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Posts posted by Matt

  1. On 10/14/2023 at 1:38 AM, Joel R said:

    Some questions and / or observations: 

    - the Sidebar Menu offers a lot of links.  The (regular) browse menu on mobile offers much less links.  I'm guessing you have an option per link on whether to show on mobile? 

    - Bottom mobile menu is nice.  This is a well established design theory by Luke Wrobleski from Google product design, but I actually thought many mobile apps were moving away from the bottom menu because it overlaps with some built in browser or phone options.  Thoughts? I don't think there's one right answer, just more interested in your perspective.  

    Could contain: Electronics, Mobile Phone, Phone

    - traditional view of menu only offers single row.  I already do this on my primary community today (not because of any special study on design theory, but for simplicity!) but would be interested in your perspective in why you're imposing this approach.  The current Menu structure already encapsulates this and more. Why change it? 

    - performance improvements.  You removed JavaScript and a lot of CSS.  But then we also need splashy grid pictures of our latest trip to Australia and croc suit for the new Forum Feed / Big Grid view!

    Invision Community v5 will come with a voucher for this*


    * this is a joke

  2. 2 hours ago, Westfield Sports Car Club said:

    Removing FORCE INDEX makes a massive difference!

    I ran the full query manually and it just hung for over 5 mins, then without FORCE INDEX it ran in an instant - with only a few results though.

    EXPLAIN output attached as CSV

    forum_WSCC Forum_29-05-2024@12-34.csv 498 B · 4 downloads

    Give this plugin a go (it's unsupported, etc, etc if anything goes wrong, just disable it).

    Search_ no force index() 1.0.0.xml

  3. 1 hour ago, Dll said:

    Yes, petalbot isn't the best and as you can see we're already blocking it. But, I can show you an example of bingbot doing virtually the same, cycling through the pages  profile/[user]/content/page for dozens of profiles at a time overnight last night .  Maybe not as hardcore rate wise as petal bot, but it's still sizeable when you take into the account that the SQL being used is cumbersome. 

    The point is that the search bots do crawl at the rate I've described (even if you ignore the likes of petalbot), and do cycle through the pages in the profile. Eg - I'm not making this stuff up!


    I know, and you have valid points but unruly bots hammering the site is really a server/network issue. CDN caching for guests and using a WAF will help fix that.

    In terms of the original post though, I don't think that is the cause. I have moved it to a ticket so I hope to learn some more from it.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Westfield Sports Car Club said:

    Removing FORCE INDEX makes a massive difference!

    I ran the full query manually and it just hung for over 5 mins, then without FORCE INDEX it ran in an instant - with only a few results though.

    EXPLAIN output attached as CSV

    forum_WSCC Forum_29-05-2024@12-34.csv 498 B · 4 downloads

    OK, I'll drop a plug-in for you to try shortly that removes it. Then you can see if that helps.

  5. 19 hours ago, Westfield Sports Car Club said:

    Ours is also running ridiculously slow, albeit randomly. We're seeing 100% CPU load at times. 

    MySQL version 8.0.36-0ubuntu0.20.04.1

    Invision Community v4.7.16

    Appears to be related to a search query "IPS\Content\Search\Mysql\_Query::search:152*/ SELECT main.* FROM `core_search_index` AS `main` FORCE INDEX(`index_date_updated`) WHERE <long query here>...

    Can you get the full query? I'd run it with EXPLAIN to see the output, and then remove the FORCE INDEX and run EXPLAIN again.

    We do not use the FORCE INDEX on cloud running MySQL 8 as it is inefficient now. I'd be interested to see if that helps or hinders.

    On 5/6/2024 at 3:39 PM, TSP said:

    Server version: 10.5.24-MariaDB-1:10.5.24+maria~ubu2004-log mariadb.org binary distribution

    Do you have topics with thousands of pages of posts? We did remove an old optimisation that helped with older versions of MySQL but caused issues with. MySQL 8.

  6. The change to allow spiders to crawl profiles was approved in November 2023, and made it's way into the 4.7.15 release.

    What evidence is there to say that search engine crawling is "consuming hundreds of pages a minute"? 

