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It's something to do with the nav bar. It's likely a conflicting mod that affects the nav bar but we're looking into it.

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    Adriano Faria

    Raw talked to me today earlier. He got some problems in his personal life and he couldn't support your resources as it should. So I will support them for a couple of months or so, until Raw got everyt

  • Adriano Faria
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    New features! - Remove requirement from REASON when deleting an award: - Pagination and member who gave the award in member profile tab: Results:   - Awardin

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@-RAW- @Morrigan

I recently tried to uninstall the Rewards app as we were having some issues with it not updating or showing the error information, it appears we can't even remove it.


Any ideas for a fix, so I can do a clean install?

Edited by Tibory

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I apologize for being late to fix these issues, please try the new update.

  • 2 weeks later...

Purchase iAwards trying to get access to your forum and the forum hasn't sent me an email to reset my password.  I've tried twice, and yes I've checked my spam folder.

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2 minutes ago, Bluto said:

Purchase iAwards trying to get access to your forum and the forum hasn't sent me an email to reset my password.  I've tried twice, and yes I've checked my spam folder.


An account is created once you purchase here, check the email used here at IPS.

1 minute ago, -RAW- said:


An account is created once you purchase here, check the email used here at IPS.

Yea, I used that email to try to reset the PW.  Still no email.

Thanks for the password - but I have no idea what the display name is????  Using Bluto doesn't work.

  • Author
1 minute ago, Bluto said:

Thanks for the password - but I have no idea what the display name is????  Using Bluto doesn't work.

Try again with Bluto.


First off, Thanks for the amazing Awards system, but I had a question.

I seem to be getting an error after upgrading to the latest version. I can no longer access the "Manage Awarded", do you happen to know what might be causing this?


Thanks for your help!

Can you post your error log after posting that?

Cant sign in to forum and dont getting email password reset! Any idea why?




An Error I get when running a support.



awards error.jpg

@-RAW- Just updated to the latest version and I reckon a bug exists, we have an automated award based on post count and just after updating it wants to award this on every post now.


The user receiving the award is also the user awarding the award, although that is set to a specific user.


This has only occurred after upgrading the awards system.



@C4D Cafe what version of IPS and iAwards are you running? (checking into your account)


@craigf136 Can you give me the rule you are using as I do not have this problem.

On 20/01/2016 at 4:30 PM, craigf136 said:

My current automated awards.


I'm just going to work on prestige medals, which basically counts post count and membership timescales.


Would you mind sharing the Member year award and post count awards ?

I'm very new(b) to this application and english is not my main language, infortunately...

Thanks !

@Morrigan The newest one! Everything is updated to new version, PHP and all those stuff.

8 hours ago, Morrigan said:

@C4D Cafe what version of IPS and iAwards are you running? (checking into your account)


@craigf136 Can you give me the rule you are using as I do not have this problem.


@Morrigan attached, it's disabled at the moment and I have changed "not" to disabled also - this is the same award for post ranks 2, 3 which it is not occurring on, just the conditions amended and the award amended.


what version are you using? I'm using with little errors that is related to the rules and members keep getting the same awards which I already posted on their website support board

1 hour ago, EmpireKickass said:

what version are you using?



On 6/18/2016 at 8:55 PM, craigf136 said:

Just updated to the latest version and I reckon a bug exists


I'm looking at them. It's possible that it's fine on the rules end but something went wonky with the update. We're working on it.

Definitely, Never seem to get the rules right with the awards

On 6/17/2016 at 9:00 AM, Morrigan said:

Can you post your error log after posting that?

Sorry, I've been busy with work.

Here are the logs.

2S106/1 Page Not Found.


And for SQL Errors when granting award.

Unknown column 'award_url' in 'field list'
UPDATE `ipb_awards_awards` awards_awards  SET `award_url`=?,`award_board`=?,`award_count`=? WHERE award_id=? 
    [0] => <a href='http://thereeplex.com/forums/profile/1449-banana/?tab=node_awards_Awards'First Post'</a>'
    [1] => The Reeplex
    [2] => 45
    [3] => 1

 | File                                                                       | Function                                                                      | Line No.          |
 | /system/Db/Db.php                                                          | [IPS\Db\_Exception].__construct                                               | 388               |
 | /system/Db/Db.php                                                          | [IPS\_Db].preparedQuery                                                       | 836               |
 | /system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php                                          | [IPS\_Db].update                                                              | 460               |
 |                                                                            | [IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord].save                                             |                   |
 | /init.php(434) : eval()'d code                                             | [].call_user_func_array                                                       | 51                |
 | /system/Node/Model.php                                                     | [IPS\Patterns\rules_hook_ipsPatternsActiveRecord].save                        | 1999              |
 | /init.php(434) : eval()'d code                                             | [IPS\Node\_Model].save                                                        | 124               |
 | /init.php(434) : eval()'d code                                             | [IPS\Node\advancedtagsprefixes_hook_nodeModel].save                           | 679               |
 | /applications/awards/sources/Awarded/Awarded.php                           | [IPS\Node\collab_hook_ipsNodeModel].save                                      | 103               |
 | /applications/awards/extensions/rules/Definitions/Awards.php               | [IPS\awards\_Awarded].remove                                                  | 278               |
 |                                                                            | [IPS\awards\extensions\rules\Definitions\_Awards].removeAward                 |                   |
 | /applications/rules/Application.php                                        | [].call_user_func_array                                                       | 1773              |
 |                                                                            | [IPS\rules\_Application].opInvoke                                             |                   |
 | /applications/rules/sources/Action/Action.php                              | [].call_user_func_array                                                       | 385               |
 |                                                                            | [IPS\rules\_Action].invoke                                                    |                   |
 | /applications/rules/sources/Rule/Rule.php                                  | [].call_user_func_array                                                       | 654               |
 |                                                                            | [IPS\rules\_Rule].invoke                                                      |                   |
 | /applications/rules/sources/Event/Event.php                                | [].call_user_func_array                                                       | 192               |
 | /init.php(434) : eval()'d code                                             | [IPS\rules\_Event].trigger                                                    | 199               |
 | /system/Content/Item.php                                                   | [IPS\rules_hook_ipsContent].save                                              | 324               |
 | /system/Content/Item.php                                                   | [IPS\Content\_Item].createFromForm                                            | 65                |
 | /applications/forums/modules/front/forums/forums.php                       | [IPS\Content\_Item].create                                                    | 432               |
 |                                                                            | [IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_forums].add                                 |                   |
 | /system/Dispatcher/Controller.php                                          | [].call_user_func                                                             | 85                |
 | /system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php                                          | [IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller].execute                                          | 129               |
 | /index.php                                                                 | [IPS\_Dispatcher].run                                                         | 13                |


On 6/17/2016 at 3:05 AM, DeadiKation said:


First off, Thanks for the amazing Awards system, but I had a question.

I seem to be getting an error after upgrading to the latest version. I can no longer access the "Manage Awarded", do you happen to know what might be causing this?


Thanks for your help!

I also get this issue.

@-RAW-, @Morrigan

Anyway to make it so that the awards profile tab does not appear if the user does not have any?

In the same boat, the latest update seems to have broken a few things.

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