce content. About a decade or so ago, most forum admins peaked in terms of traffic. Since then traffic likely plateaued or dropped (more likely the latter).
    Heck, back then you would see many forums selling for over $1 million dollars. Not these days. 
    The biggest problem we have with a UGC business model is that we have very little control over what members post.
    Technology and Google are changing rapidly it's time to start taking some control back. The above is just one way of doing just that.
    Joel R's Community Management tips is another great way to take back some control.  A good community manager redirects focus where it should go. 
    So let's get back to these Growth Hacks. I'm sure @Joel R would appreciate it. 😉
  7. Haha
    sobrenome reacted to Maxxius in Ideation within Invision Community   
    @Adriano Faria hello there, brother 😄
  8. Like
    sobrenome reacted to AlexJ in Ideation within Invision Community   
    Both suggestions i.e. plugin and theme edit - are out of my reach! Can I please borrow 10 mins of your time and possibly you can share how to do it? OR May be create little plugin for us :)  Thank you!
  9. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Maxxius in Ideation within Invision Community   
    AMEN to that! I was thinking the same thing when reading this blog entry and was ready to comment the exact same thing but you beat me to it. 🙂 @Matt , you know what to do 😄
  10. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Matt in Ideation within Invision Community   
    Not out of the box, when you translate the phrasing, it will be used for all QA modes.

    You could create a little plugin, or theme edit to do the same thing though.
  11. Like
    sobrenome reacted to AlexJ in Ideation within Invision Community   
    That 'Submit a feature request' translation can i use it on category basis? Ex - Category A - has it translated to 'Feature Request' and Category B as 'Ask Question' 
    Thank you 
  12. Like
    sobrenome reacted to AlexWebsites in 4x4 What Do Visitors See When They Visit?   
    I'm doing this lately for specifically mobile. Found out that I had an addthis sharing widget that was blocking some buttons on mobile. Also looking at how easy or hard it is to post and navigate. Lately I'm trying to moderate through mobile just to see how everything is as 65-70% of my traffic this year seems to be from mobile devices.  
  13. Thanks
    sobrenome reacted to Joel R in 2019 Year of Community   
    Ha, so true! There's a theory of 90-9-1 participation inequality in online communities that goes something like this:
    90% of all users won't do anything (lurkers)
    9% of all users contribute a little
    1% of all users contribute most
    That's the nature of human participation in online communities and ... That's okay.  It's okay if most users don't participate or contribute.  It doesn't mean they don't feel valued or a part of the community.  There's research that shows Lurkers still feel a bond to the community and enjoy reading, even if they never write anything themselves.  
    In terms of asking users for help, there are some interesting insight that might be helpful. 
    1. Users actually feel a greater connection to the community the more they participate. There was an article awhile by Matt on gamification and building a "loyalty program," and in a way, you should think of your users' interaction with your community as a loyalty program.  How are you cultivating stronger loyalty and progressing them on a value curve? 
    2. Leadership sets the way.  I've discovered that people tend to be followers.  There are very few true Alphas.  We all follow rules for everything ... On the road, social etiquette, workplace professionalism, our life is ruled by rules! So it's hard to ask users to create something truly brand new.  What I do, especially on large projects, is do the first couple of items myself.  It not only shows them what to do, but it breaks the mental barrier of how to do it.  It's small but an important psychological opening.  
    3. Don't over-ask.  I view my user's time and attention and clicks as a gift, not a privilege.  There are plenty of things in their lives that probably deserve more attention than my little community, so any attention they give to me is precious.  I'm always respectful of their time before I ask them to take on a large project.  
    4. Nobody cares as much as you, but you can set the tone.  I laughed at your picture because it's so true.  In behavioral economics, there's the dilemma of the principal-agency problem.  Hiring a person to do the job is never as good as doing the job yourself, since they will never care as much as you.  To combat this, I spend a lot of my time talking about how to go about something, the best way of doing it, and the standards that we should have.  It helps establish a common framework of high standards.  I run a private club for my community's superusers.  And all we do is talk about best practices to activate the community ... We talk about how club leaders can more effectively run their clubs, how they can post differently for more engagement, etc.  It sets the tone for my community so that if they DO see a problem, they don't just ignore it, they have a way of getting it resolved -- and I thank them for taking the time to report or fix issues to reinforce the positive behavior.  
    You're asking users to overcome their innate laziness and achieve a higher potential.  
    You've noticed the problem.  How are you going to spend 2019 to overcoming it? 
  14. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Daniel F in Test drive Invision Community 4.4 now!   
