Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications Matt November 11, 2024Nov 11
February 28, 201212 yr I'm the local System Grand Moff, I delegate the webmastering to the lower ranking officers while I over see the Server now ;) In short, I build them, deal with the server, and let each detachment's webmaster deal with the day to day business ;) You should visit and join the Legion, it's fun. We might send ya some Imperial credits sometime, keep up the good work against the Rebels! (Spammers)
March 5, 201212 yr I have question about ProjectHoneyPot lookup. If I already enable StopForumSpam Lookup. Should I also enable ProjectHoney or not, and what Threshold to use? Would the two conflict? Can I just use StopForumSpam only?
March 11, 201212 yr Thanks for hook! On my board I have errors in log: PHP Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [<a href='simplexmlelement.--construct'>simplexmlelement.--construct</a>]: Entity: line 6: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: P line 5 and BODY in /hooks/cstopspamreg_b0f1e32d81cacabad8933a89fe185479.php on line 41 PHP Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [<a href='simplexmlelement.--construct'>simplexmlelement.--construct</a>]: </BODY></HTML> in /hooks/cstopspamreg_b0f1e32d81cacabad8933a89fe185479.php on line 41 PHP Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [<a href='simplexmlelement.--construct'>simplexmlelement.--construct</a>]: ^ in /hooks/cstopspamreg_b0f1e32d81cacabad8933a89fe185479.php on line 41 PHP Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [<a href='simplexmlelement.--construct'>simplexmlelement.--construct</a>]: Entity: line 6: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: BODY line 3 and HTML in /hooks/cstopspamreg_b0f1e32d81cacabad8933a89fe185479.php on line 41 PHP Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [<a href='simplexmlelement.--construct'>simplexmlelement.--construct</a>]: </BODY></HTML> in /hooks/cstopspamreg_b0f1e32d81cacabad8933a89fe185479.php on line 41 PHP Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [<a href='simplexmlelement.--construct'>simplexmlelement.--construct</a>]: ^ in /hooks/cstopspamreg_b0f1e32d81cacabad8933a89fe185479.php on line 41 PHP Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [<a href='simplexmlelement.--construct'>simplexmlelement.--construct</a>]: Entity: line 6: parser error : Premature end of data in tag HTML line 1 in /hooks/cstopspamreg_b0f1e32d81cacabad8933a89fe185479.php on line 41 PHP Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct() [<a href='simplexmleleme
March 12, 201212 yr If you are using this hook for IP.Board 3.2, please download it again and re-install. We can no longer use the report feature and any board using it will be banned according to SFS. If you are using it for 3.1, I will have the updated version up shortly. So I got home from work today and was greeted with quite a suprise, I got a PM from SFS Admin:Im pedigree, the site admin, the very pissed off one. "Report user to stopforumspam" - jesus. I can go to almost any site and site this on any innocent user. Remove this or I will ban every IPB forum from using us, permanently. Ive had a faeces storm of complaints about being listed and 95% of them are due to your mod. To which I replied:Hello pedigree, I will happy work with you guys to sort out any issues. I have updated the file to remove the feature of reporting. I have previously contacted you guys in regards to automatic reporting when a known spammer is spotted, you guys didn't like this... and so I removed it to comply and replaced it with manual reporting where a moderator would need to go to a user's profile and report the person. So unless there is a bug I am unaware of each report that has been sent to you guys has been manually done by someone. I see this to be no different than going to you site and filling out a report form and it is simply utilizing the API that you guys added to do this. I wanted to have a solution where users could fight spam from within their forums. I'm very sorry that it has resulted in many complaints to SFS. As I said before, I am unsure if this could be from a bug or from people who have this installed reporting people. The report link is only meant to be displayed to the user groups the admin has set, which should be administrators and moderators. I would have appreciated if you had contacted me before announcing that every IPB board using this would be banned. And the SFS website did quite an annoucement: If you use this mod on your forum, using the "Report this user to StopForumSpam" and I find out, I will remove everything on this site related to you, ban your account and put your server in the firewall. You will NEVER get access back. There will be NO warning... Period. Ive found that public user profiles on some boards, have links to module functionality that allows anyone, logged in or not, to submit that users profile to us. We cannot (and will not) tolerate the submission of non-spammer data. If this code is assignable to groups and is assigned to everyone, then everyone can visit any profile and click the link. This is not good. It is unforunate that I recieved no notication of problems before all this sudden contact. The report link was supposed to be used by admins and moderators to report bad users manually just like you do on the website. I had previously contacted them regarding automatic submission, they didn't like this... and so I removed it and replaced it with a manual system just like their report form on the SFS website, but apparently they don't like this despite allowing such API to exist and not requiring evidence to submit a report via their website. So all I can say is... do what he says. I don't want anyone banned from SFS.BTW: If you are using that other old hook made by the other guy, you may wish to consider not using it as it has automatic submission.
