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The Old Man

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  1. Confused
    The Old Man reacted to eskaiter in 4.4: 6 New Micro Features   
    All new features are nothing worth as long as they won't kill facebook, twitter, instagram and os on!
  2. Like
    The Old Man reacted to Daniel F in 4.4: 6 New Micro Features   
    I guess @Adriano Faria @Martin A. and some others will be happy to hear that we've also cleaned up the code and provide now a clean way for 3rd parties to add own tabs to the club navigation 🙂
    More information will be posted in a separate topic with the 4.4 changes for 3rd party developers 🙂
  3. Thanks
    The Old Man reacted to All Astronauts in 4.4: Recurring PayPal Payments and more with Braintree and Commerce   
    This. For most reviews actually. 
    That said. PayPal for PayPal (or Venmo I guess?) only, Stripe for credit/debit. Wish I punched up on Stripe stock years ago. 
    Stripe is so good I rarely even look at the Stripe dashboard. It's for all intents and purposes utterly reliable and routine. Also it's not PayPal.
  4. Thanks
    The Old Man reacted to PoC2 in 4.4: Recurring PayPal Payments and more with Braintree and Commerce   
    Initially very interested. Then I did a bit of research and read some reviews of Braintree, so I may pass on this implementation.
  5. Thanks
    The Old Man reacted to Daniel F in 4.4: SEO Improvements   
    To be fair, our Guest Page Cache is  using kind of the same approach as W3 Total Cache.  You have to keep in mind that a blog is much less dynamic than a community.
  6. Haha
    The Old Man reacted to LiquidFractal in 4.4: SEO Improvements   
    "It's been said that the best place to hide a dead body is on page 2 of Google."
    Oh, thank you @Matt....this made me genuinely Laugh Out Loud
  7. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from supernal in 4.4: SEO Improvements   
    Brilliant, really, really chuffed that you reached out to Yoast on this, experts in their field. Would love to see more examples of this.
    I've always thought that Invision Community could do with an equivalent Yoast SEO and W3 Total Cache performance add-on to make life easier and assist with content authoring of news and blog articles. 
    I get chills thinking about IPS reaching out to Elegant Themes to bring Divi Builder to Pages! 
  8. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from Nebthtet in 4.4: SEO Improvements   
    Brilliant, really, really chuffed that you reached out to Yoast on this, experts in their field. Would love to see more examples of this.
    I've always thought that Invision Community could do with an equivalent Yoast SEO and W3 Total Cache performance add-on to make life easier and assist with content authoring of news and blog articles. 
    I get chills thinking about IPS reaching out to Elegant Themes to bring Divi Builder to Pages! 
  9. Like
    The Old Man reacted to AlexWebsites in 4.4: New Email Features   
    You’ve gone this far, why not introduce a native newsletter feature which can be scheduled and tracked. 🙂 Love the new features but would like to remove advertisements per user group as mentioned. 
  10. Like
    The Old Man reacted to Chris027 in 4.4: New Email Features   
    Is it possible to limit which groups receive email advertising?
    We sell subscriptions that give people ad-free browsing of the site, and I'd like to exclude this group from receiving ads via email.
  11. Like
    The Old Man reacted to Rikki in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    @Mr 13 We've actually optimized all images in the suite too; the default coverphoto image is now ~280KB. Also, cover photos across the suite are indeed lazy loaded too.
    @Joel R Yes there's a background task that will clean up the existing letter photos.
    For developers, I wanted to add that our lazy loading utility is very flexible, so you can actually use it to lazy load whatever you want, and pretty finely control what happens (with preload, load and post-load callbacks). We hook into IntersectionObserver which is a new(ish) API in browsers that make it super efficient to check when an element comes into view. Of course, our regular content controllers already handle lazy loading images and videos in UGC for you, but if your apps have other areas where it'd be useful, you can do that quite easily 🙂 
  12. Like
    The Old Man reacted to Adlago in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    Are you planning removal of old property prefixes in 4.4 version?

  13. Like
    The Old Man reacted to rfcontreras in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    I've solved all the new features speed improvements using pagespeed module with Redis, on the high 90% in PageSpeed Insights, GTMetrix and all "A" in webpagetest. It's nice to see all these improvements addressed..
