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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. ACP > System > Settings > Posting What is your edit log set to? If you're not logging edits or only logging that an edit was made, you wont be able to restore the content as it was not tracked. If you are logging edits AND what was changed, you'll see below an edited post something like the following at the bottom of the edited post: You would click on "see edit history" and you could see all of the changes. They're listed most recent first. Copy/paste the content you want and paste it into the edit screen of the post to restore it.
  2. By the way... per @Matt: This was noted in:
  3. This is not supported. This requires a LOT of backend code changes within IPS to support. The editor is used in virtually EVERY single component of the site. You can't just rip it out and drop in a new version.
  4. If you were upgrading your IPB version... you most likely were upgrading to the latest version. #1 - The new version requires at least PHP8. Are you running PHP8 or PHP8.1? (If not, you need to be to run the latest version.) #2 - If you meet all of the system requirements, including the PHP version... you most likely have a 3rd party resource that is causing problems. You can try using recovery mode to disable everything and let you try to login with everything turned off. You can then turn on resources one by one to figure out your problem child. When you use recovery mode... you set the specific variable in your constants.php file. (If you don't have one, you create one.) Then login to the ACP... you'll get a message saying everything is being disabled. Once done, you'll need to remove the recovery variable (or delete the constants file if that was all that was in it.) From there hopefully you'll be able to login to your ACPa again.
  5. It basically looks on the last message in the conversation and says has it been more than X days since the last new one was posted. So if it was never replied to, it would use the start date since it was the date of the last message in the conversation.
  6. In that case, you would want option 2 in that list. Edit the baseurl to point to a different (hopefully working) repository. 🙂 Also MariaDB may be already in one of those other channels you subscribe to. You might want to confirm that before spending time on adding different repos. If it is, just remove the bad repo and call it a day. If not, find an alternative and add it and disable the bad one.
  7. That setting is for PMs (called Conversations).
  8. The release notes for the upcoming release are already posted: https://invisioncommunity.com/release-notes/ Click on 4.7.5 beta 1. So again… it’s unlikely to make it this year if it is done at all in core.
  9. By having them host the DNS, they can serve both www.domain.com and domain.com. (This is called the apex.) Because they use AWS’s Cloudfront, they have to control DNS to point domain.com to www.domain.com. (They don’t use a single fixed IP address so it’s how they solve having multiple addresses for the apex.)
  10. Nope. For anyone who had not recently been to the site, they pickup the change almost as soon as you submit it. For those who have recently visited, it’s typically cached a few hours. (Lower your TTL in your domain dns settings to reduce that time to something like 500 seconds.) As a hint… if you’re having them host your DNS… give them all of your existing DNS records ahead of time like your MX record for mail etc.
  11. Yes… Marc started the import first thing in the morning UK time, which is around 5 hours past Eastern time. I had an email at 5:04am saying the migration was done. I was checking the site starting at 6:45 and fixing minor issues on the temporary URL. By 7:10am, I had given the OK to switch the temporary address to the permanent one. It took about an hour to figure out why it was failing (I had a prior AWS Cloudfront distribution associated with my domain) which was preventing IPS from creating one. Had I not had that issue, it could have been up much faster. I technically could have been online faster also but I was not up till around 6:30 to check on progress. Olivia and Marc have migrations down to a science. They do good work. 🙂
  12. Using phpMyAdmin, run an optimize on that table. The bigger question for your host however is why it’s not cleaning up after itself in the first place.
  13. What I did was took the site offline at 1am Eastern. I provided a backup of the database and all site files. Marc did the import first thing in the morning UK time so I was up and running by 8am. That included taking time to solve a few bugs related to third party plugins and that I had an old Cloudfront distribution that was preventing IPS from creating the same one on their side. It would have been done an hour or so earlier outside of those issues. While you could technically turn the site back on read only… you would lose anything that happens since that export. For example, private messages… topic view counters, and as noted earlier password resets etc. I simply used the offline board as a way of knowing the DNS change took effect. By having the old board offline, once people saw the site back they knew the maintenance was complete.
  14. The MariaDB repo you're trying to call is not responding. In looking at the URL (http://yum.mariadb.org/10.2/centos7-amd64/repodata/repomd.xml), it shows up as a 404 error. So yes... it indeed does look to be a bad repo. The output above actually gives you your available options... you can permanently disable that repo by running: yum-config-manager --disable mariadb
  15. There is nothing announced regarding this. IPS has already said there is not going to be any new features in the December release. It's only going to be bug fixes. I would suggest watching the release notes for each new version to see if anything is added.
  16. You would need to look at your server error logs to see what is happening there. The fact that a reboot fixes the problem indicates it's a problem with your server configuration rather than the software itself. It's possible the server is running out of memory which causes the web server processes to get hung/fail. Without knowing exactly what is going on with the server, it's impossible to say... but if rebooting fixes the problem, it's about a 90% chance it's a server problem and not a software problem.
  17. No, but I made an effort to confirm each of my 3rd party resources first.
  18. @Gary I believe when attempting to reset the license, the system would detect the production URL still valid and block the reset. (I can’t speak for the OP, but that was my observation when I did it myself awhile back. It required intervention by the staff to reset.)
  19. The forums here are the way to contact support. Someone from the IPS team will respond soon. 🙂
  20. It looks like a 500 error is being triggered there. You might want to review your Apache error logs to see what is happening there if n more detail. My guess off hand is it’s mod_security or something similar blocking it.
  21. It occasionally happens if there were certain other things happening like a service worker prompt. Just reload the page and it works again.
  22. I’m glad you were able to get it squared away!
  23. It will also mean needing to manually make the change with every upgrade/update as IPB will override any modifications with a default/clean version. It will also mean that the ACP complains about modified files. Again… not the end of the world, but just making sure you know the impact. It might be worthwhile if this is important to check with a 3rd party resource developer to see if this could be put into a plugin. It would preserve the changes between upgrades and not cause any many disruptions.
  24. Marc... here's a dumb question... In ACP > System > Settings > Posting there is an option under "Force posted links to open in new windows?" that allows users to rebuild existing content. Would that rebuild also catch the current settings for emoji and apply it as part of the rebuild? (Just trying to think outside of the box a bit on this.)
  25. IPS does not make old versions of the software available. If you did not download it before 4.7.4 was available, you would need to wait until your host installs PHP8. Also... many hosting providers enable the ability to run multiple versions of PHP. Check with them to see if they can allow you to choose which version of PHP you run on your site. Once they install PHP8, you'll then be able to switch to it at your convenience.
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