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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Try going direct to the edit page: https://www.logicprohelp.com/forums/topic/118846-logic-pro-x-compressor-circuit-type-cheat-sheet/?do=editComment&comment=800702 If it works, yay. If it doesn't then you wait.
  2. That last post is breaking the HTML: This looks like the culprit: <p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="270" width="480" data-embed-src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/1Tx6SRCwWug</iframe></div></div> </p> Opens the data-embed-src, but doesn't close it, and there is no closing > for the <iframe It should be: <p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="270" width="480" data-embed-src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/1Tx6SRCwWug"></iframe></div></div> </p>
  3. I am not referring to "...changes to the Paypal...." element; I am referring to a final release containing the word 'Beta' in its description.
  4. I don't do custom development, so please don't suggest me.
  5. Um, nope. I am pretty sure that it was released in April 2015, as a soft release and officially released about 2 months later.
  6. Are you referring to the default colour of text that has been posted and therefore is being viewed, or the text that is displayed in the Editor as you are typing?
  7. Let's take FB out of the equation....here's the link they produce: https://clubadventist.com/forums/?fbclid=IwAR21m6WaHbIaXoDb7bFlXMn6da6W5AnNIGV6I6tW0YmLcZIaXlgRyYTP2tI Click it - same issue. Take the long string out of the equation: https://clubadventist.com/forums/?fbclid=1 Same issue. Add that query string to someone else's (who happens to be self-hosted) site URL https://www.ynwa.tv/?fbclid=1 No issue. Let's take that query string out of the equation: https://clubadventist.com/forums/?sausages Same issue. What are the contents of your .htaccess file that you have at the root of your Invision installation?
  8. Reproduction steps: Go to Facebook Create a post Add the URL above Post the post Click the link Result:
  9. if you want a realistic reproduction...post a link to the Facebook post that has the link that then results in the issue you are seeing.
  10. Or it's a recurrence of this: Anyway...it's something for Invision to investigate.
  11. Maybe utilise merging of concurrent posts? (if the 'work' required is to manually merge those concurrent posts) Maybe advise the user on how to use the functionality correctly?
  12. Show more code 😉 Here's a working example: <?php $path = 'http://localhost/test/ips_47_test/'; $key = 'd5921836b2c8343d890a5faccb9e73af'; //Private message test $endpoint = '/core/messages'; $post = [ 'from' => 1, 'to' => [2], 'title' => 'title of private message', 'body' => 'send by api', ]; $params = http_build_query($post); $curl = curl_init($path . 'api' . $endpoint . '?' . $params); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => TRUE, CURLOPT_USERAGENT => "MyUserAgent/1.0", CURLOPT_POST => 1, CURLOPT_USERPWD => $key )); curl_exec($curl);
  13. Yes, it does - it randomly generates one specifically for each site. If you have the above repeatedly appearing, simply disable/re-enable the IndexNow integration to generate a new key.
  14. You can do that manually - just export the content of core_banfilters from your database, import it into your new database. But what about Cloud, I hear some say...ah well. It's not something I will build into this resource.
  15. I think that's a great idea, and I'm going to add it to my resource hehe. YOINK!!!
  16. Thanks - so, similar to that previous request that was fleshed out. You're logging valid emails. Obvious spammers are getting through as "No issues detected". You want to then submit that the sites used for checking the details Probably can be done for most of the sites, but it will be a manual process as I expect they would like you to explain why you are sending the submission i.e. evidence that they are a spammer. Leave it with me. Example:
  17. It's working fine - it sorts on cu_member_id, which is going to be NULL for all accounts that aren't member accounts. Just because it displays text doesn't mean the column is text. Anyway...that will be an actual text sort in a later version. Searching will be in a later version. You're going to need to elaborate here - if they are being detected, what is a manual report supposed to do exactly? See the previous discussion where somebody asked for buttons to be added - I need you to tell me what exactly you want to report, for whom and to where?
  18. I would suggest to you then that the other entries don't have an IP address either because it was never logged, or it has been logged and subsequently pruned as per the task included in the app that prunes IP addresses in adherence with the Invision setting: The rest, I will look into at a later point and respond then.
  19. On the resulting test instance, please create a constants.php file in the root (same location as the conf_global.php) Content should be <?php and then think about the following: To avoid actually sending out email to users...(create an 'email' folder in the root of the installation) \define('EMAIL_DEBUG_PATH', 'email'); If you use Commerce, add this to ensure that you aren't going to end up double-charging for items that may be renewable \define('NEXUS_TEST_GATEWAYS', true); If you already have a constants.php file then it may have content in there specific to your production installation, and it may need to be modified to avoid affecting the production instance (caching stuff, for example) In this case, post the current contents for advice.
  20. Very well. Personally I think the message should be displayed to the creator of the topic, regardless of whether they are a Moderator or not. But I'm not overly bothered about, so no feedback request to be submitted to change it.
  21. My post above isn't a solution...I'm reporting a potential bug with the functionality in relation to this being the requirement for the section to appear. Admins/Mods won't see the display on other people's topics. But the topic creator won't see the display on their own topic if they are a moderator.
  22. @Marc Stridgen It's early morning so happy to be wrong but I think the logic on the check for that section may be flawed if you are viewing your own topic and you are a Moderator. Here's the code: {{if $topic->canSolve() AND ! $topic->isSolved() AND $topic->isNotModeratorButCanSolve()}} <div class='cContentMessage cContentMessage_color ipsMessage_success ipsMargin_vertical' data-controller='forums.front.topic.solved'> <h3 class='cContentMessage__header'>{lang="solved_did_it_tho_title" sprintf="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->name"}</h3> <div class='ipsPadding'> {lang="solved_did_it_tho_desc"} {{if member.members_bitoptions['no_solved_reenage']}} <div class='ipsMargin_top'> <a href="#" data-action="mailSolvedReminders" class="ipsButton ipsButton_verySmall"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i>&nbsp; {lang="solved_reengage_on"}</a> </div> {{endif}} </div> </div> {{endif}} If checks 3 things canSolve = true isSolved = false isNotModeratorButCanSolve = true If you are a moderator and have created a topic that can be solved, that message won't display to you. See attached video. My question is... - Questions - YNWA.TV (Test site) — Mozilla Firefox 2023-03-29 09-50-32.mp4
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