    That's depending on the app;)

    While my initial testing I haven't noticed anything really concerning for members! The 3rd party developer environments will of course be broken, because we made several BC breaking changes to the code, which will result in php warnings, but they shouldn't be noticeable in live environments.
    We've also prepared a topic with all important  4.3 => 4.4. changes for the contributors, so that they're hopefully able to port their code faster. The same was done for 4.3 => 4.4 theme changes 
  15. Like
    sobrenome reacted to opentype in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    You can set the size of the thumbnail already. I always raise it. The default is way too small.
    what is needed is a regenration feature after making changes to the settings.
  16. Like
    sobrenome reacted to The Old Man in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    This is really good news, I'd been hoping to see a performance-based release for some time as traditionally IPS does rate low in Page SpeedGTMetrix/Yslow tests and we've been waiting for some of these overdue improvements for quite some time. So huge thanks! 
    Lazyloading should really help with Gallery in particular, I currently get a poor Pagespeed score of F42 on one of my sites.
    Please consider adding to your to do list (if not already added):
    Serve scaled images (current GTMetrix reports a score of F0 with a 1.2MiB 80% possible saving is possible on my Gallery index page) Where static content is uploaded to Amazon S3 and Cloudfront (it should be copied, not moved!), often there is missing header metadata such as cache-control, expires etc. Whilst investigating poor Cloudfront cache hit ratios of just 5%, I noticed this week an IPS uploaded .png image placed in my S3 bucket with a content-type of image/jpeg instead of image/png.  Leverage Browser Caching (you can't do anything about Amazon and Google external resources, but IPS could and should add more to improve caching of its static resources) Specify Image Dimensions - I get awful scores for this both on Gallery and Forums where images are missing width and height attributes. This happens particularly in grid view layout and where you upload an image attachment into forum description fields via AdminCP.  Remove query strings from urls - Have raised this several times, and keep getting told it's needed to allow cache busting, but the string token could be built into the actual filename/url itself. If CSS for example is later rebuilt, a new url is created and immediately browsers see the updated resource and recache it. All of the separate CSS and JS files should be grouped into one or two files, not like 10-12. Pages article images should have medium sized thumbnails available instead of just tiny thumbnails which look awful stretch to cover on 4K displays. The alternative is full-sized (in my case massive 1920x1080 images) which kill page loading times are are such overkill for article listing previews.  
  17. Like
    sobrenome reacted to bfarber in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    This is a theme setting that you can toggle at will without having to make any changes (in the currently released version).
  18. Like
    sobrenome reacted to princeton in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    @Matt It would be cool to see 4.4 on here now so we can see/test the improvements.
    Curious, why does IPS have their javascript inserted in the <HEAD> when end of </BODY> is much faster?
  19. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Ramsesx in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    Very good news, my site is very heavy in image usage and page loading speed a big issue. 
    The bad, it seems this deep code change will affect many plugins I guess and regarding my short experience with IPS updates, there will be some bug fixing necessary and a real stable package available after some point releases.
    However, a great step forward. Thanks for your hard work girls and guys. 👍
  20. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Rikki in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    @Mr 13 We've actually optimized all images in the suite too; the default coverphoto image is now ~280KB. Also, cover photos across the suite are indeed lazy loaded too.
    @Joel R Yes there's a background task that will clean up the existing letter photos.
    For developers, I wanted to add that our lazy loading utility is very flexible, so you can actually use it to lazy load whatever you want, and pretty finely control what happens (with preload, load and post-load callbacks). We hook into IntersectionObserver which is a new(ish) API in browsers that make it super efficient to check when an element comes into view. Of course, our regular content controllers already handle lazy loading images and videos in UGC for you, but if your apps have other areas where it'd be useful, you can do that quite easily 🙂 
  21. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Joel R in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    Also, will IPS include a cleanup tool to delete and remake the existing Letter Profile avatars?
  22. Like
    sobrenome reacted to ahc in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    I've been catching up on all the 4.4 updates and I'm intrigued by some of the new changes coming, however, I did have a question about 4.4 in general.  The first update stated it was set to release by the end of 2018, but I haven't seen mention of it in the others.  Is it still on track or will we see it pushed to 2019?
  23. Haha
    sobrenome reacted to Morgin in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    @Joel R please start your 5.0 leak thread kk. 
  24. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Matt in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    We are knocking around ideas for 5.0 thanks to PHP's improvements in this area. It's too large a change for 4.4.
  25. Thanks
    sobrenome reacted to Rikki in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    Just to note, we decided to go ahead and support lazy loading for external embeds like YouTube too for 4.4. Most embeds (Facebook, Twitter etc.) already lazy loaded because they routed through a local URL, but external embeds will also lazy load now. You're welcome, @Mr 13 🙂 
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