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3DKiwi last won the day on June 22 2014

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  1. 1. The name on the "Portal" tab is set in the General Configuration settings: Website name. Change that to whatever you want. 2. The content of the portal page is done by editing the portal skin template i.e. Loook and feel > Your skin > Portal > skeletonTemplate 3DKiwi
  2. You can add a reply button by editing the topic view template. Find: <li><a href="{parse url="module=post&amp;section=post&amp;do=reply_post&amp;f={$this->request['f']}&amp;t={$this->request['t']}&amp;qpid={$post['post']['pid']}" base="publicWithApp"}" title="{$this->lang->words['tt_reply_to_post']}">{parse replacement="reply_post_icon"} {$this->lang->words['post_reply']}</a></li> Add below <li><a href='{$displayData['reply_button']['url']}' title='{$this->lang->words['topic_add_reply']}' accesskey='r'>{parse replacement="{$displayData['reply_button']['image']}_icon"} {$this->lang->words['topic_add_reply']}</a></li> Hope this helps. I edited the language file to make the Quote reply button actually say Quote reply. 3DKiwi
  3. The cost was $150. Hope this helps. 3DKiwi
  4. No my server isn't hosted with IPS. I just got in touch by email and asked them about making my server more reliable. They came back with a price. I agreed and they did it. 3DKiwi
  5. You know for anyone wanting their server optimized, I would save all the heartache and get IPS to optimize your server for you. I had them do this for my dedicated server last week. The price was pretty reasonable and saved me tinkering with stuff I didn't have a clue with. 3DKiwi
  6. I added a few buttons and renamed things like attached. I hardly have any quoted replies. Without doing this most members were using Quote reply as their standard means of replying. 3DKiwi
  7. I too would like to uninstall this mod and have loaded the unlock xml file. I don't get the uninstall button next to the settings. I was able to delete the task from the system schedule. I have deleted the uploaded files. I want to install and run the site map generator by someone else but want to fully uninstall this mod first. Please help. 3DKiwi
  8. Re Recent Posts hook. IP Content can be used to create a Recent Posts block. I've created one and so far it doesn't seem to have overloaded the system whereas the one in the Resources section did (same one as linked to above). Here's what it looks like. I also created a Recent Topic block as well. The only thing I haven't figured is how to only show the last reply from the most recent replies. With a busy topic you may get 2-3 replies from the same topic showing. 3DKiwi
  9. Kiterman - you mean post icons? if so then they haven't been removed just tucked away. Just a matter of using the full editor and clicking on the options button. 3DKiwi
  10. It appears to be in 3.0.5 which isn't out yet. 3DKiwi
  11. This article here in the IPS knowledge base is how I do it. Exporting and restoring large databases is a doddle using this method. Just make sure that when you are restoring a database that you have first created a new blank database. 3DKiwi
  12. So what's the difference between this hook and the built in "Today's Top Posters" hook? Thanks 3DKiwi
  13. Thanks. This is at least some progress. I can probably go back to using the Lightbox for attachments now that images can be saved. 3DKiwi
  14. Ditto using a shell. What you should be doing is setting up a test forum on thye new server then test restoring the database. 3DKiwi
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