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Posts posted by Askancy

  1. 2 hours ago, Salim Trouve said:

    I'm logged in the forum but in Laravel blade I got token like "4d99edd69d5019629c6a37e13382fd0e" when I call

    As Daniel said, that hash indicates that the user is not logged in. Check cookies if the cookie is saved correctly.

    I did the integration years ago so I don't remember precisely, but you will see on the IP.Board constants.php file you have to indicate the Cookie Domain and the path, here is my configuration:

    \define( 'COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'MainDomin.ext' );
    \define( 'COOKIE_PATH', '/' );

    Because otherwise IP.Board cookies will be only for the subdomain

  2. I for my project with Laravel 9 decided to use the user management of IP.Board, the user logs in from the forum and has full access also to the portal in Laravel, like commenting articles.

    To make Laravel communicate with IP.Board just call the file init.php in AppServiceProvider.php

    class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
        public function register() {
        public function boot()
            $path	= base_path('../forum.***.ext/');
            require_once $path . 'init.php';
            view()->composer('*', function ($view) {

    To get user data on a laravel blade I use:


    I hope this can be a starting point to help you develop what you want.

  3. I was reading a topic here on support, and I saw that in the similar content widget, I get a content pending approval.

    I believe the content pending approval:

    • They should NEVER appear in similar content

    • They should NEVER appear to users, maybe only moderators and administrators.

    Clicking on the result I get the error: "We could not find that topic", rightly so...

    Even as a visitor with incognito browsing, if you want the reference topic:


  4. All products from themes to applications can add copyright, except translations.

    All other products from XenForo, vBulletin, phpBB etc provide a string to insert the copyright of the translation, it would be nice if IP.Board also thought about the translators every now and then...

    Also you have the tool that shows the differences in themes from version to version, why not do something for the translation system as well?

  5. On 11/1/2021 at 5:28 PM, Matt said:

    We often have what looks to be duplicate strings, but the context can be very different and in the past we have had requests to ensure that separate translations for each context is available.

    I ask one thing though, you have created the "Theme Differences" tool, because your team does not develop something similar for the language strings as well?

    I use github to do this and upload .xml files, however, it's not a convenient thing....

  6. 20 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    @Askancy Did you manage to get yourself sorted there?

    Hi Mark,

    thankfully yes, otherwise my fee to pay for AWS S3 would have skyrocketed.... 😂

    I used a drastic measure, clean the background actions thing table from the database. Definitely not the best choice to make, but luckily I had just changed php version to the server and cronjob hadn't started migrating data yet.

    It would still be useful to have a button to stop actions with: Pause (useful when you have the server overloaded and one thing is not essential) and an Undo and Restore


  7. It would be really very nice, if it would be possible to comment on the tasks, this would allow to have a greater colleboration between teams. otherwise if not introduce a system of comments in the tasks, create a topic for each task (section chosen at the time of opening the task), a bit 'as it does with downloads and support topics.

    Do you already have plans for such an implementation?

  8.  I uploaded a profile image, an animated gif, the library for manipulating the image is GD, when I chose cropping, it gave me an error:

    ValueError: imagecolorsforindex(): Argument #2 ($color) is out of range (0)
    #0 /var/www/vhosts/**.it/httpdocs/system/Image/Gd.php(298): imagecolorsforindex()
    #1 /var/www/vhosts/**.it/httpdocs/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php(1487): IPS\Image\_Gd->cropToPoints()
    #2 /var/www/vhosts/**.it/httpdocs/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(90): IPS\core\modules\front\members\_profile->cropPhoto()
    #3 /var/www/vhosts/**.it/httpdocs/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php(73): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #4 /var/www/vhosts/**.it/httpdocs/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\front\members\_profile->execute()
    #5 /var/www/vhosts/**.it/httpdocs/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #6 {main}

    I changed it to ImageMagick and it's gone.

    I have tried on both my forums, if it helps I attach the gif that creates this problem.



  9. I am getting this error when visiting the AdminCP dashboard

    DivisionByZeroError: Division by zero (0)
    #0 /var/www/vhosts/**.it/forum.**.it/applications/spaciouswidgets/extensions/core/Dashboard/systemOverview.php(103): IPS\spaciouswidgets\_Spacious::systemLocalDriveInfo()
    #1 /var/www/vhosts/**.it/forum.**.it/applications/core/modules/admin/overview/dashboard.php(64): IPS\spaciouswidgets\extensions\core\Dashboard\_systemOverview->getBlock()
    #2 /var/www/vhosts/**.it/forum.**.it/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(101): IPS\core\modules\admin\overview\_dashboard->manage()
    #3 /var/www/vhosts/**.it/forum.**.it/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #4 /var/www/vhosts/**.it/forum.**.it/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #5 {main}
    • Self Hosted
    • IP.Board: 4.6.6
    • PHP: 8.0.10
    • Database: v5.5.5-10.3.31-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.20.04.1

    Let me know if you need more data...

  10. 3 hours ago, Daniel F said:

    The fix will be included in the next regular release.

    I take this opportunity to ask you something too...

    I use this request api to print the notifications of the logged in user:

                                    $url = 'https://forum.***.it/';
                                    $apiKey = '***';
                                    $point = '/core/members/'.\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id.'/notifications';
                                    $endpoint = $url. 'api'. $point. '?key='. $apiKey;
                                    $json = file_get_contents($endpoint);
                                    $json_data = json_decode($json, true);
                                  @foreach($json_data["results"] as $value)
                                  @if ($value["notificationData"][unread] == 'true') <strong> @endif
                                  <a href='{{$value["notificationData"]["url"]}}'>
                                    <li class="dropdown-list-item">
                                        <span class="dropdown-list-text text-success">
                                          @if ($value["notificationType"] == "new_badge")
                                            <i class="fas fa-certificate"></i>
                                            <i class="far fa-envelope"></i>
                                        <div class="dropdown-list-body">
                                    @if ($value["notificationData"][unread] == 'true') </strong> @endif

    why does it print all the notifications in English, even if the user has the language set in Italian? Otherwise, how do I tell the API request to return the notification to me in Italian?

  11. Missing images here:


    Here the smartphone is without image:


    When viewing the Pages product, the menu for watching other applications is lost in the footer:


    The images in the showcase do not go if they open in lightbox:


    However, a really nice portal. I hope a hypothetical IP.Board 5 has some darker base colors like your portal... IPB 3.1 style, my favorite ever...

  12. 3 hours ago, Daniel F said:

    Thanks, there was a bug in the endpoint which will be resolved in an upcoming release.

    I noticed that I'm registering this error for the API:


    ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function IPS\core\api\_members::POSTitem_achievements_awardbadge(), 2 passed in /var/www/vhosts/***.it/forum.****.it/system/Api/Controller.php on line 180 and at least 5 expected (0)
    #0 /var/www/vhosts/***.it/forum.***.it/system/Api/Controller.php(180): IPS\core\api\_members->POSTitem_achievements_awardbadge()
    #1 /var/www/vhosts/***.it/forum.***.it/system/Dispatcher/Api.php(329): IPS\Api\_Controller->execute()
    #2 /var/www/vhosts/***.it/forum.***.it/api/index.php(11): IPS\Dispatcher\_Api->run()
    #3 {main}

    Is the error fixed? I hope to implement this function soon in my cms...

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