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Everything posted by teraßyte

  1. The conversion page lists Woltlab 3.1.x as available, but I'm not sure if it also works with 6.x: https://invisioncommunity.com/services/convert/ This migration will redirect your existing URLs WoltLab Suite (3.1) to Invision Community - Convert Profile Field Groups - Convert Profile Fields - Convert Emoticons - Convert Ignored Users - Convert Member Groups - Convert Members - Convert Private Messages - Convert Private Message Replies WoltLab Suite Forum to Forums - Convert Forums - Convert Topics - Convert Posts - Convert Attachments You can check this guide for how to use them: If you're not comfortable doing it yourself, it's also possible to hire a 3rd party Provider to do it for you: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers-directory/ However, as I mentioned above, I'm not sure if the current version of the converters supports the 6.x version. You'll need to wait for IPS to confirm whether that's the case. If 6.x isn't supported, developing a custom converter is the only option.
  2. I'm confused. Are you converting an SMF forum or are you upgrading from an old 4.2.9 version? What kind of permission error are you receiving exactly? Without more details, it's impossible to tell what the problem is. If you're indeed upgrading from 4.2.9 to 4.7.15, you need to perform a manual upgrade: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/advanced-options/server-management/install-and-upgrade-r259/#manualupgrade The auto-upgrade in ACP won't work because you need to change the PHP version along the way.
  3. You need to check the tables. The individual tables can have a different charset than the database one. If your tables aren't utf8mb4, the ACP support page should show a warning about it.
  4. The \IPS\Helpers\Form\Date class does not account properly for a member's timezone when the min and/or max options are set. This is the file's code on lines 303-314 in the validate() function: if ( $this->value and $this->options['min'] !== NULL and $this->options['min'] > $this->value ) { $string = $this->options['min']->setTimeZone( $timezone )->localeDate( \IPS\Member::loggedIn() ); if( $this->options['time'] ) { $string .=' ' . $this->options['min']->setTimeZone( $timezone )->localeTime( \IPS\Member::loggedIn() ); } throw new \LengthException( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('form_date_min', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $string ) ) ) ); } /* Check maximum */ if ( $this->value and $this->options['max'] !== NULL and $this->options['max'] < $this->value ) { $string = $this->options['max']->setTimeZone( $timezone )->localeDate( \IPS\Member::loggedIn() ); if( $this->options['time'] ) { $string .=' ' . $this->options['max']->setTimeZone( $timezone )->localeTime( \IPS\Member::loggedIn() ); } throw new \LengthException( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('form_date_max', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $string ) ) ) ); } The code doesn't account at all for the timezone when checking the min/max values against the entered value: $this->options['min'] > $this->value $this->options['max'] < $this->value The timezone is added only inside the IF check to display the error, but not before it for the check: $string = $this->options['min']->setTimeZone( $timezone )->localeDate( \IPS\Member::loggedIn() ); $string = $this->options['max']->setTimeZone( $timezone )->localeDate( \IPS\Member::loggedIn() ); This causes the check to fail for a user close to the UTC timezone, while it passes for a user with a more distant timezone. Here is an example with 2 different timezones (Rome & New York): DEBUG CODE: ================================================== print_r( $this->value ); print_r( $this->options['min'] ); print_r( $this->options['min']->setTimeZone( $timezone ) ); var_dump( $this->options['min'] > $this->value ); exit; ================================================== OUTPUT FOR ROME TIMEZONE: ================================================== IPS\DateTime Object ( [date] => 2024-03-02 00:01:00.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => Europe/Rome ) IPS\DateTime Object ( [date] => 2024-03-02 00:58:41.440303 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => UTC ) IPS\DateTime Object ( [date] => 2024-03-02 01:58:41.440303 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => Europe/Rome ) bool(true) ================================================== OUTPUT FOR NEW YORK TIMEZONE: ================================================== IPS\DateTime Object ( [date] => 2024-03-02 02:41:00.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => America/New_York ) IPS\DateTime Object ( [date] => 2024-03-02 00:52:00.648474 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => UTC ) IPS\DateTime Object ( [date] => 2024-03-01 19:52:00.648474 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => America/New_York ) bool(false) As you can see from the debug output above, the member with a Rome timezone fails to pass the check (TRUE triggers the error), while the New York timezone passes the check (FALSE doesn't trigger the error). The timezone must be added to the min/max checks before the check is done, and not after to display only the error.
  5. Is your database using the utf8mb4 charset or something else?
  6. That's a rather unique problem, I've never heard this before. 😮 The quote javascript already moves the cursor after the quote, but maybe you could change it to add also some text like "REPLY HERE" or something similar? However, it will require a custom modification since JS is not something you can edit directly like a template.
  7. The only other thing that comes to mind is that your site (or at least the new server's IP you're on) is under a DDOS attack, and that's filling up the user connections. You'd still need to check with your hosting about that, though.
