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Bought software refused!

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I had no time to update regarding job priority ... my licence expired its ok but now i cannot download the software anymore what I have paid for!

during my active licence period ips 3.48 & 4.061 was available- but now invisionpower give me not the bought software .. I have written client area tickets but 0% resolved ... Only the answer i must renew and pay again for something what i have already paid !

I do not request something for free ... just that what i have paid ... I just want to make the update to 3.48 for my live system and 4.061 for test system

that is not ok !

The renewal costs are applied bi-yearly (every 6 months) and applies to all current suite owners which you agreed to at the tie of purchase. The renewal costs are significantly lower than the purchase price(s) per application. What this guarantees is continuous support and upgrades.

The renewal costs are applied bi-yearly (every 6 months) and applies to all current suite owners which you agreed to at the tie of purchase. The renewal costs are significantly lower than the purchase price(s) per application. What this guarantees is continuous support and upgrades.

M@t isn't asking for support or upgrade, simply wants to download the software version he's paid for.


M@t isn't asking for support or upgrade, simply wants to download the software version he's paid for.

Are you sure? ​This isn’t really clear in the original post. It says “I just want to make the update to 3.48”, which is a version released just recently. You cannot have bought this version and at the same time have an expired license. If you have an expired license, you must have bought the software over 6 months ago, when 3.4.8. and 4.0.6 were certainly not available. So saying “I just want to download what I have bought” is just not correct. 


My Suite license expired yesterday (04 Jun) .. I can only download 3.4.8 .. no IPS4 is in the list ..

No problem here .. I will renew soon .. But shouldn't IPS4 not be in my download list ? that should be till or maybe 4.0.7 if it was out before my Suite expired ..



Are you sure? ​This isn’t really clear in the original post. It says “I just want to make the update to 3.48”, which is a version released just recently. You cannot have bought this version and at the same time have an expired license. If you have an expired license, you must have bought the software over 6 months ago, when 3.4.8. and 4.0.6 were certainly not available. So saying “I just want to download what I have bought” is just not correct.

​That is right, but it is also a little bit tricky. Everyone here pay for a software and 6 months support and updates.

What happen if this guy, during his 6 months period, upgrade his forum to 4.0.6? Right now IPS would be written an email to tell him "EY EY your 6 months have expired so you have to return to the previous version it was available the same day you purchased it"? Of course not, because he would be using one version of the forum that was created during his 6 months.

So having this in mind it is just a problem about how IPS want to make things easy for their users. If you are cautious and you download the latest version available the last day of your license you can use this version for years in a complete legal way but, if you forgot to download it, IPS is going to charge you a renewal just because you forgot to make a backup.

EY EY your 6 months have expired so you have to return to the previous version it was available the same day you purchased it"?

I don’t get that. 

I wanted to say that imagine the guy, during his license period of 6 months, upgrade his forum to version 4.0.6. Today his license has expired, but IPS staff would not be writting him to tell him:

"Ey m@t we have seen your license is expired now and during your 6 months period you upgraded the forum. Now you have to downgraded to the previous version it was available the same day you purchased the software"

I want to say that you can purchase the software, upgrade so many times as new versions are available during 6 months, and when the license expire you can continue using the forum in the latest version available the very same day license expired. So if this is legal, why do not make things easy for users and allow them to get latest version of the software during his license period instead of charge them just because they forgot to make a backup of files available in the client area last day of his license?



Sorry, moderator please delete this post

Are you sure? ​This isn’t really clear in the original post. It says “I just want to make the update to 3.48”, which is a version released just recently. You cannot have bought this version and at the same time have an expired license. If you have an expired license, you must have bought the software over 6 months ago, when 3.4.8. and 4.0.6 were certainly not available. So saying “I just want to download what I have bought” is just not correct.

​Yes I'm sure after reading again that post.

Please read it again:

"during my active licence period ips 3.48 & 4.061 was available"

You say: "you must have bought the software over 6 months ago, when 3.4.8. and 4.0.6 were certainly not available."

I don't know about that so you can be right.

I have not download the software for more than two years, just paying for the renewals waiting for v4.

Stopped paying for it just about a month ago.

In my opinion "freezing" should happen when the last day of an active license is over. Whatever was available for download at that time should continue to be available for download. For example, if 4.0 was made available at Jun 3rd, the active license expired at Jun 4th, and it happened that 4.1 became available at Jun 5th, then 4.0 should still be available for download. I understand it that you don't just pay for the software which is available at the purchase day, but also for access to updates over a certain period of time (6 months). Then regarding downloads and the availalbe versions, the last day should matter, not the first one.

But of course...

...my opinion doesn't matter that much. It is more about what is actually written in the license agreement that everyone accepts upon purchase. :)

In my opinion if your support contract has expired the only thing you are entitled to is the security updates. It's up to you to download whatever forum version was available when your support contract was active. So you may well have had access to say version 4.0.0. but since you haven't renewed your support contract you have no entitlement to updates or to download again what was available when your contract was active.

If you think about this and the way I read your post is you think just because version 4.0.0 was available or 3.4.7 was available when you had an active contract this then entitles you to every version 3 or 4 update. If that was the case then many people might say "We'll I'll just won't renew my contract as I don't need any support and I keep on getting free updates until version 4.1 comes out". If that's your expectation then I think you're being a bit optimistic and don't get how software companies stay in business.

