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Posts posted by Matt

  1. Also, as far as I know, the FCP timer starts as soon as the browser receives the content, the timer doesn't start when the test starts so a slow return from the server will not affect FCP.

    In other words, if it takes 10 seconds for the server to generate the page and send to the browser, the FCP time will not be 10 seconds + browser render time.

  2. 17 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

    That and I assume the savings vs AWS would be HUGE.  As someone who has paid a few AWS bills before, I know how it can be a left arm, right leg, kidney, and first born. 

    Most likely able to hire a few more people with the savings alone. 🤣

    We wish. I think it works out slightly more expensive as we need to pay bandwidth from AWS to Cloudflare but it offers better protection and that ultimately is our goal. It should scrub more bot traffic which means less hits origin but overall, it won't really give us any savings.

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