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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Manual download from the client area, upload to your site via FTP (after taking a file/database backup)
  2. Which software are you using - IPS 4.5.x or 4.6.x?
  3. I'll ask the obvious question...are you using the correct dev tools for the installed version of software? Also, I personally wouldn't do IN_DEV on what appears to be a live site, even though you have it as your own test site. Do development on a localhost installation: DEV -> TEST -> PRODUCTION
  4. Do you mean "files" or do you mean "database"? If you mean database, then you've already indicated that So the database is already in the process of the upgrade being performed. The only way you can revert back is by: 1) Restoring the files to a state prior to the beginning of the download of the new package 2) Restoring the database to a state prior to the beginning of the upgrade If you are not in a position to do that then you either: 1) Work with support to figure it out or 2) continue upgrading and accept the effects.
  5. In your ACP, search for 'task' and click on Task Method What method are you using?
  6. Restore the backup of your site's files and database, which you hopefully performed before doing the upgrade. If you are IPS hosted, log a ticket with support to find out if it is possible to rollback (doubt it)
  7. If it's in the Marketplace, check the 'Compatibility' field. Ask the developer
  8. Log a ticket with IPS Support for assistance to flip to Custom.
  9. If the application shows as 'Custom' in the application listing then contact the developer via his own website, request the new package, and update by manually uploading. If the applications shows as 'Marketplace' in the application listing (which it may do, if you matched it up during your 4.x to 4.5.x upgrade) but you didn't buy the app via the Marketplace then approach IPS Support, via the Client Area, for assistance with changing it to a 'Custom' entry in the listing, and then contact the developer via his own website, request the new package, and update by manually uploading.
  10. Edit the following template: core -> global -> editor -> code At the very start of the template, place one of the following depending on your desired default entry: {{$language = 'null';}} {{$language = 'html';}} {{$language = 'css';}} {{$language = 'javascript';}} {{$language = 'php';}} {{$language = 'sql';}} {{$language = 'xml';}} null = 'No Syntax Highlighting' Want to use one of the other entries as the default? I reckon you're going to have to get busy with some Javascript, and I'm not going there. Note: this might result in existing codeboxes defaulting back to your chosen language instead of the actual language that is in the existing code...not tested that. EDIT: or you could use the attached plugin 😉 plugin has one caveat to be aware of and that is noted in the settings. (NE) Change 'Code' default language.xml
  11. Unless I'm missing something? Individual entries:
  12. No, you add a line to the constants.php define( 'USE_DEVELOPMENT_BUILDS', true ); Remove it, or set it to false, if you don't want to be notified about betas etc.
  13. Workaround: Turn the 'abuseipdb.com' setting on Go to the relevant tab Put whatever you want in to the API key field Turn the 'abuseipdb.com' setting off I'll fix it in the application if there are any further new features/fixes to go in - it's not a showstopper.
  14. It is, I promise - my main pain point with it what to do with old rolls that exist...to 'upgrade' them or not. Here's a few screenshots of the new version so you guys can see the improvements that are coming... SVG dice - not using fontawesome to display a pseudo-dice...and now the RPG players have their own dice too. Set a game up A game in progress... Monitor the game from the ACP:
  15. Is it a default theme, with no changes at all either via CSS or HTML template changes? Because if it has anything modified then it isn't default. In short...what changes have you made? If none at all then post a link to your site...screenshots only tell a small piece of the story.
  16. Look at the WHERE people post as opposed to the WHO...
  17. Click 'Source' when posting, add the following to the link's <a> tag: class="ipsButton ipsButton_primary" Don't have a 'Source' button? Search the ACP for 'HTML' and give yourself the ability to post HTML.
  18. v1.3.0 has been submitted for approval FIXES None NEW Added ability to perform an IP address check against abuseipdb.com CHANGES Moved 'Settings' to its own page
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