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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5

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Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Another option would be to take advantage of the ability to create custom language strings - screenshot below uses the above functionality, and 2 custom language strings called 'password_confirm_desc' and 'password_confirm_warning' to add those 2 items below the "Confirm Password" field:
  2. @James101 - how is the new version working out for you?
  3. It's a bit 'Hostage Situation' isn't it?
  4. Ask the developer if the mentioned feature was implemented...
  5. Search the marketplace for tag applications.
  6. ? It's in the Admin Control Panel of IPS software.
  7. Clarification needed: You want the "Our Picks" widget, which has 1 row of items in a carousel, to display 1 row of 3 items without the carousel? OR: You want the "Our Picks" widget, which has 1 row of items in a carousel, to display several rows of 3 items each, without the carousel?
  8. body[data-pageController='ourpicks'] div[data-role='patchworkItem'] div.cPromoted { height:300px; } Adjust the height value to your own requirements.
  9. Ah, I thought you meant the widget and not the actual page. And as mentioned... And I ain't touching that with a bargepole, having looked at it.
  10. v1.1.0 has been submitted for approval. FIXES None NEW Annoyances can now be applied via the Moderator Control Panel (see screenshots below) A time limit (expiry) can be imposed on the annoyance of a user, if desired. ModCP: Moderator Permissions, available in ACP:
  11. What I described above doesn't require you to be a ninja - if it does then IPS haven't done a very good job.
  12. "Our Picks" is a widget/block so if you have Pages then create a custom block based on "Our Picks" Then change the 'Content' - change the template settings to "Use as a base for..." and modify the html code. I suspect, but am probably wrong, that the first thing to do would be to drop the 'ipsCarousel' elements from the code to begin with.
  13. This is a request so move to the requests forum - this forum is a support forum for marketplace released items.
  14. And if they say "Not a bug, working as designed" then post it in the "Features & Suggestions" forum.
  15. Log it with support as a bug.
  16. A log of the annoyances? If so, that would be the Tracker functionality already in the application.
  17. Yes, that is how the moderation CP works in general...you give permissions.
  18. @BankFodder@James101 I've got a new v1.1.0 of this coming soon, which will add the following: Annoyances can be handled via the Moderator CP, allowing you to give your Moderators the ability to 'annoy' users without providing them with access to the ACP Option to put an expiry date/time in place for any user annoyances that you have in place. While I'm at it, do you guys have any additional features you'd like to see with this?
  19. Right...I'm going to point the same thing out here as to someone else on another resource. This is no longer a plugin, it is now an application - as of the release of v2.x So check your applicatio listing - is the application installed? And if so, what version is it?
  20. Just one point, actually....you mentioned 'plugin' a few times there. This isn't a plugin - it is an application, as of v2.x. So, check your application listing..is it installed there, and what version is it?
  21. So let me get this right... 1) you don't have it installed 2) the marketplace says you do 3) it's therefore an issue with the application/plugin, and not the marketplace, according to the support guys LOGIC-A-GO-GO it is then! If you want me to figure this out for you, then provide me with full ACP access to your site please.
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