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    aia got a reaction from Chris027 in We need webp NOW   
    I wonder why image extensions are hardcoded instead of option in ACP? It would be great to have this as an option, so everyone who cares about modern image formats could add them there without any code.
  2. Thanks
    aia got a reaction from leonovich_J in We need webp NOW   
    I wonder why image extensions are hardcoded instead of option in ACP? It would be great to have this as an option, so everyone who cares about modern image formats could add them there without any code.
  3. Like
    aia reacted to coert_g in Unhappy With Theme Installation Limitations   
    We're really not liking the way that the theme installations are working in 4.5, given that it seems to neglect the ability to work on a theme in a development environment. 

    It is essential for us to ensure that our themes (and CMS) are running properly after each update. Before doing anything on our live, we get everything sorted on our development install and then move it to our live. However, the changes in 4.5 and the way one adds a theme has made this a bit of a nightmare. One cannot use the admin panel's marketplace on a test install - so it becomes difficult to then do any kind of testing and customization when there is an update.

    After chatting with the IPS support, we were told to reach out to the theme developers and ask for a theme installation file to be sent through. This isn't a great methodology when one then needs to contact the theme developers each update in the hopes that they check their DMs and send it through in a timely manner. 

    We have custom code that regularly needs to be tweaked in accordance with updates, so we're not looking forward to go through this each time there is a new update.

    There surely has to be a smoother way of ensuring that installing themes on a development environment isn't such a challenge. Surely most websites are working on a development environment when testing out new updates?!

    ** While this problem persists for those developing on a local environment. An online dev environment will work.
  4. Like
    aia reacted to TyronX in "You are now leaving xyz.com" confirmation message for Links   
    To prevent phishing attacks, clicking on a link should warn the user that they are now leaving the site. We already got some Link settings in the back-end, this should be a third option
  5. Thanks
    aia reacted to jackflash in Sorry, you aren't permitted to download this file.   
    I like the format Word Press uses - you can download an app and/or install it on the admin side.  In this fashion, you have both options.
  6. Thanks
    aia reacted to stonewolf777 in Sorry, you aren't permitted to download this file.   
    "Sorry, you aren't permitted to download this file"
    The way you treat your clients shows exactly were are you going to! IPS is obsolete (just like T1000). Asking every 6 month for a complete suite more than 100$ only to have access to files for which I PAID AND CAN'T get them? What if I lost my backups? Huh? 
  7. Like
    aia got a reaction from Armbian_Werner in IPS 4.5: collapse code blocks the same way as quotes   
    In this announce new feature called "quote collapse" was mentioned. It would be nice to have the same feature for code blocks. Thanks.
  8. Like
    aia reacted to The Studio in Scheduled Posts   
    We desperately need this feature. Honestly I find it hard to believe it's not already included - it's essential for any community running any sort of scheduled event. 
    I've sorted through the available apps & I cannot find any that offer this. Am I missing it? Has anyone found a way to do this in 4.5.3? 
  9. Thanks
    aia reacted to CoffeeCake in Two factor security answers are exposed in ACP   
    I understand there's a separate permission, however I believe this data should not be shown without explicitly requesting it and logging that it was requested to be viewed. This should be an auditable activity.
    Someone that has this permission should not be able to see the answers of every person who has supplied those answers just by viewing the member record in ACP.
  10. Thanks
    aia reacted to Malwarebytes Forums in Reputation and Reaction enhancements   
    The current Reputation and Reaction feature could use some enhancements. Currently it's either ON or OFF.  It does allow Groups to be excluded which is good.
    We would like to see the following additional features added at some point soon in the future
    Reputations - Filter by Forums, On/Off per forum Reputations - Exclude by Member, On/Off Reactions - Customizable count for maximum reactions in a set period of time on per User level  
  11. Thanks
    aia reacted to CoffeeCake in Two factor security answers are exposed in ACP   
    I noticed a member who had turned on two factor authentication and provided security answers. I don't believe it's security best practices to show these values to anyone looking at the member's account in plaintext, without some sort of action being taken that is logged. For example, a button to view the values that then logs the account who requested to view the values, or even better, only validate that the entered answer matched what the user specified without displaying the values at all.
    Right now, the answers are available to anyone with permission to view without taking any action to see the answers. Please change this behavior to require a click on something that would insert "Paul E. viewed member's security questions and answers" or such in the account activity logs at a minimum.
  12. Like
    aia reacted to Fast Lane! in GDPR data deletion issue   
    I would think it's far easier.  In quotes simply have the editor insert a tag for the member ID that's replaced when viewed. Something like ##MID-2245##.
    Since it's tied to the MID which never changes, a quick strrplace would just insert the currently associated member name upon displaying a post (or if none found then just list "Guest").
  13. Thanks
    aia reacted to optrexnz in Moderation notices to members   
    My site staff are constantly getting moaned at for doing their job. Why did you hide my post? Where has my comment gone? Why have you created a new topic?
    It seems ludicrous that there's no way of notifying the members why something has been done without sending PM's everywhere.
    We're now trying to combat the lack of notifications by utilising the warning system but desperately need some way of notifying the user that a post has been split to a new topic at xyz, or a post has been hidden because it breaches guidelines, ideally without using PM's.

