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  1. and what should I do now?
  2. I have email on maping site
  3. I'd like to have IPB as server, so I'd like to login into wordpress with IPB credentials
  4. In my opinion I use correct one. On wordpress site I have And I have set it up in that way And IPB as an server for oAuth Is it ok? In my opinion it's done directly to the tutorial.
  5. any update on my topic?
  6. this is crazy for me. I had set up IPB as server. setting are 3 posts up, then I use oauth client, so why should I set up IPB as clicent?
  7. Invision as server, but this filed is fullfiled auotmaticalyy. When I want to change it - I need to pay 😞 can not edit this field, on first step of integration do I have correct plugin installed?
  8. From polish to english, it means Bad redirect URL. Error code: 2S361/2
  9. Hello, I'm trying to connect my already functioning ipb site which is located under: forum-rolnicze.domain with new WordPress site located on forum-rolnicze.domain/wp. I do everything accroding to the tutorial: Unfortunately I can not connect both sites. I get such an error. Error code: 2S361/2 How can I fix it? What did I wrong? Or maybe the tutorial is not up to date with newest IPB (4.7.8) and WP (6.1.1) Any ideas?
  10. so please send me an installer I can not download it for 4.4
  11. hi, can we get it for 4.4?