SSO: IPB 4.7.8 and Wordpress 6.1
and what should I do now?
SSO: IPB 4.7.8 and Wordpress 6.1
I have email on maping site
SSO: IPB 4.7.8 and Wordpress 6.1
I'd like to have IPB as server, so I'd like to login into wordpress with IPB credentials
SSO: IPB 4.7.8 and Wordpress 6.1
In my opinion I use correct one. On wordpress site I have And I have set it up in that way And IPB as an server for oAuth Is it ok? In my opinion it's done directly to the tutorial.
SSO: IPB 4.7.8 and Wordpress 6.1
any update on my topic?
SSO: IPB 4.7.8 and Wordpress 6.1
SSO: IPB 4.7.8 and Wordpress 6.1
this is crazy for me. I had set up IPB as server. setting are 3 posts up, then I use oauth client, so why should I set up IPB as clicent?
SSO: IPB 4.7.8 and Wordpress 6.1
Invision as server, but this filed is fullfiled auotmaticalyy. When I want to change it - I need to pay 😞 can not edit this field, on first step of integration do I have correct plugin installed?
SSO: IPB 4.7.8 and Wordpress 6.1
SSO: IPB 4.7.8 and Wordpress 6.1
From polish to english, it means Bad redirect URL. Error code: 2S361/2
SSO: IPB 4.7.8 and Wordpress 6.1
Hello, I'm trying to connect my already functioning ipb site which is located under: forum-rolnicze.domain with new WordPress site located on forum-rolnicze.domain/wp. I do everything accroding to the tutorial: Unfortunately I can not connect both sites. I get such an error. Error code: 2S361/2 How can I fix it? What did I wrong? Or maybe the tutorial is not up to date with newest IPB (4.7.8) and WP (6.1.1) Any ideas?
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Great, thank You
Must Read Topics - a.k.a Force Members/Guests to Read Topics
Must Read Topics - a.k.a Force Members/Guests to Read Topics
so please send me an installer I can not download it for 4.4
Must Read Topics - a.k.a Force Members/Guests to Read Topics
hi, can we get it for 4.4?