  14. Like
    aia got a reaction from kmk in Shortlinks   
    Some time ago, I described how I solved this problem for one of my communities.
  15. Thanks
    aia reacted to CoffeeCake in GDPR data deletion issue   
    I had this same issue last week. It's specifically the @Paul E. usertag type stuff, and the names that appear in quotes. The HTML is all pre-parsed in the post table for these names, so it takes (as of the current architecture) a search/replace of the post's text in the database. Usernames attributed to posts are an easy fix--there's an ID that can be matched. Reparsing the content of posts is a bit more of an infrastructure change, though I think necessary. Perhaps as a background job.
  16. Thanks
    aia got a reaction from tnn in <meta charset="utf-8"> must be the first element in <head>   
    <meta charset="utf-8"> must be the first element in <head> in the default template in order to keep code valid even if Custom tracking code is long.

    Current placement causes problems with validation. Example:
    Community Validator Report Error:

    Solution is simple:

  17. Thanks
    aia reacted to Everade in We need webp NOW   
    1.) Display webp as image instead of attachment (handle them just like all other image types)
    2.) Allow webp as image upload option in all areas (Profile Picture, Cover Photo, Forum Icon, Grid Card Image, Pages when posting content and anywhere else that i've missed)

    Repeat the steps for .WEBM (would be lovely since video compression is in most cases superior to animated images such as GIF and WEBP)
    Would be really great to be able to be able to upload video format types in all the mentioned areas (Profile Pictures, Cover Photo, but especialy Pages)
    3.) Add an option to swap all png images (profile content and/or uploads and forum core pictures) to webp instead with a conversion job that processes all images. (That's the bigger work i guess, but would be amazing to have.)
    This would ultimately reduce the data usage by tremendous bounds, save bandwith and improve performance.
  18. Thanks
    aia reacted to jellyhound in GDPR data deletion issue   
    We recently tried to comply with GDPR data deletion request for one of our clients and stumbled upon a major issue with Invision's anonymise attributions ability.
    As part of this process we must delete the users from the forum.
    We want to keep conversation flowing and so we want to anonymise attributions which is great and generally understood to be an acceptable GDPR approach/
    However, many users like to use their full names as usernames, this is Personal Identifiable Information.
    So you delete the user and the username is changed to guest, great!
    However, if anyone has "quoted" that user then the name still appears throughout the thread leaving a huge data task cleaning up all quote references.
  19. Thanks
    aia reacted to Everade in We need webp NOW   
    Why are invisioncommunity devs so blind for webp?

