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Everything posted by Afrodude

  1. Don't forget there are notification settings that you've to pick between receiving emails and notifications or both.
  2. This is what I told IPS staff, yet he told me everything is working good from his end. I need to see my code from my end even I am using same code IPS documentation they have provided so far without any editing or adding anything.
  3. Hopefully @kRSB can do something about it.
  4. I use it on group that has 50K members and more. I don't know if you can improve that, so it doesn't cause this issue.
  5. After testing this I have noticed that the page responsive has changed to this After adding more than 4 tabs items. For reference I used this I saw it on 4.4.10 website has 6 tabs without any issue.
  6. @kRSB Is there any specific number of any group this addon can handle? Because many times whenever I mention a huge number of a group it takes too long to post the reply, and whenever you look at the topics list on the forum my reply doesn't show as I was the last one replied to that topic.
  7. Yes. It is supported, yet only to version 7.6.2. Don't go any higher version more than 7.6.2.
  8. ALTER TABLE databasename.tablename ENGINE=InnoDB;
  9. You can disable/enable any application from ACP, so you can disable commerce application.
  10. Happened to me. Got 7.9.0 installed because IPS search setting saying any version between 6 to 8, and then yet anything above 7.6 it's not supported. IPS released for any one a note in the ACP to whom has Elasticsearch setting on, but it was after I contacted the support team.
  11. I haven't started that yet as you. I am just waiting to be more stabilized version.
  12. He is asking about the author badge not the staff one. @Duken it's already enabled, and if you read carefully as it was mentioned you can't see the author badge in the first post. For example if you add a new reply after this you will see that you will have author badge on the replies you will add to the post as long as you are the topic author.
  13. On the demos you don't have that permission to install theme nor applications. Also, you can't even use support to check if there are any issues because it was completely removed. If you want to do that, you must download and install IPS 4.5.1 on your machine or a test website as you are allowed to do that. Then you will be able to install anything you like, and keep testing.
  14. This is what I did in the end, and I added the topic content in order to show it as first post.
  15. It has been 24 hours since you said this, and just a question would it take a 24hours to IPS Marketplace to review it or more?
  16. Using a custom block to show posts feeds from selected forums. How to show only the first comment from each topic on those selected forums? Thanks in advance.
  17. Nothing is cashing in here, and it just keep misleading the members because they don't see the "No Permission error". All what I asked if you've looked at it yet, and you could simply just say this "I’ll take a look up to/during the weekend." No rush in order to keep the good work.
  18. With 4.5 you can access to install files only through your website ACP.
  19. I didn't pay attention to that. I work almost 14 hours a day and everyday, so whenever I open my computer my brain already somewhere else.
  20. <span class="article-quote">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.</span> Well the button added successfully, yet It shows like a normal text.
  21. Have you tried it because I did, and yet didn't work out.
  22. You've to use the report button in order to inform the staff members about this request.
  23. @Saurabh Jain from ACP you've to go down to last icon you will find "marketplace" login using your IPS email address and password, and then you can update your application and plugins.
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