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  1. That wil be great Mike, I have like 4 or 5 register per day so it is not so much and I prefer to see if someone is asking me some doubts. If you can give me this file to make it works I would appreciate.
  2. As PM sender I have my username, the administrator name. In fact the new user receive correctly the autowelcome message as sent by the administrator account. I have been checking the database right now and what I see is: in table "core_message_topic_user_map" there is a row for the new register user but there is not a row for the administrator user (so for that reason I see now message in my account)in table "core_message_topics" the rows for autowelcome has a "1" in the column "mt_is_system" (the other "normal" message has a "0" in this column)As I said, before it works fine and I received the messages in my administrator account, but now the message is just show in the new menber account. This is not a big issue, in fact is better because now I don't have in my account houndreds of messages "Welcome to the forum!", but the real problem is sometimes the new users reply to the autowelcome message asking me something and I do not receive this reply because I cannot see the conversation. I am still using version 4.0.11, could it be the reason of this problem?
  3. In my case, i reinstall again the auto welcome app and I have configured just to send a PM to new registers in the name of the administrator of my forum. I have created a new users in my forum to test it and it works, they received the PM, but when I logg in with my admin account and I enter in my private messages I see no new conversations with these new registers. I enter in the database and I have even seen that one new user reply to the autowelcome PM but I cannot see this conversation in my account. The user is a normal one, not comming from FB or TW. Thank you.
  4. I came to report the facebook names issue and also the auto message send to user who request a new password, but I have seen you are working on it so I just want to tell you thank you very much for your great work @Mike John!
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