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Adriano Faria

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Adriano Faria

  1. FYI, this is still an issue in the latest version: Replying here as it is marked as solved.
  2. https://www.sosinvision.com.br/index.php?/file/146-convert-status-updates-to-topics/
  3. https://www.sosinvision.com.br/index.php?/file/48-user-posts-in-topic/
  4. system / Helpers / Table / Table / __toString (line 540): /* No rows to show? Add a noindex but follow for crawling later to check if content exists */ if ( ! \count( $rows ) ) { \IPS\Output::i()->metaTags['robots'] = 'noindex, follow'; } The only Table in the movie view is controlled by the setting Display VIEWERS & RATINGS tab. So apparently, and according to the above, it will add the meta tags if the table has no rows (?). So disable the setting to see if the tags go away. Let me know then I’ll release a new version to display the tab only if it has results.
  5. Same here. I have 23 items (1 page only) but shows 0:
  6. I’m not sure what you are asking here, honestly. DO is the way to call a function in the controller. If you are asking me to change everything just because you want to get better results, sorry, that won’t happen. You are free to change your install and do whatever you want with it. Start by adding a noindex on it. Plus, support is provided in my board only so stop mentioning me here.
  7. The links exist and point to a controller to display a popup when you click on any movie from the widget Now Playing: Example: .../index.php?app=movies&module=movies&controller=nowplaying&id=573435 The 3 links you provided work for me and they go to the same controller to display data from the cast/crew:
  8. You don't need Pages at all. Add the Topics and/or Posts feed: Configure it the way you want:
  9. It really depends on what you want for you community. You can have a free UNSUPPORTED plugin or pay $10 for a support. Even better: you don’t need to pay anything. Just learn how to do your plugins:
  10. I have recently created a forum for this matter: https://www.sosinvision.com.br/index.php?/forums/forum/111-suggestions/ Try it! 👍
  11. On the other hand, why release new apps if people don’t purchase them?
  12. Remove the permission to add files to this category. Not perfect but a workaround: https://www.sosinvision.com.br/index.php?/file/214-display-files-from-subcategories/
  13. I would add the ability to set my own order of tags (in the content item) if I don't want to order them alphabetically. I was also hoping for multiple prefixes, colors, etc.
  14. Hi Matt, Just a question: how does the framework handle the tab=comments or tab=reviews in Downloads, for example? All the tabs from the Movies app are created on the "commentReviewTabs" method of its content item. I mean: and would generate the same "errors", right? I didn't find anything specific for them. Are they "excluded" somehow? Wouldn't a "noindex" in these links solve the issue?
  15. Sorry, yes. I have no error with IN_DEV disabled but it doesn't update the value to other categories; nothing happens.
  16. Hello, just to make sure, as I don't use this for ages. I created an activity stream here on IPS to display only content items (topics) but replies (comments) are displayed too: Is that right? Shouldn't it show only the topics (first post) and no replies, like above? Thank you. AS ID 1211, just in case.
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