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    sobrenome reacted to LuckyRiver in 4.4: Extend Invision Community with the REST API   
    Can the members REST API endpoint also retrieves how many points a member has before any new amount of points can be added using the above properties? 
    If yes, how do I do that? 
  2. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Daniel F in 4.4: Extend Invision Community with the REST API   
    You can use the /gallery/images endpoint for this, it accepts the category as parameter
    * @apiparam string categories Comma-delimited list of category IDs (will also include images in albums in those categories)  
    And the gallery-image apiresponse contains already what you suggested.
    * @apiresponse object images URLs to where the images are stored. Keys are 'original', 'large', and 'small', and values are URLs to the corresponding images  
  3. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Dominyka in 4.4: Extend Invision Community with the REST API   
    The endpoints that I could really use for our community:
    Endpoint for getting image thumbnails, not just the images themselves. Endpoint for getting gallery image list from one specifiec category.
  4. Like
    sobrenome reacted to bfarber in 4.4: Extend Invision Community with the REST API   
    There's some nice ideas here in the comments, and I'll try to take note of them for future releases, but please also remember if you have any requests for changes in the software you're always welcome to post in our feedback area as well (for those who may not have). 🙂 
  5. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Tom S. in 4.4: Extend Invision Community with the REST API   
    Another point about the Commerce API. It has a lot of Getter end points only.

    Having the power to post and delete in all these endpoints would be fantastic.
    Im trying to think from the point of view of creating a custom mobile app that communicates with the master web suite. Currently, I would have to create my own custom API’s to make it possible.
  6. Like
    sobrenome reacted to zbahadir in 4.4: Extend Invision Community with the REST API   
    The features I expect:

    Forums, topics = follow/unfollow.
    Posts = like/unlike
    Blogs entries and comments = like/unlike
    Best regards
  7. Like
    sobrenome reacted to SC36DC in 4.5: Commerce Trials   
    I've never used Subscriptions or needed to, but I'm happy this is being added in case I decide to. Thank you.
  8. Like
    sobrenome reacted to opentype in 4.5: Commerce Trials   
    Happy to report, it works. On one of my sites I rarely sell any VIP memberships. It can takes months to sell a single one. I turned on free trials this morning and got the first person signing up almost instantly. Within a few hours more the person moved over to a full paid membership. 
  9. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Scott in 4.5: Sign in with Apple   
    Excellent!  Having Apple development exposure is a huge step forward.
  10. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Stuart Silvester in 4.5: One More Thing...   
    You would have, but you reported that as a bug!

    In all seriousness, we'll look into adding a notification for this.
  11. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Adriano Faria in 4.5: One More Thing...   
    True... in some places/situations it makes sense!
    Thanks. 👍
  12. Like
    sobrenome reacted to opentype in Welcome to Invision Community 4.5   
    I gave you several reasons. You just don’t like the result so you declare them to not exist or not to count. So who is “disingenuous”?
  13. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Boris_ in 4.5: Sign in with Apple   
    No, sorry I should have been clearer - they're two different things:
    Sign in With Apple - where you sign in with your Apple ID and password (like you might sign in with Facebook or Twitter) is what this blog entry is talking about. The ability to use Touch ID / Face ID for two-factor authentication is something Apple have recently announced for iOS 14. Since it is based on WebAuthn, it's probable that my plugin either will automatically support it or will be able to be updated to do so. I will test once the public beta is out and get it ready before iOS 14 is released.
  14. Like
    sobrenome reacted to bfarber in 4.5: Improvements for theme designers   
    It is presently in an area Marketplace contributors have access to. Some of the pre-release developer/themer information has been posted there, but will likely be moved to our Guides in due course.
  15. Like
    sobrenome reacted to bfarber in 4.5: Improvements for theme designers   
    Has some of the information you're after.
  16. Haha
    sobrenome reacted to aXenDev in 4.5: Improvements for theme designers   
    Finally, a good change in themes!
  17. Haha
    sobrenome reacted to GTServices in 4.5: Improvements for theme designers   
    I can't wait to get my hands on 4.5!

  18. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Boris_ in 4.5: Sign in with Apple   
    I haven't had a chance to upgrade a device to iOS 14 to test with yet, but I did watch the WWDC session on it and under-the-hood it is using WebAuthn so it is probable that my WebAuthn plugin will work for this, or I will be able to update it to do so.
  19. Haha
    sobrenome reacted to Cruizin in 4.5: Sign in with Apple   
    phucking apple. I wonder if they charge their programmers to use the bathrooms? Is there an additional charge for toilet paper? 
  20. Like
    sobrenome reacted to bfarber in Welcome to Invision Community 4.5   
    There is no publicly available estimated release date for 4.5 yet, no.
  21. Like
    sobrenome reacted to DawPi in 4.5: Sign in with Apple   
    Login Methods -> + Create New:

  22. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Jordan Miller in 4.5: Sign in with Apple   
    Love this 👏 
  23. Like
    sobrenome reacted to media in 4.5: Sign in with Apple   
    I've been waiting for this for a long time...
    Thank you....
  24. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Marius in 4.5: Sign in with Apple   
  25. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Rikki in 4.5: Sign in with Apple   
    If your Apple dev account expires, the login method will continue to work, but you'll no longer be able to manage your keys and services (e.g. to change your callback URL). 
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