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Hi. I run a multilingual forum, there is a possibility to set the language locale when submiting a new link, so that portuguese link will only show to portuguese users, and english links to users from usa? I hope so!

Edited by ASkyscraper
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Hi. I run a multilingual forum, there is a possibility to set the language locale when submiting a new link, so that portuguese link will only show to portuguese users, and english links to users from usa? I hope so!

It can not :(

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Hello! I am interested in purchasing this mod, but first wanted to ask a couple of questions, as well as test it out.


Is it possible to not put a background picture in one slide, and simply use HTML with no pictures, or titles? In some slides, I want to put a background image, then a title, but in other slides, I want plain text (ex. for announcements). And how may I get access to test this mod out?




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Hello! I am interested in purchasing this mod, but first wanted to ask a couple of questions, as well as test it out.


Is it possible to not put a background picture in one slide, and simply use HTML with no pictures, or titles? In some slides, I want to put a background image, then a title, but in other slides, I want plain text (ex. for announcements). And how may I get access to test this mod out?





It can not, only supports image + title + url. Check your pm, I sent you access info to test site.

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Hey onlyME,

I'm wondering if you could update the plugin to allow the featured content to be displayed like how it is shown here:


I'd like it to automatically detect when it has filled the screen and start a new line below the first column so that I can have a grid of aligned articles to browse through. If there's any way I can do this already, please help! Thanks!

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Hey onlyME,

I'm wondering if you could update the plugin to allow the featured content to be displayed like how it is shown here:


I'd like it to automatically detect when it has filled the screen and start a new line below the first column so that I can have a grid of aligned articles to browse through. If there's any way I can do this already, please help! Thanks!

Oh, It's a slider, so I don't think grid view interface is good.

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 That promotion has been ended :)

So i bought it tonight :super:.

The only weird thing is when i try to use different sliders on different subforums because i would have to add several stacked widgets on the top of the page - each one with its own subforum.. I guess it would be easier to use a widget for the index, another widget for all subforums and a third widget for single post..

Is the cimage script safe with nginx/php-fpm ?

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So i bought it tonight :super:.

The only weird thing is when i try to use different sliders on different subforums because i would have to add several stacked widgets on the top of the page - each one with its own subforum.. I guess it would be easier to use a widget for the index, another widget for all subforums and a third widget for single post..

Is the cimage script safe with nginx/php-fpm ?

Edit widget you will see


In page list, enter the page of url to display the slider, each url per line.


hmm, i do not think cimage integration really works.. on my server i can run and resize just fine using a browser with the script but in Featured Content its.. broken..

By default, cimage blocked special character on image url. Try to open \cimage\webroot\img.php find and comment out (or remove)

 preg_match($validFilename, $srcImage)
     or errorPage('Filename contains invalid characters.');



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I bought this today! Very good work on this.

One question? I got a feed from Downloads and I tried to get all images at the same size as downloads square images. But It seems like the slider distort images that not are square.





Try to go ACP -> Featured content -> settings you will see an option to resize images using php script (cimage)


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