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David N.

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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by David N.

  1. 9 minutes ago, Stuart Silvester said:

    It looks like you haven't completed the upgrade process. Please go to <url>/admin/upgrade and follow the instructions.

    Yes, but that's odd because I went through it, the website was down for a few minutes while I was watching the progress bars... I'll try again. 

    Now it's showing this... 

    Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage

    Ok I tried again, and now it's upgrading (again).

    Ok so this time it worked. And the database warning disappeared. Weird that I had to go through the entire process twice? 🤔

  2. @Ehren Will it be possible to include other data (than what's visible on your video) in the mini profile strip? 

    Two things that would greatly benefit my community are: 

    1. Add the member signature in the mini profile (so that basically the signature would be hidden by default but people who need to see it would know where to look for it). 
    2. Add a short bio in the mini profile (so you can know what credentials that member has). 

    Thanks! Can't wait. 🙂 

    Could contain: Page, Text, Person

  3. On 10/4/2023 at 1:49 PM, marklcfc said:

    Has anyone else had to do this?

    I don't have an official business so couldn't get anywhere with business verification on facebook.

    Yes. I ended up being able to get them to verify it but it took a few days. You don't need an official business account. You just need your regular account and the app you've created at https://developers.facebook.com/apps/

  4. This is remarkable. 

    Will there be a way to adjust the length of the snippets? I like the idea, but I wouldn't want them to be too long. Trying to strike a balance between enough content visible to get people interested in the conversation, but not too much so that they still have to open the topic to read more. 

    I was going to watch a Netflix movie but I think I'll watch that video 6 times in a row instead. 😍

    @Ehren for the win!! 

  5. Ok so I ended up using the visual language editor which worked fine for this application, thanks @Marc Stridgen!

    On 10/13/2023 at 6:35 PM, opentype said:

    That's a great tutorial, thanks for sharing. I just set it up on my blog to be able to have different colors for different badges showing the type of article. 

    One question: 

    In the field settings, I selected "Allow filtering" but how are you supposed to filter your articles by the field value? I'm expecting to be able to click the badge to filter records but that does not work. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    The only person who can really answer that question would be  yourself, as its personal preference really.

    I wanted to ask other community members what they were doing, and what they've found works best for SEO in their experience. I suppose this is an issue that all boards that have a long history are facing, so I'm hoping we can have a discussion about how best to handle it. 

  7. I have the same question. I'm cloud hosted. I wish there was a way to automatically compress images and videos, as today most users expect to take a photo or even a video with their phones and upload it to their post, the way they do on Facebook. 

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