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Posts posted by Askancy

  1. 29 minutes ago, Daniel F said:

    If not, what was the logged error?

    Blank page, I tried with:


    			$url = 'https://forum.***.it/api/core/members/1/achievements/34/awardbadge?key=***';
    			$data = array('$badgeId' => 34);
    			// use key 'http' even if you send the request to https://...
    			$options = array(
    			    'http' => array(
    			        'header'  => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
    			        'method'  => 'POST',
    			        'content' => http_build_query($data)
    			$context  = stream_context_create($options);
    			$result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
    			return $result;

    in Rest API Log, it doesn't even appear to be making an API request.

  2. I'm trying to assign an achievements via API to a user, manually.

    the badge is ID 17 and the user is ID 1.

    to try here's the code:

    $client = new Client();
    $response = $client->request('POST','https://domain.it/api/core/members/1/achievements/17/awardbadge?key=***');
    $headers = $response->getHeaders();
    $body = $response->getBody();
    var_dump($headers, $body);


    $url = 'https://**/api/core/members/1/achievements/17/awardbadge?key=***';
    $endpoint = $url;
    $options = [
    'form_params' => [
    '$badgeId' => 17
    $client = new Client();
    $request =  $client->post($endpoint, $options);

    when I run it, without everything being ignored, even at the Log API, it does not result in the execution of this endpoint but Laravel marks me in the log:


    Server error: `POST https://domain.it/api/core/members/1/achievements/17/awardbadge?key=***` resulted in a `500 Internal Server Error` response:

    how do I assign an achievements manually through api?


  3. Some topics to moderate, which in my absence, users also write 30/40 posts, many users contacted me to ask myself why some posts I deleted have disappeared.

    Why not introduce a 'label', in which it is informed of the deleted post?

    These could be useful for a lot of things:

    • Understand who deleted the post and maybe ask for information
    • The user who reads the discussion understands why from one post to another we are talking about a topic that comes out of nowhere.
    • Maybe insert an popovers with the motivation, if inserted.


  4. 17 minutes ago, Miss_B said:

    When you say you tried to regenerate the default theme, what do you mean by that? If you switch to it, do the reactions appear?

    I generated a new default theme from the admin. (Themes->Create New -> Easy Mode and generates a default template for you.)

    No, even with the default theme they don't appear.

  5. 5 hours ago, Daniel F said:

    It's actually 

    Teamwork Best Team Ever GIF by Jessica


    I would suggest to submit always a ticket if you have any concerns or questions. Staff members may, or may not reply to PMs but you'll always going to get a reply to a ticket


    use the translator and read the offenses I received in Italian, this is the user you let it all do here on IPS. (Review removed). This is not the first time the user has been having fake reviews and offends heavily. It would be time for IPS to limit this user.

  6. 15 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Not sure if it was Charlie or AndyF. In the end, the user stopped updating it (or copying mine) after only 3 purchases. 

    The user also to me, reviewed the product with 1 star, removed by Rhett. This user has always created problems, just go see the first page of this topic!

    15 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    I reported the file, asked to check a couple of intentional errors I left in the translation (for this exact matter) but the old marketplace moderator chose to do nothing about it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


    15 hours ago, Ilya Hoilik said:

    Reported it the same day and they delisted the file.

    I reported this issue twice, and it has always been ignored. We pay a license to be able to publish the products on the marketplace, and therefore I expect that there is moderation, not only on the published file but also what is written in the description!

    If they say this behavior is allowed, then I will miswrite the user's product in the description of my product.

    But now who is it that moderates the marketplace? I wrote @Stuart Silvester in private but did not answer or read.

  7. A user is distributing a product similar to mine on the marketplace. My product is free, while he has 8 of them all for a fee.

    The user inaccurately entered in the product description:


     However, if you are looking for a free and incomplete translation (check it out), don't buy it, because it took some time to update this version with 1,225 sentences and it cost me effort.

    This is real defamation and denigration of the work of other users. and this is not the first time the user has behaved this way.

    Every time I release an update of my translation, the user magically releases an update for all his translations, thus hiding mine.

    In the description of my translation:


    Translation currently has some untranslated parts, but thanks to your help and that of our community, we can count on quality and up-to-date translation.

    This is really bad and it would be correct for you from the IPS staff to check this user!

  8. 4 hours ago, Fosters said:

    The app works, but there's a bug in a IPS member filter which you've run into! 

    sure? you also stopped answering via PM without investigating for the problem... And it was IPS Staff who said that the problem with my board is your app...

    Los Angeles Lakers Ok GIF by NBA

  9. 6 minutes ago, Daniel F said:

    You can control this via module permissions 

    According to the logic should be there this options, instead no (in managing group permissions)... where in my opinion, users should not get too much hands on it... without access modules... but directly from the Users->Groups not?

  10. 17 minutes ago, bfarber said:

    I understand what you're describing as a human but this is how the software works I'm afraid.

    Ok, But if 5 products have example 5 stars, then to order them must go to see the number of reviews, as in the example:


    On what basis do you choose to view the Ukraine review first instead of the Polish or Spanish one even if they all have five stars, although the others are more “popular” and therefore with a more accurate rating?

    I sincerely believe that after ordering them by vote, he must also check the number of downloads and number reviews and create an average outside of the number of stars assigned.  If a review has 1 rating with 5 stars, but another has 25 votes with an average of 4 stars, I think it should be seen first the one with 4 stars.

    With this way, the ranking by sort by vote, will always remain unchanged.

