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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Just in case this is in relation to my screenshot showing "4.6.2" then I am not advising you to upgrade to 4.6.3 I am advising you to check that area, and apply the optional patch that is presented, assuming you haven't already applied it. I don't have a 4.6.x version that is on 4.6.3 without the patch applied, so can't be more specific than what I have shown. Just check it, make sure.
  2. Go in to your ACP Go to the Support dashboard. Refer to this section, once it populates: An optional patch was released earlier relating to captcha issues.
  3. Check your ACP and apply the optional patch for recaptcha issues.
  4. Thanks - add rel="external" to your <a> tag: $data = array('forum' => '21', 'title' => $gameHi[$win]['Title'], 'post' => "<a href='$Hi[$win]' rel="external">$Hi[$win]</a>", 'author' => '1'); That should sort you out - let me know if it doesn't, and I'll check that link again for newer items.
  5. Yes please - a link to the post containing the code created via the API (happy for you to send link, and any login credentials to be able to view, via PM) My application operates on the content of the post, manipulating it - I need to see the rendered HTML of a post that has been submitted via the API. Not the method used to create it, but the actual creation. Once I see that, then I can probably suggest a change to your own API code.
  6. Provide a link to a post that has been added via the API, and not yet been edited to resolve the issue
  7. Great - all good. Revert back to 7.4, then check the System/Error logs in the ACP to see what that error may have been referring to (you never know, it might be a plugin/application that isn't compatible with PHP 8 )
  8. I suggest you run this - it might just show up something not available (potentially the mySQLi extension, which isn't enabled by default in PHP)
  9. Are you using Stripe? Update: you were in the past...see below: I expect the same situation exists now.
  10. Pardon? I'm already working with the requester on this one.
  11. These are the settings already available: Do you mean pinned topics are shown regardless of being featured/unread? Enabled for 'this' being the plugin (already possible) or the new feature you are requesting (and I am clarifying)?
  12. A simple check: open the phpinfo page, via the support dashboard in the ACP. Search for webp: If GD/ImageMagick (whichever you have enabled in the 'Image Settings' in the ACP) don't display those then no webp.
  13. Yes, because... ...this is what will happen. It will provide you with the query, you run it, you continue.
  14. It means that if you click 'Continue' then some database upgrades are going to run - they may time out, and in that case you will be presented with a SQL query to run against the database manually. And it tells you to prepare yourself for that situation - if you don't know how to connect to proceed on connecting to the database via command line (could be SSH etc) then approach your host for advice on how to do that.
  15. The comment that you made about editing the file kind of gives the indication that you may not know how to create a plugin - if that is incorrect, and you can create a plugin, then hook into \IPS\forums\widgets\forumStatistics and modify the $cacheExpiration variable that way. However, as you've now said "Our site is on a cloud-based subscription" then I'm guessing that means IPS hosted...so editing the file and also creating the plugin are out the window unfortunately.
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