Everything posted by Adriano Faria
Download: (SOS30) View New Posts in My Topics v1.0.1
Did you make the test on my online board ?
Download: (SOS30) View New Posts in My Topics v1.0.1
I told 4 times there and I will tell one more time here: the mod works for me. I can't try to fix something that works! Did you understand now ? edit: once and for all, just installed a fresh install of 3.0.5 and this mod. Make the tests yourself. The links is on IM.
Download: (SN30) PM Viewer 1.5.0
He's no longer +Active Costumer, so he can't reply here. Look for him on Invisionize... he's always there.
Download: (SOS30) View New Posts in My Topics v1.0.1
As I told you above and this mod descriptions shows, it's the same search of VIEW NEW CONTENT, only added your ID as author of the topics. It's not different.
Download: (SOS30) View New Posts in My Topics v1.0.1
Version 1.0.1 released to work on IP.Board 3.0.5.
Download: (SOS30) Number of Users per Skin v1.0.2
Version 1.0.2 released to fix the bug when no user is using any skin.
Download: (SOS31) Secondary Groups Indicator
Not in this version. It'll be available on next version.
Download: (SOS30) View New Posts in My Topics v1.0.1
Yeah, I will take a look. But this mod only adds a new link besides VIEW NEW CONTENT. It uses the same search results as VIEW NEW CONTENT.
Download: (SOS30) Upload Images v1.0.0
The way it is now, file types are hardcoded. But I'm planning some changes on next month or so.
Download: (SOS30) Block Forums from 'View New Content' v1.1.0
It's true... confirmed. Funny that worked on localhost. Anyway, to fix, open admin/applications/forums/extensions/usercpForms.php and find: $blocked[] = $this->registry->getClass( 'class_forums' )->forumsBreadcrumbNav( $fid['id'] ); Change to: $blocked[] = $this->registry->getClass( 'class_forums' )->forumsBreadcrumbNav( $fid ); Now it's ok. Tested online on my board. I will update new zip file but will keep the version. Tks.
Download: (SOS30) Block Forums from 'View New Content' v1.1.0
Are you sure ? This is what is saved on ibf_members.
Download: (SOS30) Block Forums from 'View New Content' v1.1.0
New version released! 1.0.2 => 1.1.0: Adjusts to run on IP.Board 3.0.5 and quick list of forums blocked
Download: (SOS30) Block Forums from 'View New Content' v1.1.0
Had some changes... I will post new version later.
Download: (SOS30) Upload Images v1.0.0
Ticket in your Client Area.
Download: (SOS30) Upload Images v1.0.0
The template of APP was not created. Submit a ticket to IPS. Althought they gonna say that its a problem related to the app, it is not. See http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/295269-download-sos30-upload-images-v100/page__view__findpost__p__1893273 And yes, it works on 3.0.5. Tested several times. Several users have the same problem with several apps.
Download: (SOS30) TOP 20 Reputation v1.1.1
Download: (SOS30) TOP 20 Reputation v1.1.1
Ah, bug on IP.Downloads 2.1.0! This version it's a pain in the arse! Only bugs! Yesterday I couldn't donwload linked files... Today I can't upload files to my host! >_< Ask someone from IPS to take a look at this.
Download: (SOS30) TOP 20 Reputation v1.1.1
Click on link Click here to download this file on first post.
Download: (SOS30) TOP 20 Reputation v1.1.1
Hook updated. Now you can set: If you want to format user links with their group colorIf you want to show banned users on the list
Download: (SOS30) Upload Images v1.0.0
Sure... just remove the columns, reinstall the mod and you are done. Simply because you tried to install the app more than once... so the columns already exists. Remove them: alter table ibf_groups drop column g_upload_use; alter table ibf_groups drop column g_upload_maxsize; About the folder, you have to create a folder called images in your uploads folder on your FTP. Unless you are using a different version of the mod, which I doubt, should work... the detection is automatic. When the folder is there, you'll see no message.
Download: (T30) Group Format 2.0.0
2.0.0 is only for 3.0.5 ?
Download: (SOS30) Upload Images v1.0.0
Not in this version. This is a feature I hope to include in a future version, somewhere in next months. I'm working on 2 big conversions for a client... Unfortunatelly I can't stop it to update any mod right now. ;)
Download: (SOS31) Secondary Groups Indicator
Updated to version 1.1.1 with fix suggested by Dawpi.
Download: (SOS30) Upload Images v1.0.0
Yeah, tipical answer... throw the problem ahead! :D Search for "Call to a member function" and you will see how many users have same problem in other applications. Anyway, you can create it manually. Better: PM me with an ACP account to your board and I'll make it work.
Download: (SOS30) Upload Images v1.0.0
It's just a simple upload to your own host. Sorry but I have no intent to make it different.