March 12, 201212 yr I agree on the auto report of this mod. Not everyone is a spammer. I do feel the people have the right to feel upset that they have been listed as spammer because 80% may not be spammer. Here is the things with this mod. People put 2 for stop spammer registration. This number is very low. What make it even worst is that they put it as email and IP Address. With email, people can just not use their own email or register for new one. Most Gmail will flag as spammer. So now we have many auto report send to Stop Forum Spam repeatedly when they are not spammer. On my forums, I have to set the IP Address only, and set the number to 25 - 30. I can only imagine they are now flooded with the auto report with this mod. This mod is great, but the auto report should definitely be remove. We don't want valid members mark as spammer and can never be register on your board with this board causing bad traffic and rep for your board. Just my 2 cents.
March 12, 201212 yr I agree on the auto report of this mod. Not everyone is a spammer. I do feel the people have the right to feel upset that they have been listed as spammer because 80% may not be spammer. Here is the things with this mod. People put 2 for stop spammer registration. This number is very low. What make it even worst is that they put it as email and IP Address. With email, people can just not use their own email or register for new one. Most Gmail will flag as spammer. So now we have many auto report send to Stop Forum Spam repeatedly when they are not spammer. On my forums, I have to set the IP Address only, and set the number to 25 - 30. I can only imagine they are now flooded with the auto report with this mod. This mod is great, but the auto report should definitely be remove. We don't want valid members mark as spammer and can never be register on your board with this board causing bad traffic and rep for your board. Just my 2 cents. This mod doesn't have auto-report anymore. That was removed sometime ago. They are apparently getting flooded by people manually reporting people though this hook, that is people (who are set in the 'visible to groups' of the report link ) are going to users profiles and clicking the report link and in turn are reporting innocent people according to SFS... or they have set their permissions wrong and guests or members are send reports. These options are up to the admin to set and is actually disabled by default. The default of 2 is set so no-one leaves it on 0 and blocks everyone. Admins should always go over the settings to change them to their needs. 3.1 Update is also up.
March 12, 201212 yr It may be wise to limit the functionality to Admins only. Otherwise the reporting facility will be abused which is simply asking for further trouble from SFS.
March 13, 201212 yr When guests will see that error message: Unfortunatelly you are know spammer... Soon after when they fill and send registration form?
March 15, 201212 yr If you use this mod on your forum, using the "Report this user to StopForumSpam" and I find out, I will remove everything on this site related to you, ban your account and put your server in the firewall. You will NEVER get access back. There will be NO warning... Period. Ive found that public user profiles on some boards, have links to module functionality that allows anyone, logged in or not, to submit that users profile to us. We cannot (and will not) tolerate the submission of non-spammer data. If this code is assignable to groups and is assigned to everyone, then everyone can visit any profile and click the link. This is not good. If admins of boards are stupid enough to have that option visible to everyone, it's their own fault. I say don't let up on the admin of SFS. Honestly, he's conducting himself very poorly and making threats is not wise. The only issue I'm aware of is that the profile Report to SFS option comes back even after that user has been reported. It should be toggled to say Reported to SFS and not be a clickable link.
March 16, 201212 yr I say don't let up on the admin of SFS. Honestly, he's conducting himself very poorly and making threats is not wise. Please don't forget that SFS is a FREE resource used and valued by thousands and assembled and maintained by volunteers simply for the love of doing it. How the owner of the site conducts himself is his affair. He may be blunt and you may not like it, but let me say it again... SFS IS FREE!!!! Contamination of the database with false positive entries caused by inappropriate usage of this hook (or any other hook/plug-in) is a nightmare for SFS and causes a faecesstorm of problems.
March 18, 201212 yr For those using the hook, I am working on v2.0 of the hook which will hopefully pefect the current features and add a couple more.
March 18, 201212 yr Cool. I have had only very few spam registrations. Probably because I don't have board in english and they cannot understand registration question. Since I installed this hook (few days ago) more than 150 spamers were blocked. Hard to tell how many from them could break my secured registration form but now I can see how many spamers attacking boards.
