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    Ibai reacted to Jordan Miller in Hump Day: 4.6 Beta 1.1 is live!   
    Another fine Hump Day, folks! Hope you're having a great week. 
    Yesterday, we announced 4.6.0 Beta 1. We've already added a few updates/fixes, and in less than a day we rolled out 4.6.0 Beta 1.1 (which is now available for download! Per the sound advice of @Nathan Explosion, I'd like to remind you that this is a Beta; please make a backup of your community and all its data before updating). 
     I want to give @Pavel Chernitsky a shout-out for saying this in the announcement post:
    The team worked really hard on this release, so that is greatly appreciated! 🥲 
    Last week when I shared that precious photo of @Charles and I working together in Vegas on our forthcoming website refresh, I didn't include a roundup of bug fixes per usual. So please sink your teeth into this updated list:
    - Fixed the position of the queued content badge in fluid view, which was overlapping the topic stats.
    - Removed browser caching for "upgrade in progress" page.
    - Fixed an issue where a cached Widget returned the wrong timezone based time.
    - Changed the email in the profile hovercard into a mailto link
    - Fixed an issue where the Privacy Page does not redirect to an external link.
    - Fixed an issue where the first step may be skipped during checkout even if custom fields are required.
    - Fixed an issue when an anonymous online status doesn't persist across logins when using button log in methods
    - Fixed an issue where merging members could leave members as alternative contacts for themselves.
    - Added a no search results message when searching Pixabay and Giphy
    - Added truncated views for status updates.
    - Added an option for members to cancel expired subscriptions to be able to purchase another subscription.
    - Fixed an issue where PayPal Billing Agreements / Subscriptions may not include sales tax.
    Thoughts? Have you tried out the Beta version yet? We'd love to hear from you in the replies! 
  2. Like
    Ibai reacted to Matt in Invision Community 4.6.0 Beta 1 is live!   
    I would stick with it. We don't expect a long beta testing phase so you won't be without a marketplace for too long.
  3. Thanks
    Ibai got a reaction from Pjo in Bounce Email, rejected emails   
    I am very interested in this feature. Good idea Pjo!
  4. Like
    Ibai reacted to Pjo in Bounce Email, rejected emails   
    I am looking for a plugin like https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/6877-mail-bouncer-automated-bounce-management/ but which works with normal SMTP (not Amazon etc.).
    Often, users register an account on the forum through, for example, Discord / Facebook and if they have an inactive email address (on Discord/FB account), the email address is also incorrect on the forum (e.g. deleted email). As a result, my emails are rejected. What are you doing with it?
  5. Like
    Ibai reacted to Matt in CKEditor 4 end of life - alternative editor consideration   
    We're very much aware of CKEditor 5.

    As mentioned above, the migration to v5 isn't a simple case of dropping in the new files. We'd need to re-code all of our custom plugins that handle many things including embedding, drag and drop uploading and much more.

    CKEditor 4 is supported until 2023. While CKEditor 5 brings many useful new things, it's not urgent enough for us to "down tools" and focus a 6-12 week block on it.

    It's on our roadmap along with other javascript improvements that we want to develop and deploy.
  6. Like
    Ibai reacted to Tarun in CKEditor 4 end of life - alternative editor consideration   
    Just want to say I would not use/trust that service. Think about what it does. Everything you type is keylogged. That may very well include your passwords, banking information, and more.
  7. Like
    Ibai reacted to Daniel F in User profiles - hide unnecessary filtering   
    We have an internal suggestion for this already 🙂 
  8. Like
    Ibai reacted to Abies in User profiles - hide unnecessary filtering   
    Hello there!
    The main purpose of user profiles is to make discovering user's content easier. I've found a way to improve the process a bit.
    1. Content discovery
    Let's take a look on my profile and especially on the filtering options:

    Problem: It's quite a long list that grows with every new app or a content type. I find it confusing as during my time here I've posted only a topic and some posts.
    I don't think I'm able to post anything in the documentation, release notes, providers, guides, IPS Blog etc. But I'm still able to filter my results by those options [basically to get no results note].
    Solution: The idea is to hide all the empty-result-filters. Thanks to this we exactly know what type of content certain user posted, and save our time on scanning the long list.