  8. If you have that code in your htaccess file then the Rewrite URLs? setting in your screenshot (which is disabled) needs to be enabled. Also, this is the latest .htaccess file: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> Options -MultiViews RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule \.(js|css|jpeg|jpg|gif|png|ico|map|webp)(\?|$) /404error.php [L,NC] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.php [L] </IfModule> Yours is missing the webp extension.
  9. Since you have the index.php? part in your URLs, I don't think you ever enabled the htaccess redirect option for Invision Community in your ACP.
  10. Do you mean a particular topic perhaps? There has never been a feature for individual posts, I'm not even sure how you'd track that even if you used to have a modification for it.
  11. The Add Message option is available also in other areas: Downloads Files Calendar Events Gallery Images Blog Entries Pages Database At least I'm seeing it everywhere. 🙄
  12. The column cache_sm is not a default one in the forums_topics table. It must have been added by a modification at some point. Either the modification is now disabled or uninstalled, but the column is still there, and since it doesn't accept a NULL value, the database throws that error. The column name itself doesn't tell what kind of modification it could be. The only way is to investigate the database/modifications on your site and pinpoint where it's coming from. And, in case the modification is already uninstalled, the column needs to be removed manually. 🤔 This is not something IPS can assist with since it's caused by a 3rd party modification. Unless you know how to do it yourself, you'll need help from a 3rd party developer/provider. If you send me a PM with more details, I can take a look.
  13. The EasyPost integration is a Community Enhancement. You can refer to this guide to find the setting I mentioned (see the 2nd and 4th screenshots):
  14. @Marc Stridgen The error should still be fixed, though: Call to undefined method IPS\core\extensions\core\EditorLocations\Contact::attachmentPermissionCheck() Even if the ID being looked up doesn't exist, it shouldn't throw a PHP error but show a proper error page at least.
  15. Exactly this. I meant to add a mention about the RAM when I said to confirm what the hosting is asking, but forgot to. 😅
  16. If the site I found using that name is correct, even their smallest plan has 100GB SSD storage. Unless you have a very old plan/account with them, and it was never upgraded to one of their newest plans, you're not being told to reduce the space used. Maybe you should confirm better with your hosting what exactly is the issue. As for suggestions, since IPS also provides hosting (IPS Cloud), we aren't allowed to publicly mention other hosting options as far as I know. In case you still want to go ahead and switch hosting without using the Cloud option, send me a PM and I can at least tell you the one I'm using. But first, confirm with your hosting if the issue is indeed the space used and not something else.
  17. You can't import a CSV list of the active members, it would just duplicate the accounts or skip importing them if the same email already exists (I forget which right now). If you already have a list of active members, it would be best to: Move all members to a new group. Run a script to move the active members (based on your list) back to the correct group. Mass delete the members that remain in the new group. Delete the new group. As I mentioned, you need to write a custom script that accepts the format of the list of active members and updates the accounts. Or, for example, if you have a query based on the email field, you can do step #2 above without a custom script and simply run your query with all the active members' emails. In any case, be sure to do a backup before making any changes.
  18. Okay. Now, that image under the "Most Contributions" box, is that an ad/image you added? Try temporarily disabling it and see if that fixes the sidebar.
  19. I think 500 MB is a pretty small hosting package nowadays. Even the cheapest option on the hosting I use has 10 GB for $2.24 /month. 😮 Rather than deleting files, which might break old posts that require those files, have you considered changing hosting? 🙄
  20. The default theme is white, not dark. 🙄 Try on a default theme with no customizations at all.
  21. If you are on Windows, once you find the access logs, you can try using this application to parse/view them in a more readable format: https://www.apacheviewer.com/ The free version should be more than enough for what you need. You can filter by those guests' IPs, etc.
  22. You could remove the guests' permission to see those specific forums, but it would impact the ability of search engines to index your content, too. You might be able to tell what they're doing if you look at the access logs of your server. If you're unsure where they are, try asking your hosting. Every page opened/viewed is recorded in those logs (as log as the server has the option enabled). You might be able to see what exactly they're doing that way.
  23. You can find the recommended CHMOD settings inside the init.php file: // File permissions // For example: when making folders for files to be uploaded to, what permissions // that should be created with 'IPS_FOLDER_PERMISSION' => 0777, // Writeable folders 'FOLDER_PERMISSION_NO_WRITE' => 0755, // Non-writeable folders 'IPS_FILE_PERMISSION' => 0666, // Writeable files 'FILE_PERMISSION_NO_WRITE' => 0644, // Non-writeable files Those are the default values IPS suggests (and uses), but depending on your server's configuration, you might need to adjust them. That part is best discussed with your hosting, though. As for writable folders, the default ones usually are applications, datastore, plugins, and uploads. Anyway, you'll get an error during upgrades if something that needs to be writable isn't. Unless you're having issues with your site (for example, files not uploading, etc), I wouldn't change anything.
  24. Guests aren't "logged in" so you can't log them out. If you don't want them around, the only option is to ban their IP (range?) at the server level. However, as you mentioned, it's possible those "guests" are actually bots crawling your site to index it. Unless you have some reason to be wary of those guests, I'd just ignore them.
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