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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5

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Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. What I am saying is that the widget now has a 24 hour cache expiration - I'm not tying it to any other change (you can, if you wish, but I am not) Widget files are stored in the applications\<application>\widgets folder on your installation - up to you if you want to manually modify the file, but I personally wouldn't and instead I would have looked at modifying it using a plugin instead (probably not an option for you)
  2. It's not an issue that needs a solution...it's advice: "Some clients have encountered issues using Cloudflare, including specific features such as Rocket Loader, and it is recommended to disable Cloudflare...." - that on its own would be telling you to turn off Cloudflare...however it then says: "...if you are encountering problems not solved by using these support tools in order to determine if Cloudflare may be the source of the problems." So, are you experiencing any issues that aren't being solved using the provided IPS support tools? If so, what are they?
  3. *whistles* /** * @brief Cache Expiration - 24h */ public $cacheExpiration = 86400; *whistles*
  4. Thanks Go with == instead of =
  5. Show your code. <form accept-charset='utf-8' class="ipsForm {$class}" action="{$action}" method="post" {{if $uploadField}}enctype="multipart/form-data"{{endif}} {{foreach $attributes as $k => $v}}{$k}="{$v}"{{endforeach}} data-ipsForm> {{if $id == "coverPhoto"}} YOUR STUFF {{endif}} Works fine for me - why? The 'Edit cover photo' link produces a form with the $id of 'coverPhoto' while the link beside the profile photo produces a form with the $id of 'profile_photo'
  6. core -> front -> forms -> popupTemplate Right after the opening "<form..." line, add: {{if $id == "coverPhoto"}} YOUR STUFF {{endif}}
  7. Threw it on a test site... After this: require 'init.php'; Add this: \IPS\Dispatcher\External::i(); That should sort it - if the offer of payment stands, my beer fund will be very happy 😄
  8. Ok - how about telling us what the issue is? What errors are you getting?
  9. Before this: require 'init.php'; Add this: $output = '';
  10. Ignore me...wrong topic.
  11. Or just log a ticket with support and request assistance with toggling the custom items to MP, or vice versa. If upgrading from 4.4 (or earlier) to 4.6 and not getting the MP wizard when you enter the Marketplace section, then log it with support as it might be a bug.
  12. No. When the user upgrades from earlier than 4.5, they go through a wizard for the Marketplace setup after they log in to the ACP post-upgrade. At that point, the user chose to link the apps/plugins to the Marketplace listing.
  13. v1.4.1 pending approval FIXES Fixed issue with communication with abuseipdb.com when checking an IPv6 address NEW Added ability to check email address against https://www.validator.pizza/ Added ability to check email address against https://check-mail.org (API key required)
  14. I think you are wrong, as evidenced by their reply to the topic I linked to.
  15. Log a ticket with support if you believe it is a bug
  16. Or you could run the provided rebuild tool, to retroactively apply the new rules, prior to reopening your site post-upgrade.
  17. Install the plugin I sent to you via PM please No thanks - I don't do "Try it somewhere else" until I've got information from the affected location first. I have it chugging away on 2 sites.
  18. That's not an issue that can be resolved by @Michael.J as (NE) Hide Content is designed to work with the IPS modules only, not 3rd party applications. Integration with other apps would require custom work on my side to be done.
  19. I'm not seeing an issue, so it would be useful to see what it is that you are seeing...
  20. Could you provide a screenshot of the "bleeding" to indicate what it is that you mean by this?
  21. In the section for icons/logos, ensure that this is toggled on, and the fields exposed are completed:
  22. yep, but that is where the developer of the application assists you (I don't know the app, or its database structure)
  23. OK - in that case, what is the most recent backup of your database that you have available? My point here - uninstalling an application will remove any database tables associated with that application. If you don't have a viable recent backup then you're not going to be able to get much help with the above situation.
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