    It's just guessing.

    Most search engines do not operate at that speed and they do not try and pagination through everything. 

    The first thing I'd suggest is to set up a CDN for guests with a 5 to 15 minute retention. That'll ensure that once a page has been generated, other guests and spiders will get the CDN version and not touch the database or PHP. That's what we do on cloud.

  7. Here's Google's score for it's search page:

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Person, Page, Text

    Must be nice to control where pages rank in search results. 😂

    There are huge improvements in v5 but of course if you choose layouts that work better for humans, such as card layouts with header images, it means a lower Pagespeed score as there are more images to load. We've removed lots of JS, web fonts and CSS and the HTML structure is much cleaner.

    You need to find the right balance. Purely optimising for a score from Google may mean it's not going to entice new members and keep members coming back.

  8. We are happy to keep providing support. What you are asking us to do is provide additional development focused work to fix an issue with your community. It is not part of our support offering, but you can engage the services of our third party developers.

    The feature you need does not exist in Invision Community at this time. It's something we can consider in a future release.

  9. I think it's worth waiting until you can use it. Then get feedback from your members. I'm sure it actually works better than you imagine and that it's quite intuitive.

    If you have a reason to use source code beyond fixing CKEditor issues, please let us know and please be as specific as you can which will really help, for example "Embed other sites" is less helpful than "I have a separate website, and I want to bring blog articles into my posts at around 600px high with a scrollbar".

  10. 56 minutes ago, David N. said:

    By contrast, many common users have no clue whatsoever how to use a forum. Some have only a limited understanding of the English language.

    Sometimes, I get emails with questions. When I reply that they can't email me their questions, and that they have to post the questions in the forum, they tell me "I don't know where to start, I don't understand how the forum works." 

    Another example: many, many new members don't know what "Title" means when they post their first topic, so they enter their username in the "Title" field. 

    This is a different problem completely though and not related to alpha testing a new version of an existing product where our customers who run forums know their users pretty well.

    Those that are posting that our way is bad and they have a better idea should probably wait until they've tried it.

    The alternative is no arrows or spaces or anything, just like v4 and most people have somehow managed to drag themselves from their primordial soup to figure out how to bash a keyboard in an astethitcally pleasing way enough to leave messages on Invision Community 4.

  11. 32 minutes ago, Kirill Gromov said:

    1) Is the oembed format parsed as before? Can you center an embedded YouTube video?

    2) Do mensions work as before? Is it possible to create a button to embed a record from a database?

    1) The embed system works as it does in v4.
    2a) Mentions work as you'd expect
    2b) Just paste the link in as you'd do with v4.

    Just now, Omri Amos said:

    Any person who OWNS A WEBSITE/FORUM is not a common user... None of the users in this community is a common user IMO.

    Well, you're wrong but I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts.

  12. 2 hours ago, David N. said:

    Being able to use full HTML and CSS for styling articles in Pages, at least for the admin, is one of the main criteria I used when I elected to switch to Invision Community to build my website, so if that's no longer available, that will be a HUGE step backwards, no matter how you slice it.

    I understand that I'll have to play with the new editor to see how things are handled, but perhaps you can already answer a couple of questions: 

    • Is there a way to create HTML anchor links? 
    • Will it be possible to create custom HTML buttons the way I currently can, for example like this?

    With v5, you can probably save a lot of hassle and just use the backticks to generate inline code. Either way, applications have a framework to add new editor functionality, including buttons.


  13. On 5/17/2024 at 9:35 AM, PoC2 said:


    Source editing definitely a must for admins. Somethings we cannot embed without this functionality.

    What do you need to embed, can you show us a screenshot?

    15 minutes ago, 13. said:

    we're talking only about one region below the entire content (not "every block"), so everything you've mentioned is not relevant to the suggestion.

    I'm not even sure the functionality even exists in TipTap, or any other editor.

    18 minutes ago, 13. said:

    The implementation of the interactive area exactly as it was described in the suggestion will only improve UX and won't affect anything else in any way.

    It's way too early to tell. We've not even released v5 yet, so making determinations about which method is better is premature.

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