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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Matt

  1. No, but you can use the new modal view in your content items. You'll just need to drop in the template call in the relevant part of your template to add the button: {template="analyticsItemLink" app="core" group="system" params="$item"}
  2. Spam is very frustrating, and we've been having discussions at what we can do about it. In the mean time, the best way to avoid spammers posting publicly is to set your default members group to require post approval until 2 pieces of content have been manually approved. (ACP > Members > Groups > Content tab) Whilst it means you'll need to approve the posts of new members, it will stop spammers from getting visible content. Remember to flag those accounts as spammers so it feeds back to our system. We do use various tools to determine spam, including various honey pot databases but it can take a short while to catch up with fresh waves. We want to put more focus into post-registration spam capturing in the near future.
  3. It looks like the key that our Giphy rep set up has now been blocked, likely because of the sale. I can reach out again but I think we'll just adjust the set-up to recommend you set up your own custom key.
  4. It looks like another network attack. These are very common and we have a lot of technology to deflect and mitigate it but now and again we need to scale up a bit to meet demand. This can take a minute or two and you may get very short pockets of slow loading or some 504s like you hit this morning. We are seeing an abnormal amount of blocked requests, so someone is having fun somewhere.
  5. We will be improving the mobile experience in v5.
  6. We can probably work on the labelling, but I'm not keen on making it a high level item like that. It's not something most people will want to think about when they are on the site.
  7. Not in this version. This is more about data privacy than a general de-activate/re-activate function. With the functionality we have, when you enact the right to be forgotten, and it has been approved, the data is altered permanently with no way to undo it.
  8. For now, we'll keep it so administrators must approve until we get a little more comfortable with the features. We wouldn't want large parts of an established community destroyed by content being de-attributed or removed without a final admin check.
  9. You can choose to delete, or anonymise the posts (the IP addresses are removed, and the content presented as if it was from a Guest). When a member requests to be forgotten, it will anonymise their content. Cleaning embedded quoted content is something we're working on for a future version.
  10. Not true. We do add a line at the end of every blog explaining which platform the feature is for. We have products and packages for every budget. You don't have to, we have the classic self hosted version. Our "cloud" platform isn't just cloud storage. It's a bespoke platform that happens to use cloud micro services. Cloud storage != Invision Community platform. It's not, we've just committed to self-hosted for Invision Community 5, now in heavy development.
  11. That’s fine. We have products for every budget.
  12. Matt

    Classic Area?

    Classic (and cloud) discussion is very welcome in almost all areas of this community. The cloud platform and classic version share the same base code. In fact, all of our development time so far with v5 has been on things that benefit classic as well as cloud. There certainly isn't any neglect.
  13. That's correct, v5 won't have a concept of stand-alone plug-ins. But there's two things to keep in mind: 1) v5 will have numerous changes to how applications are developed (significant changes to template hooks and code hooks) 2) v4 will still allow plugins, and will be supported and heavily used for at least a few more years. So moving plug-ins into applications for v4 is a waste of time unless you have a major update or other compelling reason. Just moving the code from a plug-in into an app because a different version of the software with a different set of development tools won't support plug-ins is not helping you or us. Moving v4 code based plug-ins into applications for v5 will not help, as the code will not work with v5, so right now it's a waste of time.
  14. Hi all, This is just a quick post to let you know that while stand-alone plug-ins are deprecated in version 5, there is no need to convert your plugins to applications right now. There are significant changes coming to how third party templates and code interacts with the v5 framework changes which means any plug-in or application will need a lot of work for Invision Community 5. Simply converting a plug-in into an app won't future proof it, so it is a waste of your time at this point. We're in the very early stages of making these framework changes but will get information to you as soon as we have everything figured out. Also a reminder that v4 will have a multi-year deprecation, and we expect to work on both v4 and v5 for quite a while with a fairly slow migration over to v5 for the first chapter of its life, so I would think the majority of sales would still come from v4 for at least another year or so. Thanks!
  15. Answered quite comprehensively here:
  16. It likely got merged into one of the other topics on the subject.
  17. Earlier versions of Invision Community allowed a simple way to promote content to Facebook and Twitter. We have since removed Facebook due to their increasingly stringent policies and reviews on posting programatically. Recently, Twitter have announced new paid API tiers starting from $100/month. While a limited free tier remains, we feel that it is likely that the free tier will be further reduced or removed making this tool redundant. We have chosen to remove it, but will retain the popular "Our Picks" pages and widgets. For social promotion, we recommend using Zapier or other API methods. We hope that there will be good solutions for social promotions in the future and will certainly keep our eyes open to re-introduce these features.
  18. Hi Jack, I've just checked and we first replied on April 6th, 17th and today. I presume you're not getting our replies? The issue is with SSL verification. I've just send you a PM with the details Marc supplied in the ticket.
  19. Yeah: Run them on the forum index. User generated content is never going to be optimal. Lots of images, huge blocks of text, quotes, JS firing to show embeds, etc. It's not optimal for pure speed. One thing to check is that you have lazy loading enabled. Just search 'lazy' in the AdminCP.
  20. I've taken a look at your site. A topic is always going to perform sluggishly compared to Google's averages it compares against. That topic page in particular has a lot of images, lots of text, Google ads, and so on. If we look at the community index page: https://pagespeed.web.dev/analysis/https-www-enotalone-com/jsqtfp0dcy?form_factor=mobile we see that the reason it performs poorly is because of the Google Ads which takes 500ms to execute and holds up page rendering while it does so. Compare it to our forum index (same software, same cloud network).
  21. Just to clarify that the Authy code still exists and can still be used, but you cannot create a new 2FA with it. If you wanted to set up a new 2FA with Twilio, then you would use the Verify API. But if you are using Authy, nothing changes, although Twilio have now deprecated the API and at some point will remove it. I'd hope they'd let you know in good time if/when they do. I've edited the change log above to reflect the changes.
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