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Adriano Faria

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Everything posted by Adriano Faria

  1. You have a LOT of this: EDIT: SORRY, I didn't see Jim's reply.
  2. I can't confirm, but it seems all closed the first time then Services is open the second time. But I can't be sure.
  3. Just adding to the topic: it works well on Edge (mobile iPhone).
  4. I meant the server error, notthe one you can see on the ACP.
  5. What shows up in the error_log? You can see it via CPanel (File Manager) or FTP.
  6. I'll skip this one... the site is running 100%, with no issues. I'll wait for Beta 8 to see if this is fixed.
  7. I have a login form that works fine when the email/password is correct. But it throws an error when the password is wrong: Backtrace: If I set a NULL value to /** * @brief Convert app cache */ protected static ?ActiveRecordIterator $_apps; it works just fine. So the right would be: /** * @brief Convert app cache */ protected static ?ActiveRecordIterator $_apps = NULL; in applications / convert / sources / Login.php.
  8. I’m still on Beta 6 and will remain, it seems… but I can confirm the issue after editing the file.
  9. Same from the other. Probably the template supergrid_recorddisplay is calling a method removed on IPS5: canPromoteToSocialMedia. So removing it may work fine.
  10. You probably need to remove the …->canUnfeature() from your custom templates.
  11. The sidebar can be fixed with this: Beta 7 must be out today so it is worth waiting.
  12. I just released a compatibility version to IPS5:https://www.sosinvision.com.br/index.php?/file/413-content-items-required-to-start-private-messages/
  13. To start a private message? Maybe this? https://www.sosinvision.com.br/index.php?/file/249-content-items-required-to-start-private-messages/
  14. Nope. Read again: 👆
  15. That’s the problem. No thumb on category view, downloads index, widgets, etc. The image doesn’t appear on file view carousel too.
  16. Here you go: https://www.sosinvision.com.br/index.php?/category/23-paid-applications/
  17. What do you need? ACP access or URL only? I can upload a new version now just to break it.
  18. Mobile device now. Hope it helps. LOG_DATA: Not sure if this were triggered when I deleted all screenshots after saving with the problem. I’ll have to test it out later when I reach my PC. This one too is related to file screenshot: DOES_NOT_EXIST in LOG_MSG for this one.
  19. It does. Disabled the category option, uploaded a new version, screenshot is gone.
  20. Looking closer now, the file is definitively deleted, that's why it doesn't appear on the category view. It isn't on file view: The file appeared in 3rd place. Now it's gone. EDIT: but it appears on the UPLOAD NEW VERSION screen: The file is there: So Esther, maybe it is worth checking by the primary_screenshot, etc.
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