The plugin has the uninstall routine:
\IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'core_reputation_index', array( 'rep_class=?', 'IPS\core\Messenger\Message' ) );
\IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'core_notifications', array( 'item_class=?', 'IPS\core\Messenger\Message' ) );
catch( \IPS\Db\Exception $e )
if( $e->getCode() <> 1091 )
throw $e;
IPS5 doss not uninstall the plugins; it drops the core_plugins table and left the plugin data/settings untouched so the dev can upgrade it to an application. So that’s not a problem of the plugin. If it was properly uninstalled, that wouldn’t be an issue.
@beats23, post in this plugin’s support topic in my board and I’ll let you know the queries to delete the records left behind by the upgrade.