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Nathan Explosion

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Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Log a ticket with support...it works fine for us.
  2. Yet you didn't make that point in your opening post. I'm done, good luck going forward.
  3. And whatever issue you are having when you post in this forum, please check if your post has already been submitted before trying again....and report it in the bug tracker, instead of the multiple submissions you are making.
  4. Yes, do a search with no parameters entered then use the filters and the 'prune members found' link.
  5. JavaScript? PHP? Where are you putting whatever code you are trying?
  6. V2.1.2 has been submitted for approval. FIXES None CHANGES Javascript changes to improve performance.
  7. That's not an error; it is informational. So respond to the information logically - if 'Standard' login is used for the ACP, then you can't disable it. But do the other login handlers allow you to login to the ACP? Yes, they do...so allow one of them to do so, and try again.
  8. And an update on the above reported issue - Tom was kind enough to provide me with ACP access, and I put a debugging version of the application in place, which revealed that the code from my script was running multiple times on each page, which it should not have been doing at all and doesn't do so on my test site. So, I took a look at my code and launched into improving it a little anyway. Today, I put a new version up on Tom's site and it has resolved the original problem - no more delays being seen, no more multiple runs of the code. However, I am still seeing some weird behaviours with his quotes which I am not seeing in my own testing. And then I spotted that Tom's quotes have 'Read more' at the base, and not 'Expand', so I took a look at his plugins and there is the old 'Minimized Quote' plugin that was needed prior to IPS 4.5. The delay behaviour being seen by Tom is actually due to the following: My application's quote code running, which then tries to run the IPS quote code The plugin's quote code actually replaces the IPS quote code and it is what is then run instead of the IPS quote code My application then responds to what the plugin does, and runs again...and this cycle happens for each quote on a page. Tom's sample page for me had 33 quotes on it...and the result is a delay which reports to the browser as a 'long-running script' Problem solved - that plugin is now disabled on Tom's site and I will be testing out my new and improved version there tomorrow. New version incoming soon.
  9. You should submit that issue to the Bug Tracker, @Adriano Faria 😉 Looks like they are submitted though...just can't view them
  10. Can I reply to this? (Testing something out) Edit: yep, I can - I've had a few replies on other topics which, when are submitted and posted but on the front-end this isn't reflected until a page refresh of the topic. Additionally, the last poster information on the Form view for the topic isn't updated.
  11. Neither - I'll look into it at a later stage, if someone confirms that the linked plugin doesn't support Forms (it's been about a long time since I've used it, and when I did then it didn't have Forms support, or if it did then it wasn't working...it may or may not have been added/resolved in a later version)
  12. In the absence of the bug tracker...here is "Silly stuff what I noticed - part 1" I am creating a brand new topic right now - I'm going to include a screenshot of me doing it...look at the 'Recently browsing' bit at the bottom (Zoom in)
  13. Multiple topics about about the same thing ends up merged in to one on my site. You posted a new topic about the only thing being discussed in this forum and then cross-linked it on the original topic... I think I am almost done being involved in general discussion on here going forward...I am sticking to helping people out as and when I can.
  14. Correct - at this moment in time, another site I am involved in (not using Invision) is experiencing an issue with the sharing image. In short...F*****book.
  15. Pretty sure that works for Forms too...used it previously on my own site. Try it out, if it doesn't then I may have added something to it to make it work, which I can provide if you are self-hosted.
  16. Oh, it's possible but you really shouldn't - there are a LOT of changes between 4 & 5 and you will be in for a world of hurt as I would expect all of the IPS plugins to fail to work, as well as anything else designed to interact with the editor.
  17. And in the meantime...plugin attached. IMPORTANT: if the following setting is set to 'Opt out' then the option on the register page will be displayed - I'm not facilitating the removal of the users ability to opt out of the receipt of news and updates: (NE) Hide 'Send me news and updates' on register form.xml
  18. Ah well - not working any longer then (I did note that it may or may not work in all browsers) Don't bother looking - it's not in a template. Might take a look later at doing the plugin version I noted in the above post.
  19. I know nothing about this application at all, but the above would indicate to me that SOMETHING has to happen for a user's flag to appear. Which leads me back to reading the opening information about the application, specifically:
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