March 18, 201212 yr For those using the hook, I am working on v2.0 of the hook which will hopefully pefect the current features and add a couple more. sounds good, thanks
March 27, 201212 yr For those using the hook, I am working on v2.0 of the hook which will hopefully pefect the current features and add a couple more. Just had to ask, but does 1.3.2 work with 3.3 or do we need to wait for the 2.0 release?
March 27, 201212 yr My install of 1.3.2 continues to work after upgrading to 3.3.0. I've no idea about a fresh install though, sorry.
March 27, 201212 yr Just had to ask, but does 1.3.2 work with 3.3 or do we need to wait for the 2.0 release? I haven't tested it on 3.3, but it should work. There will be a native 3.3 release for v2.0 :) My install of 1.3.2 continues to work after upgrading to 3.3.0. I've no idea about a fresh install though, sorry. There you go, looks like it does work.
April 11, 201212 yr Hello All: I am currently using IP.Board version 3.1.0 with version 1.2.2 of this Hook. It has been working great along with the IPS Spam Monitoring Service. In the coming days we will be upgrading our hosted IP.Board to the latest release. Is the latest release of this Hook compatible with version 3.3.1 of IP.Board? Thanks, David
April 12, 201212 yr Hello All: I am currently using IP.Board version 3.1.0 with version 1.2.2 of this Hook. It has been working great along with the IPS Spam Monitoring Service. In the coming days we will be upgrading our hosted IP.Board to the latest release. Is the latest release of this Hook compatible with version 3.3.1 of IP.Board? Thanks, David Another user has mentioned it works with 3.3.0 and there are no changes that I know of that would prevent it working on 3.3.1. I will also be upgrading to 3.3.1 soon so that I can make a native 3.3.1 version.
April 12, 201212 yr I've updated to 3.3.1 and it continues to work. I haven't tried altering any settings to see if it breaks it :)
April 12, 201212 yr Another user has mentioned it works with 3.3.0 and there are no changes that I know of that would prevent it working on 3.3.1. I will also be upgrading to 3.3.1 soon so that I can make a native 3.3.1 version. Also, shouls the older vrsion be uninstalled before the upgrade? Thanks for the information - Much appreciated!
April 13, 201212 yr Also, shouls the older vrsion be uninstalled before the upgrade? Thanks for the information - Much appreciated! It probably doesn't need to, but it's always best to do it to prevent any problems arising.
May 12, 201212 yr How can I report spammer who broke protection? In last week two spammers successfully registered on my board and sent entries to my blog.
May 15, 201212 yr Hi Was wondering that is it guaranteed that IP / email that it blocks are spammers ? I mean how exactly do you verify it ?
May 15, 201212 yr Hello, Not sure if there is support forums for this but please advise how to fix this issue....Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'String could not be parsed as XML' in /home/carnivo9/public_html/hooks/cstopspamreg_b21ee71419efef340a0d19c410e7d901.php:39 Stack trace: #0 /home/carnivo9/public_html/hooks/cstopspamreg_b21ee71419efef340a0d19c410e7d901.php(39): SimpleXMLElement->__construct('') #1 /home/carnivo9/public_html/admin_cp/applications/core/modules_public/global/register.php(65): cstopspamreg->registerProcessForm() #2 /home/carnivo9/public_html/hooks/dp3rs_CheckRegister_fab2b21a64f1ea8072001c47357c155b.php(111): public_core_global_register->doExecute(Object(ipsRegistry)) #3 /home/carnivo9/public_html/admin_cp/sources/base/ipsController.php(306): dp3rs_CheckRegister->doExecute(Object(ipsRegistry)) #4 /home/carnivo9/public_html/admin_cp/sources/base/ipsController.php(120): ipsCommand->execute(Object(ipsRegistry)) #5 /home/carnivo9/public_html/admin_cp/sources/base/ipsController.php(65): ipsController->handleRequest() #6 /home/carnivo9/public_html/index.php(26): ipsController::run() #7 {main in /home/carnivo9/public_html/hooks/cstopspamreg_b21ee71419efef340a0d19c410e7d901.php on line 39The error is after someone attempts to register... Please advise on how to fix :)
May 16, 201212 yr @changeindia, It matches the IP/Email from a database of known spammers. There are tons of different databases out there that have a list of known spammers. People like you and me get spammed and we post the IP addresses and Emails used into these databases for other's references. The mod matches all registrations against one of these databases. @Jake.H, What version of IPB are you using?
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