  11. I noticed that if in Download one sort items by “Highest Reted”, he only takes into account the number of stars (5) but not how many people have assigned this rating:


    Here he shows the first Ukrainian translation that has 5 stars but with a review, while in my opinion it should show the Russian translation first, which has 4 and a half stars but based on 12 reviews.

    Looking at this other category, maybe it's a little clearer:  https://invisioncommunity.com/files/category/160-applications-and-plugins/?sortby=file_rating&sortdirection=desc

    Obviously I don't know if it's me who misunderstood his sort by Higher Vote.. But I think higher rating should make a comparison between rating -> reviews, while sorting for multiple reviewed should only take into account those who received more reviews though all negative.



  12. 8 hours ago, Aiwa said:

    I pose a conundrum... How can a developer, selling in the marketplace, both develop and test their resource, for the latest IPS version, when they do not have legitimate access to the latest IPS version?


    I pose another conundrum, If I purchase your Steam Profile Integration resource, and you decided not to renew the license anymore, I lose the ability to install it since it disappears from the marketplace and I don't have any files locally? 

    Sincerely the file local allows me to analyze the code and implement an IP.board resource with my site in Laravel, just like I did as Custom Links, now everything turns out more machinous. 


    I love Evanto's method, although I hate the fact that if a Developer deletes the resource who bought it lost it, because it was the buyer's job to save it in a cloud storage. Unfortunately IP.Board now doesn't even allow this anymore.

  13. 3 hours ago, whitetigergrowl said:

    Explain how piracy is so bad with IPB they have to charge you to change your url if you want to change it for any reason in 6 months. But NO other forum software does that and has any less of a problem with piracy than IPB.  The fact piracy is used as an excuse for the charge is laughable at best. It's literally had zero effect.

    So, we create maybe 5 or more, all licensed nulled and we only buy one license. And as you need support, downloads from the marketplace and updates, you switch your license from forum to forum...

    If I change domain several times every 6 months, take a break and think about what you really want to accomplish.


  14. 2 hours ago, bfarber said:

    During submission you can manually upload a thumbnail of the video. There is no capacity (yet) to automatically extrapolate frames for thumbnails.

    You're right, I've seen now and it allows, unfortunately though it doesn't indicate if this is a video or an image, at this point it would be cute/better to have the “play” icon to indicate a media content.

    2 hours ago, bfarber said:

    You can adjust the caption of the image during submission.

    Yes, I know, but I never understood why a user should care about the name of the image. I think that goes to break the beauty of the design. Also if one uploads 50 images together, changing name to every single image becomes a huge job, for something that in my opinion shouldn't appear there, at least. In my opinion that be inserted just above “Taken with”, in the lightbox.  Or they include the function for “rename all to:” a bit like when setting copyright in on mass.

    It's a bit like in the attachments of images in posts, rightly the name of the attachment (if image) is not shown because it's not of interest.

    Moreover I am not a developer of the IPS scene, so I do not know if it is true, and I ask you. Is it true that plugins can't include elements in lightboxes?

    I hope you improve this application that really has so much potential.


  15. I honestly believe that IP.Board is one of the most complete platforms, but unfortunately its additional content (Downloads aside) needs more attention.

    • In Gallery you can also upload videos as well as images, but in every button there is “Insert image”, wouldn't it be better to put “insert media”? (obviously where video content is allowed to load)
    • Whenever a person uploads a video, the video doesn't have any thumbnails, I have no idea if with php you can extrapolate a frame from the video, but I sincerely believe it would take too much. Why not allow a custom thumb to be loaded? Maybe with FFmpeg? YouTube style, 3/5 thumbnails where the user chooses the best one.


    • When a blank album is created, a blank thumb is created, in the list, wouldn't it be better a written with: “There are no images in this album yet”?


    • File name in the gallery, why? in albums me and my users upload lots of screnshots, it's hard to edit every single name... But why make it appear in “ipsPhotoPanel”?


    • An edit I asked for a few times, and I tried to make it custom, spoiler images. Now every community has the possibility to hide images, because they have spoiler or NFSW content, such as the method used by Reddit or Steam.
    • And finally, a secondary thing but definitely nice and appreciable in a gallery, a personalized video player, and not the classic HTML5. A video player that allows you to put the logo of the site and other customizations, example: VideoJS, JWPlayer or Plyr.


  16. I do not understand why, to use this function you need to require a thousand approvals (practically impossible to have), while instead IFTTT can publish (even on pages) without any of that...

    I already imagine that the IPS staff will say that they have integrated Zapier for systems on cloud currently. but we're talking about a paid system... Can't you integrate a system like IFTTT?

  17. Since the new IPB 4.5 Marketplace pushes the user to do everything from the admin instead of switching from InvisionCommunity, in my opinion it's really important to have additional screen elements instead of being flooded with plugins/apps and translations.

    It would be really useful to have a button/widget to display “My Purchases” so you have a list of everything one owns, from apps, skins and translations. It would also be useful to a wish list, to be able to monitor any offers and support of the developer and since lately they are increasingly publishing Applications with renewals it would be nice to get notifications about close renewals, plugins to renew etc...

  18. We are interested in developing a plugin that allows you to report an image uploaded in Gallery as a spoiler. 

    Spoiler is useful for reporting spoiler and NFSW images. I honestly stunned myself when I saw that this feature was not included in Gallery...

    This would be useful to hide in thumbnails the images reported as spoilers and also in the gallery, at least that you do not click on it or move over it with the mouse...

    I believe the best examples of this feature is in Reddit and Steam:



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