    Some suggestions
    Create different size avatars instead of using a 200x200 image on a 34x34 placeholder, there are CSS's that dynamically resize the originals, at the expense of bandwidth.
    Articles images have the same problem, if I choose a 1000x1000 image, on the record list every article will download the ORIGINAL image and resize it with CSS... huge bandwidth usage.
    Reduce the DOM tree...it's huge 
  14. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from Matt in 16 Community ideas to ring in the holidays   
    Yes, I'm sure the others are due imminently! They are normally out every year.
    My main community is about a very dark 90's TV series, serial killers, criminal profilers etc and my members still love the Xmas themes even though some are probably bit too cute for my community, something for everyone though and I've never seen anything top them. Sometimes I've combined with the falling snow plug-in.
  15. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from Matt in 16 Community ideas to ring in the holidays   
    It's been tradition for over a decade to install a seasonal theme, actually seasonal themes on my forums from IBTheme.com.
    They range from cute snowmen to traditional colours, but no photo backgrounds, all hand drawn style.

  16. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from Ramsesx in 16 Community ideas to ring in the holidays   
    Yes, I'm sure the others are due imminently! They are normally out every year.
    My main community is about a very dark 90's TV series, serial killers, criminal profilers etc and my members still love the Xmas themes even though some are probably bit too cute for my community, something for everyone though and I've never seen anything top them. Sometimes I've combined with the falling snow plug-in.
  17. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from Joel R in 16 Community ideas to ring in the holidays   
    It's been tradition for over a decade to install a seasonal theme, actually seasonal themes on my forums from IBTheme.com.
    They range from cute snowmen to traditional colours, but no photo backgrounds, all hand drawn style.

  18. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from Markus Jung in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    This is really good news, I'd been hoping to see a performance-based release for some time as traditionally IPS does rate low in Page SpeedGTMetrix/Yslow tests and we've been waiting for some of these overdue improvements for quite some time. So huge thanks! 
    Lazyloading should really help with Gallery in particular, I currently get a poor Pagespeed score of F42 on one of my sites.
    Please consider adding to your to do list (if not already added):
    Serve scaled images (current GTMetrix reports a score of F0 with a 1.2MiB 80% possible saving is possible on my Gallery index page) Where static content is uploaded to Amazon S3 and Cloudfront (it should be copied, not moved!), often there is missing header metadata such as cache-control, expires etc. Whilst investigating poor Cloudfront cache hit ratios of just 5%, I noticed this week an IPS uploaded .png image placed in my S3 bucket with a content-type of image/jpeg instead of image/png.  Leverage Browser Caching (you can't do anything about Amazon and Google external resources, but IPS could and should add more to improve caching of its static resources) Specify Image Dimensions - I get awful scores for this both on Gallery and Forums where images are missing width and height attributes. This happens particularly in grid view layout and where you upload an image attachment into forum description fields via AdminCP.  Remove query strings from urls - Have raised this several times, and keep getting told it's needed to allow cache busting, but the string token could be built into the actual filename/url itself. If CSS for example is later rebuilt, a new url is created and immediately browsers see the updated resource and recache it. All of the separate CSS and JS files should be grouped into one or two files, not like 10-12. Pages article images should have medium sized thumbnails available instead of just tiny thumbnails which look awful stretch to cover on 4K displays. The alternative is full-sized (in my case massive 1920x1080 images) which kill page loading times are are such overkill for article listing previews.  
  19. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from Nebthtet in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    This is really good news, I'd been hoping to see a performance-based release for some time as traditionally IPS does rate low in Page SpeedGTMetrix/Yslow tests and we've been waiting for some of these overdue improvements for quite some time. So huge thanks! 
    Lazyloading should really help with Gallery in particular, I currently get a poor Pagespeed score of F42 on one of my sites.
