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Adriano Faria

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Release Notes v5

Invision Community 5 Bug Tracker





Everything posted by Adriano Faria

  1. You will get the same error with a disabled IPS app too. That’s not a 3rd-party issue; it’s just not checking if the app is enabled.
  2. The plugin has the uninstall routine: try { \IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'core_reputation_index', array( 'rep_class=?', 'IPS\core\Messenger\Message' ) ); \IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'core_notifications', array( 'item_class=?', 'IPS\core\Messenger\Message' ) ); } catch( \IPS\Db\Exception $e ) { if( $e->getCode() <> 1091 ) { throw $e; } } IPS5 doss not uninstall the plugins; it drops the core_plugins table and left the plugin data/settings untouched so the dev can upgrade it to an application. So that’s not a problem of the plugin. If it was properly uninstalled, that wouldn’t be an issue. @beats23, post in this plugin’s support topic in my board and I’ll let you know the queries to delete the records left behind by the upgrade.
  3. https://invisioncommunity.com/release-notes/
  4. When you click on "Find their other files" on a file view, you're redirected to the right page but Files isn't selected on the search results:
  5. Friday, Beta 10, after uploading a new version: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/480627-anyone-else-having-trouble-with-downloads-file-screenshots/page/4/#findComment-2986977
  6. Reactions aren't transferred to the new author if you change the authorship of a content item with reactions. It should, as you're reacting to the item, and not to the author of the item. You can test it with Downloads.
  7. Just to add to the report: my board, which is upgraded from 4.7, works fine. I can't reproduce this one. New replies appear immediately, and I can send messages without any problems.
  8. No: getImageDimensions(). I uploaded screenshots from a file that I tested it. Same fix from the last beta.
  9. It isn’t displayed. I didn’t “dismissed” it. It appears when I refresh the page then disappears. ScreenRecording_01-10-2025 08-31-09_1.mov
  10. @Matt, I don’t remember the version but will the upgrade works for PHP 8.3?
  11. @EliasM, let me know if you test it first. I’ll reply if I upgrade my board first.
  12. In the footer? This is new to me. 👍
  13. I would disable all 3rd-party resources and try it on a not-modified theme. Even on the Forums index, your layout is broken. The widgets are showing up below the right section. See: This is the right way:
  14. It was removed on IPS5:
  15. It depends on how admins set the permissions for the club.
  16. Member is a customer with an expired license.
  17. ACP -> Members -> Spam Prevention -> Question and Answer Challenge.
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