    It's not like it requires any other extra work, since the compression of webp is already existant by nature.
    Simply allowing webp by default shouldn't be the biggest deal, or is it?
    It's already widely accepted by all major browsers, so there's no excuse on that anymore, especially not since you dropped IE support yourselfs.
    But still, every request and any conversation about webp have either been put down, or ignored.

    Could we please get an explanation why you're so anti-fast-web?
    I'm honestly wondering why is that.
    I'm also wondering if the spacer.png image load implementation is still best practice either.
    Wouldn't it make more sense to add native lazy loading instead?
    Really keen to live up to todays SEO standards and performance requirements.
  20. Like
    aia got a reaction from xtech in Implement better compression for pasted images   
    Squoosh is an image compression web app made by Google Chrome Labs. It allows you to dive into the advanced options provided by various image compressors.

    Squoosh is open source. and it could be integrated into IPS.

    Here is why it's important:

    1. The image below was pasted directly into editor using CTRL+V, and it's size is 875 kb.

    2. The image below was pasted into squoosh.app using CTRL+V, saved with default settings and then uploaded to the post. Its size is just 42kb (x20.8 times better).
    *If IPS supported webp, then it could be just 32 kb, x27.4 times better.

    My suggestion is to give us an ability to save pasted images in the most efficient format instead of PNG.
  21. Like
    aia got a reaction from SeNioR- in Why aren't posts numbered within a thread?   
    For my communities, I fixed this issue showing the unique ID of the post. You can see it in action here.

  22. Confused
    aia reacted to xtech in Praise to IPS   
    I am onboard with IPS for long, and here is my positive feedback on the current state of the nation:
    - I love the strategy of moving from Pure forum to communities, with a tightly integrantes set of apps. This was a crucial move that allowed IPS to escape from the fierce competitivo on a shrinking market. As everybody knows, fóruns are disappearing, yet people are still getting together. This is why i prefer IPS package Over XF ir VB because there is a whole set of tightly packed tools to get my people collaborating.
    - I love the new theme. "Oh it's too white" "oh só much white space"... For me it is definitely a great step forward. Is ir perfect? No, but it was definitely a major step forward!
    - Integrations! We are not alone in the cyberspace, and there are many great apps and services out there. Integration with Zapier will be a major leap um interoperability and would allow IPS users to extract more value of their communities. I am looking forward to see IPS on Zapier, it os just taking too long.
    - Support. Has been great. Thanks!
    There is also less positive aspects, most related to pricing, business and evolution of the compromise with customers through time,  but now it is not the time to talk about that.
  23. Thanks
    aia reacted to Davyc in Marketplace   
    Having the marketplace inside of the application in the ACP is a good idea, but - access to the marketplace is governed by having a current license renewal in place.  This means that if a license has expired and the user does not wish to renew at this point in time (for whatever reasons), if their site has a catastrophic failure and they need to reinstall from scratch, the applications they have purchase which need to be reinstalled, what happens to them?  Will they be available in the ACP or will they need to renew their license before they can access what they have paid for?
    I believe that the option to install from the ACP should be retained as it's helpful, but the option to download what you have paid for should also be made available.  After all, it is we the users who have paid for this app or plugin.  Thoughts?
  24. Thanks
    aia reacted to xtech in Marketplace   
    Totally agree. You buy an APP, you retain the right to use it, regardless of having an active IPS licence.
  25. Thanks
    aia reacted to bosss in Marketplace   
    Agree with You ( @Davyc and @xtech) 100 %. Wrote before that our paid files are stealed from us and got warning because of criticsm. Will never buy something from Donatorplace (Marketplace) and will never renew my paid files because my paid files will have on my computer and used when i need them (and also protect them on my way). IPS do not need protect my paid files because they can not protect their owns (allready you can download 4.5.2 whole package - nulled).
    Will buy something only on developers site in future. Bought Ipsproarcade - on developers site and had never problems (you can not find nulled arcade) - developer protected his files = Bravo - teach lesson IPS.
    @Lindyyou can give me another warning but i understand You - criticsm is not welcome here but kissing ass is ok!
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