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Adriano Faria

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Everything posted by Adriano Faria

  1. You can create the template manually. But I think it's better you open a ticket to IPS to see what's happening.
  2. Line 68: $this->output .= $this->registry->output->getTemplate( 'upload' )->form( $ext ); Your installation probably didn't create the proper template. Probably won't work with any app.
  3. Never used... but probably no. Only default IPB3 search was modified.
  4. Yes, it is. 14 replies + 1st post. The icons shows it is a hot topic. Anyway, I just added a new post to that topic using a user that has no secondary group, and no problem was detected. My topic open as usual. EDIT: try this http://www.invisionmodding.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=40064&view=findpost&p=182397 and let me know if it works.
  5. Tested now and not detected on 3.0.5:
  6. No, not yet. I'm finishing other APP right now. Sorry.
  7. Adriano Faria replied to Smokey-Rev's post in a topic in Feedback
  8. Adriano Faria replied to Smokey-Rev's post in a topic in Feedback
    Me too, on Beta 3. So I click and click on Chat tab and enter the chat. But always shows the message loading chat and nothing else.
  9. Adriano Faria replied to Smokey-Rev's post in a topic in Feedback
    Yep... what about to edit other messages? Is it possible?
  10. Adriano Faria replied to Smokey-Rev's post in a topic in Feedback
    Me neither.
  11. Adriano Faria replied to Smokey-Rev's post in a topic in Feedback
    Brandon, what about this about ban stuff ?
  12. Adriano Faria replied to Smokey-Rev's post in a topic in Feedback
  13. Adriano Faria replied to Smokey-Rev's post in a topic in Feedback
    Only accessed one time... after that:
  14. Adriano Faria replied to Smokey-Rev's post in a topic in Feedback
    Yep, sorry:
  15. Adriano Faria replied to Smokey-Rev's post in a topic in Feedback
    What's Account Key ? My user ID on this forum ?
  16. Adriano Faria replied to Axel Wers's post in a topic in Feedback
    I use [EN30] Ajax Fast Reply v1.0.4 and it works perfectly nice. See: [url=" Since reload the topic or have two ajax calls it's the same, I think IPS should at least implement this and give the admin the option to use or not.
  17. If you read ReadMe, you'll see that you need to create manually the link on board index, 'cause there's no point hook there.
  18. Sure... In a few days I'll release a new version. :thumbsup:
  19. Nope... you must choose a forum! :thumbsup:
  20. On ACP, in same where it always have been. Type news on ACP search and you
  21. PARSE ERROR is bad editing of PHP file. Take a look carefully at your edits.
  22. File Name: (SOS30) TOP 20 Reputation v1.1.1 File Submitter: Adriano Faria File Submitted: 17 Nov 2009 File Updated: 14 Mar 2010 File Category: Hooks and Plugins This hook will create another statistic to your forum: Top 20 Reputation, where will list 20 users with more points. Now you can set: If you want to format user links with their group colorIf you want to show banned users on the list Click here to download this file
  23. New version released! Change log: 1.0.1 => 1.0.2: Driver Error when click on others tabs from TODAY'S ACTIVE CONTENT, for those who didn't select any forum. Manual fix: On admin\applications\core\modules_public\search\search.php, find: /* (SOS30) Block Forums from 'View New Content' v1.0.1 */ if( $this->request['search_app'] == 'forums' AND $this->settings['sos30_blockforums_on'] AND in_array( $this->member->getProperty('member_group_id') , explode(',', $this->settings['sos30_blockforums_groups'] ) ) ) { $this->search_plugin->setCondition( 't.forum_id', 'NOT IN', $this->memberData['blocked_forums'] ); } Change to: /* (SOS30) Block Forums from 'View New Content' v1.0.2 */ if( $this->request['search_app'] == 'forums' AND $this->settings['sos30_blockforums_on'] AND in_array( $this->member->getProperty('member_group_id') , explode(',', $this->settings['sos30_blockforums_groups'] ) ) AND $this->memberData['blocked_forums'] != '' ) { $this->search_plugin->setCondition( 't.forum_id', 'NOT IN', $this->memberData['blocked_forums'] ); }
  24. Damn... you're right. I'll make some tests later.
  25. New version released! Change log: 1.0.0 => 1.0.1: Driver Error when click on others tabs from TODAY'S ACTIVE CONTENT. Manual fix: Open admin\applications\core\modules_public\search\search.php and find: /* (SOS30) Block Forums from 'View New Content' v1.0.0 */ if( $this->settings['sos30_blockforums_on'] AND in_array( $this->member->getProperty('member_group_id') , explode(',', $this->settings['sos30_blockforums_groups'] ) ) ) { $this->search_plugin->setCondition( 't.forum_id', 'NOT IN', $this->memberData['blocked_forums'] ); } Change to: /* (SOS30) Block Forums from 'View New Content' v1.0.1 */ if( $this->request['search_app'] == 'forums' AND $this->settings['sos30_blockforums_on'] AND in_array( $this->member->getProperty('member_group_id') , explode(',', $this->settings['sos30_blockforums_groups'] ) ) ) { $this->search_plugin->setCondition( 't.forum_id', 'NOT IN', $this->memberData['blocked_forums'] ); }