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David N.

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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by David N.

  1. On 11/5/2023 at 7:08 PM, Randy Calvert said:

    I also no longer have people who end up complaining that email to them is flagged as spam, etc. 

    I've had some issues since switching to the Cloud and having notifications sent from noreply@invisioncloudcommunity.com. I have had members complaining that their notification emails are getting flagged as spam. I've noticed that DMARC isn't set up. I ran a test through valli.org and found quite a few blacklists (black) and failures (red) for that email address unfortunately:

    Data of the received email
    Receiving timestamp (UTC): 2023-11-21 08:34:01 Sender IP:
    Sender HELO: a11-73.smtp-out.amazonses.com Sender address: 0100018bf103208b-04bef0d6-70b9-4d71-8bbc-9802bf8bb27d-000000@amazonses.com
    From address: =?UTF-8?B?TG9naWMgUHJvIEhlbHA=?= <noreply@invisioncloudcommunity.com>
    DNSBL Blacklist Test Summary 288 of 288 tests done.
    Results Not listed: 265 Blacklisted: 14 Brownlisted: 0 Yellowlisted: 0 Whitelisted: 0 Neutrallisted: 0 Failed: 9
    Processing All done
    DNSBL Combinedlist Test Summary 21 of 21 tests done.
    Results Not listed: 12 Blacklisted: 0 Brownlisted: 0 Yellowlisted: 2 Whitelisted: 4 Neutrallisted: 2 Failed: 1
    Processing All done
    DNSBL Whitelist Test Summary 41 of 41 tests done.
    Results Not listed: 32 Blacklisted: 0 Brownlisted: 0 Yellowlisted: 0 Whitelisted: 8 Neutrallisted: 0 Failed: 1
    Processing All done
    DNSBL Informationallist Test Summary 17 of 17 tests done.
    Results Not listed: 5 Blacklisted: 0 Brownlisted: 0 Yellowlisted: 0 Whitelisted: 0 Neutrallisted: 12 Failed: 0
    Processing All done
  2. In my experience, on our board, most spammers use custom link text. For example they'll write: 


    I agree that this is a great idea. 

    Most legit members don't bother naming links. They most often post:


    I agree that this a great idea: https://invisioncommunity.com/

    Is there a way to automatically put posts with custom link text in an approval queue? Then perhaps I could have a group of known long time users that could skip that approval queue even when they use custom link text? 

    This would help drastically reducing the amount of spam on our forum. 

  3. Here's what I received from someone who would like to sign up to our forum: 


     I would like to join your forum. However, when I fill in my details in the "Sign-up" window, there is nothing to enter in the field entitled "Security Check". Please can you help?

    Any idea what is going on, and what I should do? I've asked them what browser they're using and if they could send a screenshot. 

  4. I want to share a "contact me" link in posts on our forum.

    For example on this forum, here's a link that opens a messenger page with myself as the recipient.   https://www.invisioncommunity.com/messenger/compose/?to=610431

    How do I instead make a link that pops-up a floating messenger pane, rather than opens a new page? The way the messenger opens when you hover an avatar and click the "Message" button? 

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