    2. Reputation view
    I wanted to check my reputaion activity and this happened:

    Problem: The page shows no results. Quite confusing as the sidebar clearly shows that I do have reputation activity. This is because by default the resulsts are filtered by Status updates in which I have no activity. And the list of possible filters is also very long (as stated above).
    Solution:  As we have All activity filter in user's content page by default, we should also have All reputation activity filter in user's reputation page. And limiting the possible filters would (as above) make the experience more intuitive and clear.
    In my case it would look like this as I have reputation activity in blog entries, blog comments and posts:

    Thanks for reading! 🙂
  9. Like
    Ibai reacted to Davyc in CKEditor Plugins Breaking the Editor   
    The only way to uninstall a plugin, AFAIK, is to reset the editor to default - of course that means any other plugins will also be removed.  As far as plugins are concerned, make sure that you are sourcing them for the correct version of the editor, on IPS it's version 4.  Hope that helps 🙂
  10. Like
    Ibai reacted to xvanessa in CKEditor Plugins Breaking the Editor   
    Had the same problem right now, I had a bunch of other plugins installed and had to restore default configs just because of one that errored the editor (ckeditortablecellselection).
  11. Like
    Ibai reacted to wohali in CKEditor Plugins Breaking the Editor   
    Have you tried right-clicking on the editor while pressing Ctrl? You can get the context menu for the editor to display that way. It's a workaround, but at least it works.
    I'm trying to figure out how to uninstall a plugin from the editor once it's broken it...
  12. Thanks
    Ibai reacted to Jordan Miller in [Cancel] Require a header image for each new blog entry   
    It would also be useful if you curate content. 
    Example: your member gets moved into a group via Group Promotions. In this group, they can use the "Feature" tool. Problem is, the topics don't currently require a featured image. 
    Yea, this would be a great option! 
  13. Like
    Ibai reacted to Stuart Silvester in WhatsApp Share Button for 4.5   
    With native sharing in 4.6 you will be able to share directly to Whatsapp or any other app on your device

  14. Like
    Ibai reacted to Jordan Miller in IPS Pages - some new features suggestions   
    Really like your suggestions! @Gangst3r. Especially the poll one. I am going to pass this along and see what the team thinks. I'll circle back. 🙏 
  15. Like
    Ibai reacted to Gangst3r in IPS Pages - some new features suggestions   
    Hi, I have a few suggestions for Pages App that I miss a lot after switching from Wordpress. The application itself works great and is very flexible, but it still lacks a lot of options, which I will try to describe below. 
    First of all option which I miss on start is a Poll/Vote option, because I cannot add a poll with voting in any way to article, which is available only in the forum application. It would be great to see  possibility to adding a poll into our articles.
    Tables - it is not possible to insert tables with a certain number of columns and rows. This option isn't available in any of the apps, but it would be nice to see one in Pages. For example, I am adding a table with 3 columns and 5 rows, e.g. for movies. The columns contain information such as the name of the film, Production Year and Genre, which can be sorted in ascending or descending order, while in the rows we complete the data related to the columns.
    Author Box - as simply as the name suggests, adding the option to insert a small window about the author of the content and a short description of it, which would be added as a widget from the side panel in any selected place, e.g. under the content of an article in Pages.
    These are all my suggestions so far, I hope one of them will be in a newer version of Pages.
  16. Like
    Ibai reacted to Interferon in [Cancel] Require a header image for each new blog entry   
    I just did a check in the skin to see if a header image is provided, and I skip the "pattern" block if it is missing.
    It would be good to be able to require the user to upload a header image for each new blog entry. This would prevent blogs without header images, but it would also put pressure on users to be more selective about posting a blog article, and encourage fewer high-quality articles. A lot of times my users will create a blog entry just for a single video or image, along with a short explanation, and I feel bad removing it but I don't like this happening.
  17. Like
    Ibai reacted to Jordan Miller in [Cancel] Require a header image for each new blog entry   
    Feeling this. I'd love the option for this on topics, too! 
  18. Like
    Ibai reacted to Daniel F in #elLicenseKey - noticed a bug in the css rule   
    Thanks, I have fixed this for an upcoming release.
  19. Like
    Ibai reacted to MEVi in CP-Admin: Analytics three levels   
    It would be useful to be able to set a different tracking code for members who can connect to the CP-Admin and others like :
    Analytics Guests (google) Analytics Members (Piwik) Analytics CP-Admin (no tracking)
  20. Like
    Ibai reacted to Daddy in Better Forum Icons   
    Add this to your custom.css replacing forumid with the ID of the category, and content with the unicode value of the icon you want. You can find the ID by hovering over the link:

    [data-forumid="12"] .fa-comments:before { content: "\f3ed"; font-family: 'FONT AWESOME 5 FREE'; } ^ Copy and paste the block per category replacing the forumid
    @Makoto's plugin will make this a lot simpler if you're willing to spend the $15 for it, which honestly isn't that bad.
  21. Thanks
    Ibai reacted to Eudemon in Add Adsense code between paragraphs in an article   
    just few point of improvement base on your code
    you can just have one of this, this pushes all adsbygoogle globally
    (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); you can also store `article:eq(0)` to a variable then select whatever within it, so you don't have to repeat the same code, you can also shorten all the statements above with one line tenant condition
  22. Thanks
    Ibai reacted to Eudemon in Add Adsense code between paragraphs in an article   
    const yoyo = '<b>tofu is life</b>' $("article.cPost:eq(0) [data-role='commentContent'] p:eq(2)").after(yoyo)
  23. Thanks
    Ibai reacted to Nathan Explosion in Pages index content truncation by browser instead of backend   
    Take a look at the optional $length parameter that truncated() has, which defaults to 500 when not specified....
    {$record->truncated(false,700)|raw} The false is the default value of the $oneLine parameter for truncated()
  24. Like
    Ibai reacted to Morrigan in Pages Blocks enhancements   
    So I have a ton of blocks and well I'm starting to lose control of them and figured it may be a good idea to request some feature enhancements for it so that I can both clean up my blocks and also use them more efficiently.

    Of course there is categorizing which is great but sometimes I mis-categorize some of my blocks. This is a particular pain point when you have to look for it on the front end. The enhancements on the front end I'd like are:
    Categories collapsed by default when you open the edit bit, this way I don't have to scroll through my massive list of blocks or manually close them until the right category comes up. Ability to search the list like you can search in the ACP, just a quick like "block title" search that filters out any blocks that don't have that title. It would just make life so much easier. Next! I don't know which of my blocks are in circulation and where so trying to clean up, organize and get rid of unused blocks is a nightmare. Right now I see a list of blocks with the code and that's it and since I use a lot of Plugins the title could be repeated. The enhancements I'd like for this:
    At minimum I want a count of how many locations that a block is located on the manage screen. Bonus points if you can click on that number and see the locations like: Forums > Index, Page > Test, Gallery > Albums, Gallery > Categories 
    The physical location doesn't matter (As in sidebar, header or footer) to me as much as the page it exists on.
  25. Agree
    Ibai got a reaction from Apfelstrudel in Avoid Lightbox in tiny images   
    Previousloy with IPS <4.5, when a user was adding images to a post, they weren't enabling lightbox feature unless the image was bigger than the post box dimensions.
    Now in 4.5, the lightbox is always binding to any image even if the image is just a button such as this, let my try here:

    As you can see, the Invision logo is smaller than the post size, so I think it does not make sense to enable the lightbox system.
    This is a simple example, my users build posts with lots of images in a icon basis way, so it's very unconfortable to load the lightbox feature to them.
    Is there a way to lock this feature with small images?
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