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Everything posted by teraßyte

  1. @NightAngel Ah yeah, I understood that. My post was mostly a "the browsers support it now" kind of notice. I know that in the past only Firefox supported it initially (with v93 I believe?). Things have changed since the last time I checked. 😋
  2. Except for Edge (which can enable it with a runtime flag) all other browsers do support it by default currently: https://caniuse.com/avif 🤔 (IE doesn't count 😋)
  3. It should be possible as long as you call the IPS class that handles it: \IPS\MFA\MFAHandler::accessToArea( APP, AREA, URL, MEMBER_OBJECT ); You can use one of the existing areas (like the login screen) or create a custom app to support a custom MFA location.
  4. It's possible that the MySQL server on your other URL doesn't allow external access. Your best option is to import a copy of the database and the files in your current server. You'll need direct access to uploaded files, photos, etc. anyway.
  5. I was browsing this forum in the past few minutes but didn't get any error page like that. 👀
  6. What kind of notification are you expecting exactly? Notifications for new comments/reviews posted in the event? Or notifications when a new event is posted? If it's #1, you should be receiving them by following the event (as you mentioned). In case it's #2, you need to follow the calendar rather than a single event, instead.
  7. Yes, they'll continue working without any changes. What they're removing is the setting Physical? when setting up a product in ACP and the Shipping methods/APIs.
  8. The only way is to open a ticket/send them an email with what you need. They'll add it for you.
  9. Oh, that's it. I remembered there was one, but I couldn't find it because I was searching for "Copy/Convert Post to Database"... 😅
  10. Yes, it always loads the first post. You'd need a custom modification to use it for individual posts.
  11. The process has a few more steps. Here's a rough list: Disable all 3rd party modifications (applications & plugins) as some may be incompatible with PHP 8. Manually upload the files from the ZIP package you download from the client area (ips_xxxx.zip) Once the files are uploaded the forum will stop working and throw an error. Switch the version to PHP 8 and run the upgrader from /admin/upgrade. Once the upgrade is complete double-check if any modification has pending updates and then re-enable them 1-by-1 to check if they still work with PHP 8.
  12. In your case, you can't use the auto-download from ACP because you also need to change the PHP version. You have to use the manual upgrade: As for the Providers' prices, you'd have to contact them directly/privately about that. Depending on the provider, they may charge different prices based on what they'll have to do, etc. I can't really give you any kind of generic price.
  13. IPS used to do upgrades before, but they stopped at some point. I think it was around the time the function to auto-download the files was included in the ACP. Your only choices are doing the upgrade yourself or hiring a 3rd party provider. 😔
  14. Ah, yes. Version 4.4.10 is quite old, indeed. You're not alone, I've done plenty of upgrades from it to 4.7 recently. As Miss_B mentioned above, if you remember who it was you can try contacting them again directly. If you don't remember, or they're not available anymore, you can find someone new in the Providers list with the Upgrade Services badge. We are both on that list, too.
  15. From which version do you need to upgrade? Based on your post you're probably still on a version that supports PHP 7.4 and need to upgrade to PHP 8.0+?
  16. If the RSS feed has an image it gets imported and added at the start of the entry's content. Other than that there are no settings to change how or where it's included. You'd need a custom modification for that.
  17. You can import any list really, as long as it is in a CSV format and contains at least the required field to create an account (name, email, etc.).
  18. If you have access to the database or FTP you can register a new account and manually move it to the admin group, or enable the email debug constant and save any emails to a folder on the server disk (and retrieve the reset password link from there). Or, if the issue is only your account's email not receiving them, you can try manually updating it for in the database, too. Before making any database changes be sure to take a backup, though.
  19. That column is not a default one, so it depends on the type of column it is. Maybe you can just make it use NULL as the default value (as long as it can be NULL). If you don't have the modification for it installed anymore, it's also possible to drop the column rather than adjust its default value. Be sure to take a backup before making any changes, though.
  20. Based on the second screenshot's error, it's possible the UTF8MB4 charset is not available on your server. You should check with your hosting if that's indeed the case. 🤔
  21. There are no "converters". You just upload the 4.x files over the 3.x ones and then go to /admin/upgrade as usual. Once the upgrade is done you can go to the Support page in ACP to run the utf8 conversion. Or have you already tried the above and are getting some kind of error?
  22. As long as Show in store? is disabled the products won't show on the front end. I think (?) categories with no products available products are also automatically hidden, but I'm not completely sure. If they aren't, a quick plugin can take care of it, I guess. 🙄
  23. Are you leaving the disabled products in their original categories? One option could be moving them to a separate category to keep your others "clean" when looking at them in the ACP.
  24. The table shouldn't crash so often, and the big logs table is another concern. Is your site getting hit by some kind of (DDOS?) attack, perhaps? 🤨 It could also be that your MySQL configuration is not correct and needs to be optimized/tuned. That's best discussed with your hosting, though. Or, if you're managing the server yourself, perhaps you can try the mysqltuner script: https://github.com/major/MySQLTuner-perl
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