Bite the bullet and pay the 60 bucks. Problem resolved.

Sorry to say but... This has been a continuous argument from the beginning with a few folks and it is getting old.

We all read the terms or should have, but yet there is always those short timers that think they are getting the shaft while the rest of us just pay it and forget it.

IPS is a business that is able to keep on developing with our contributions of renewals. And yes it is a contribution. After all there is no shotgun pointed at anyone's head.

As far as accessing privileged areas as the clients lounge well guess what... For those that refuse to accept the terms won't get access. This is just the nature of the beast. No different than vehicle registration or drivers license renewals. The only difference is that you will get fined besides the renewal.

Sorry to say but... This has been a continuous argument from the beginning with a few folks and it is getting old..

There are no old jokes only old men.

For a newborn every joke is new.



It has always been this way, once your support etc expires you lose download access. :) This is not a new policy.

Bear in mind that if downloads did continue to be allowed they would then be locked at the last version available when your support expired, so for instance if say it expired before 3.4.8 was released you would only be able to download 3.4.7

I always recommended (and still do) keeping a copy of the .zip somewhere safe if you are likely to not renew.

Bear in mind that if downloads did continue to be allowed they would then be locked at the last version available when your support expired, so for instance if say it expired before 3.4.8 was released you would only be able to download 3.4.7


There are no old jokes only old men.

For a newborn every joke is new.



​My body may be old and broken but my mind is still in its 20's trying to make the body do things it did in its 20's

If you are calling this topic a joke then I have to agree... It's the same band wagon every time just a different OP.

It was the same with IPS Beyond before they incorporated it with this board back around 2007 - 2008.

Speaking of Jokes...

Pete and repeate were in a boat. Pete fell out, who sayed in?


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M@t isn't asking for support or upgrade, simply wants to download the software version he's paid for.



My Suite license expired yesterday (04 Jun) .. I can only download 3.4.8 .. no IPS4 is in the list ..

No problem here .. I will renew soon .. But shouldn't IPS4 not be in my download list ? that should be till or maybe 4.0.7 if it was out before my Suite expired ..



sorry all for answering so late i was working

MISI is 100% correct 

it was maybe not clear enough in my posting, sorry ..  - i am only talking about the software download, not more .. No support or similar

just the download of the software what i have bought and which was available during my paid renewal period 

my licence expired some days ago and i was regarding my job not at home for two weeks - i had only my ipad with me and hat the download available for 3.48 & 4.061 and cannot save it anywhere at my ipad or upload - i tried to get it i to my email account or up to my server or my cloud but without saving for a moment its not possible and that does not work at mobile device.

i just want to update my two systems live with 3.48 and test server with 4.061

it is not acceptable to pay again that i get an download which was available and what i have paid for

you have access to what you paid for as long as you license is valid, once expired downloads are cut off. It has always been this way.


you should of downloaded what you could before your license was set to expire

  • Author

Bear in mind that if downloads did continue to be allowed they would then be locked at the last version available when your support expired, so for instance if say it expired before 3.4.8 was released you would only be able to download 3.4.7

I always recommended (and still do) keeping a copy of the .zip somewhere safe if you are likely to not renew.

Also with 100% agreed - there must be this download available in client area what you paid 

also a big lack of service is here that you cannot see anymore client lounge where news postet from charles regarding comming updates - maybe expired clients wait for an major change the do not get the info! IPS lose money

it would be ok to set the forum for expired licences to read only as well technical forum .... But to make it invisibel is brazen 

I don't know the correct legal terminology for it but I am assuming that the licence / support contract gives you the right to download / use the latest version. When this expires you retain the right to run the last legally downloaded version but not anything newer.

I guess what I'm trying to say is the 'fee' is for "usage" of the software not "ownership"


it is not acceptable to pay again that i get an download which was available and what i have paid for

​The discussion is going around in circles. You keep repeating, that you only want what you “bought” and what you “paid for”, but you make up your own definition of what that means. In reality, it means that you bought the software version(s) that came out 6+ months ago and that you were granted access to future updates during a 6 month period. The fact, that you had access to them, but didn’t download them, doesn’t mean that you bought them in any way and are eligible to download them whenever you want today and in the future. You were eligible to download during the 6 month period. 

  • Management

Ever buy software online and get offered "Download Protection" as an extra fee? Some places let you download it once and then after that you're out of luck if you lose the zip.

Ever buy software online and get offered "Download Protection" as an extra fee? Some places let you download it once and then after that you're out of luck if you lose the zip.

​Again this is the nature of the beast. This has been the norm for many software companies since the bbs days prior the internet. Unlike IPS though many of these companies were and still are quite vague in their TOS to get hook people to download their software. IPS like many others are very clear on their TOS but again you have those that only want to Reel in what they can.

I am actually having a little empathy for those that missed a deadline. But when it comes to the end of the day it still comes down to client responsibility.

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Woodsman its nice for ips that you like something like that 

for me it is still the same fact - i bought something and it is refused.

the company does not lose here any cent but maybe one client after an other or for long time renewal charges because clients, (sorry we are no clients if we not pay :)  You are the same as a visitor) are angry as well ips postet no announcements anymore just inside client area where members second class cannot look on it 

customer care is and was a big lack here - ips is good if you need no assitance from them

the community of member is really good 


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