    Please consider adding to your to do list (if not already added):
    Serve scaled images (current GTMetrix reports a score of F0 with a 1.2MiB 80% possible saving is possible on my Gallery index page) Where static content is uploaded to Amazon S3 and Cloudfront (it should be copied, not moved!), often there is missing header metadata such as cache-control, expires etc. Whilst investigating poor Cloudfront cache hit ratios of just 5%, I noticed this week an IPS uploaded .png image placed in my S3 bucket with a content-type of image/jpeg instead of image/png.  Leverage Browser Caching (you can't do anything about Amazon and Google external resources, but IPS could and should add more to improve caching of its static resources) Specify Image Dimensions - I get awful scores for this both on Gallery and Forums where images are missing width and height attributes. This happens particularly in grid view layout and where you upload an image attachment into forum description fields via AdminCP.  Remove query strings from urls - Have raised this several times, and keep getting told it's needed to allow cache busting, but the string token could be built into the actual filename/url itself. If CSS for example is later rebuilt, a new url is created and immediately browsers see the updated resource and recache it. All of the separate CSS and JS files should be grouped into one or two files, not like 10-12. Pages article images should have medium sized thumbnails available instead of just tiny thumbnails which look awful stretch to cover on 4K displays. The alternative is full-sized (in my case massive 1920x1080 images) which kill page loading times are are such overkill for article listing previews.  
  20. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from Claudia999 in Video Tip: Set up a curated video gallery in 5 minutes with Pages   
    You know I love IPS but as powerful as Pages is, your article templates are still so few, so limited and I'm sorry, but so outdated! Back in IP Content v2.whateveritwas, I was told you'd be releasing more article templates, but years later and there are still no new templates for rapid deployment. The problem is that almost all Pages websites seem to either look pretty much the same, or just awful. 
    Thank God for the Supergrid templates by @opentype and his very fair pricing policy, they offer a quick and attractive second option to the default template.
    Please release some more varied designs or perhaps consider partnering up with a good design company to get some more created.
    Many thanks!
  21. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from Florent Bouillon in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    This is really good news, I'd been hoping to see a performance-based release for some time as traditionally IPS does rate low in Page SpeedGTMetrix/Yslow tests and we've been waiting for some of these overdue improvements for quite some time. So huge thanks! 
    Lazyloading should really help with Gallery in particular, I currently get a poor Pagespeed score of F42 on one of my sites.
    Please consider adding to your to do list (if not already added):
    Serve scaled images (current GTMetrix reports a score of F0 with a 1.2MiB 80% possible saving is possible on my Gallery index page) Where static content is uploaded to Amazon S3 and Cloudfront (it should be copied, not moved!), often there is missing header metadata such as cache-control, expires etc. Whilst investigating poor Cloudfront cache hit ratios of just 5%, I noticed this week an IPS uploaded .png image placed in my S3 bucket with a content-type of image/jpeg instead of image/png.  Leverage Browser Caching (you can't do anything about Amazon and Google external resources, but IPS could and should add more to improve caching of its static resources) Specify Image Dimensions - I get awful scores for this both on Gallery and Forums where images are missing width and height attributes. This happens particularly in grid view layout and where you upload an image attachment into forum description fields via AdminCP.  Remove query strings from urls - Have raised this several times, and keep getting told it's needed to allow cache busting, but the string token could be built into the actual filename/url itself. If CSS for example is later rebuilt, a new url is created and immediately browsers see the updated resource and recache it. All of the separate CSS and JS files should be grouped into one or two files, not like 10-12. Pages article images should have medium sized thumbnails available instead of just tiny thumbnails which look awful stretch to cover on 4K displays. The alternative is full-sized (in my case massive 1920x1080 images) which kill page loading times are are such overkill for article listing previews.  
  22. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from sobrenome in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    This is really good news, I'd been hoping to see a performance-based release for some time as traditionally IPS does rate low in Page SpeedGTMetrix/Yslow tests and we've been waiting for some of these overdue improvements for quite some time. So huge thanks! 
    Lazyloading should really help with Gallery in particular, I currently get a poor Pagespeed score of F42 on one of my sites.
    Please consider adding to your to do list (if not already added):
    Serve scaled images (current GTMetrix reports a score of F0 with a 1.2MiB 80% possible saving is possible on my Gallery index page) Where static content is uploaded to Amazon S3 and Cloudfront (it should be copied, not moved!), often there is missing header metadata such as cache-control, expires etc. Whilst investigating poor Cloudfront cache hit ratios of just 5%, I noticed this week an IPS uploaded .png image placed in my S3 bucket with a content-type of image/jpeg instead of image/png.  Leverage Browser Caching (you can't do anything about Amazon and Google external resources, but IPS could and should add more to improve caching of its static resources) Specify Image Dimensions - I get awful scores for this both on Gallery and Forums where images are missing width and height attributes. This happens particularly in grid view layout and where you upload an image attachment into forum description fields via AdminCP.  Remove query strings from urls - Have raised this several times, and keep getting told it's needed to allow cache busting, but the string token could be built into the actual filename/url itself. If CSS for example is later rebuilt, a new url is created and immediately browsers see the updated resource and recache it. All of the separate CSS and JS files should be grouped into one or two files, not like 10-12. Pages article images should have medium sized thumbnails available instead of just tiny thumbnails which look awful stretch to cover on 4K displays. The alternative is full-sized (in my case massive 1920x1080 images) which kill page loading times are are such overkill for article listing previews.  
