Swiper Slider [ support topic ]
I've updated it by myself adding only this code to 2 php files (sliders & settings) into modules folder applications/swiperslider/modules/admin/swiper/ /** * @brief Has been CSRF-protected */ public static $csrfProtected = TRUE; In sliders.php find: class _sliders extends \IPS\Node\Controller class _sliders extends \IPS\Node\Controller add after /** * @brief Has been CSRF-protected */ public static $csrfProtected = TRUE; It works great now. In settings.php find: class hook411 extends _HOOK_CLASS_ { add after: /** * @brief Has been CSRF-protected */ public static $csrfProtected = TRUE; Tha's all 😉
Swiper Slider [ support topic ]
Hi, any chances to update it to work with 4.5 or 4.6 community version?
IPS Pages - some new features suggestions
II appreciate it very much and hope that my proposal will be positively considered 😉
IPS Pages - some new features suggestions
Complicated or not it's one of the must be options in big app like Pages... Lik any others CMS Polls are one of the basic functions. I'm not a programmer or something like that, but I think it will not be difficult to add a voting tab as it looks with the editor on the forum and place it in a selected place between the content, such as media.
IPS Pages - some new features suggestions
Hi, I have a few suggestions for Pages App that I miss a lot after switching from Wordpress. The application itself works great and is very flexible, but it still lacks a lot of options, which I will try to describe below. First of all option which I miss on start is a Poll/Vote option, because I cannot add a poll with voting in any way to article, which is available only in the forum application. It would be great to see possibility to adding a poll into our articles. Tables - it is not possible to insert tables with a certain number of columns and rows. This option isn't available in any of the apps, but it would be nice to see one in Pages. For example, I am adding a table with 3 columns and 5 rows, e.g. for movies. The columns contain information such as the name of the film, Production Year and Genre, which can be sorted in ascending or descending order, while in the rows we complete the data related to the columns. Author Box - as simply as the name suggests, adding the option to insert a small window about the author of the content and a short description of it, which would be added as a widget from the side panel in any selected place, e.g. under the content of an article in Pages. These are all my suggestions so far, I hope one of them will be in a newer version of Pages.
Swiper Slider [ support topic ]
Can anyone of you confirm it this plugin work with IPS 4.5.3
Swiper Slider [ support topic ]
Anyone test it on 4.5 ?
Trophies and Medals - Supporttopic
Members Shop ( Support Topic )
I wrote it wrong. I meant whether it is possible to award points automatically after installing the application, for example: users already have the appropriate number of posts and topics in the account, but the applications were installed later, which is why they were not accrued before. now after installing the application and setting the appropriate number of points on the forums, I wanted to start recalculating points, so that each user would receive the appropriate amount in relation to their activity. this is the case with the trophies and medals application, where after setting the requirements for receiving a given trophy or medal, the system automatically assigns appropriate to each user despite the forum being set up much earlier than the application was released. I hope that I have described it quite clearly now
Members Shop ( Support Topic )
Hi, I have one questions about Points given to members. I do not see anywhere the possibility of converting user points after setting the appropriate score in selected forums. then do I have to do it manually for each user?? Or this option is it in the current version but for some reason I don't find it yet or it is actually missing and will appear in the next release? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Members Shop ( Support Topic )
Cannot view users profiles after donation are made using Donate Option. If I want to view one IPB shows me an error. Here is log from ACP: SELECT shop_points FROM `ipb_core_members` AS `core_members` WHERE member_id=8556 IPS\Db\Exception: Nieznana kolumna 'shop_points' w field list (1054) #0 /xxx/public_html/forum/system/Db/Select.php(373): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery() #1 /xxx/public_html/forum/system/Db/Select.php(436): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery() #2 /xxx/public_html/forum/system/Db/Select.php(355): IPS\Db\_Select->rewind() #3 /xxx/public_html/forum/applications/membersshop/extensions/trophies/TrophyCriteria/membersshop.php(67): IPS\Db\_Select->first() #4 /xxx/public_html/forum/applications/trophies/sources/Trophy/Trophy.php(427): IPS\membersshop\extensions\trophies\TrophyCriteria\_membersshop::memberMeetsCriteria() #5 /xxx/public_html/forum/applications/trophies/sources/Trophy/Trophy.php(472): IPS\trophies\_Trophy->memberMeetsCriteria() #6 /xxx/public_html/forum/applications/trophies/extensions/core/Profile/TrophiesAndMedals.php(30): IPS\trophies\_Trophy::updateTrophiesForMember() #7 /xxx/public_html/forum/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php(222): IPS\trophies\extensions\core\Profile\_TrophiesAndMedals->__construct() #8 /xxx/public_html/forum/init.php(820) : eval()'d code(23): IPS\core\modules\front\members\_profile->manage() #9 /xxx/public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\core\modules\front\members\trophies_hook_profile->manage() #10 /xxx/public_html/forum/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php(73): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #11 /xxx/public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\core\modules\front\members\_profile->execute() #12 /xxx/public_html/forum/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #13 {main} No matter if I view it as a logged in user or as admin, an error appears every time
Trophies and Medals - Supporttopic
Can you add an option to choose forum or category for posts and topics? The possibility of choosing from the drop-down list the forum that we have gives you more opportunities to reward using posts and topics For example, when I create a newsman trophy - "Write 20 news on forum". Then from the trophy settings I choose the number of topics that must be created to be awarded in this case 20, and in the forum where the topics must be created, in this case FORUM -> NEWS Category The same can be done for posts on the example - "Write 100 comments in the review section". From the trophy option I choose the number of posts 100 and then from the drop-down list FORUM -> REVIEWS Category In other way we have to pay for another application that will give us such a possibility (Automation Rules), but this, unfortunately, due to technical problems with IPS is not available in the download section, and the author's website lacks of any appeal.
Gangst3r started following TheJackal84
Members Shop ( Support Topic )
Next to this two issues which I wrote above have one new suggestion, which you could implement into next release: - add option to control users points as site admin (add/edit/remove) That's because I must create new topic for get points to try the app 😄
Members Shop ( Support Topic )
I have a problem with spending points... I set up 1,000,000 points for creating a topic. After this action I decided to check the operation of the items. Initially, everything worked correctly and points dropped out of the account, but after the start a gambling games and several times when I winning the points are locked in place... That's mean no matter how many purchases I make and how expensive the items will be. Points from the account do not disappear. Only user donations and bank deposits works because after these actions I lose points from my account. Purchase of items is still "free".
Trophies and Medals - Supporttopic
I'm think the better idea it will be to made 2 versions of this app lite and pro with less or more options for use. This will skip the issue of voting and chaos, thus solving the problem of users who want or do not want big changes regarding the application.