  23. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from Tyler Loewen in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    This is really good news, I'd been hoping to see a performance-based release for some time as traditionally IPS does rate low in Page SpeedGTMetrix/Yslow tests and we've been waiting for some of these overdue improvements for quite some time. So huge thanks! 
    Lazyloading should really help with Gallery in particular, I currently get a poor Pagespeed score of F42 on one of my sites.
    Please consider adding to your to do list (if not already added):
    Serve scaled images (current GTMetrix reports a score of F0 with a 1.2MiB 80% possible saving is possible on my Gallery index page) Where static content is uploaded to Amazon S3 and Cloudfront (it should be copied, not moved!), often there is missing header metadata such as cache-control, expires etc. Whilst investigating poor Cloudfront cache hit ratios of just 5%, I noticed this week an IPS uploaded .png image placed in my S3 bucket with a content-type of image/jpeg instead of image/png.  Leverage Browser Caching (you can't do anything about Amazon and Google external resources, but IPS could and should add more to improve caching of its static resources) Specify Image Dimensions - I get awful scores for this both on Gallery and Forums where images are missing width and height attributes. This happens particularly in grid view layout and where you upload an image attachment into forum description fields via AdminCP.  Remove query strings from urls - Have raised this several times, and keep getting told it's needed to allow cache busting, but the string token could be built into the actual filename/url itself. If CSS for example is later rebuilt, a new url is created and immediately browsers see the updated resource and recache it. All of the separate CSS and JS files should be grouped into one or two files, not like 10-12. Pages article images should have medium sized thumbnails available instead of just tiny thumbnails which look awful stretch to cover on 4K displays. The alternative is full-sized (in my case massive 1920x1080 images) which kill page loading times are are such overkill for article listing previews.  
  24. Like
    The Old Man got a reaction from DamonT in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    This is really good news, I'd been hoping to see a performance-based release for some time as traditionally IPS does rate low in Page SpeedGTMetrix/Yslow tests and we've been waiting for some of these overdue improvements for quite some time. So huge thanks! 
    Lazyloading should really help with Gallery in particular, I currently get a poor Pagespeed score of F42 on one of my sites.
    Please consider adding to your to do list (if not already added):
    Serve scaled images (current GTMetrix reports a score of F0 with a 1.2MiB 80% possible saving is possible on my Gallery index page) Where static content is uploaded to Amazon S3 and Cloudfront (it should be copied, not moved!), often there is missing header metadata such as cache-control, expires etc. Whilst investigating poor Cloudfront cache hit ratios of just 5%, I noticed this week an IPS uploaded .png image placed in my S3 bucket with a content-type of image/jpeg instead of image/png.  Leverage Browser Caching (you can't do anything about Amazon and Google external resources, but IPS could and should add more to improve caching of its static resources) Specify Image Dimensions - I get awful scores for this both on Gallery and Forums where images are missing width and height attributes. This happens particularly in grid view layout and where you upload an image attachment into forum description fields via AdminCP.  Remove query strings from urls - Have raised this several times, and keep getting told it's needed to allow cache busting, but the string token could be built into the actual filename/url itself. If CSS for example is later rebuilt, a new url is created and immediately browsers see the updated resource and recache it. All of the separate CSS and JS files should be grouped into one or two files, not like 10-12. Pages article images should have medium sized thumbnails available instead of just tiny thumbnails which look awful stretch to cover on 4K displays. The alternative is full-sized (in my case massive 1920x1080 images) which kill page loading times are are such overkill for article listing previews.  
  25. Like
    The Old Man reacted to opentype in 4.4: Turbo charging loading speeds   
    You can set the size of the thumbnail already. I always raise it. The default is way too small.
    what is needed is a regenration feature after making changes to the settings.
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