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David N.

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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by David N.

  1. I've seen the following message for the first time on my community: 

    Could contain: Text, Page

    It it a new message? I'm confused. If there are 9+ (does it mean more than 9?) new replies, why would it suggest to show only the first 7? And what's the difference between "Show first 7 new replies" and "Go to first new post"? I clicked Show first 7 new replies and it took me to the first new post. 


  2. Our user-base is on Mac and when they take a screen recording, the Mac produces a .mov file. 

    Once uploaded, that .mov file is embedded as expected in Safari, but not in Chrome. 

    Is there an easy solution, or does one need to get a 3rd party video conversion tool to convert the .mov into a supported movie file format? 


  3. Thank you Daniel!

    6 minutes ago, Daniel F said:

    If it's REALLY SPAM or some offtopic stuff, I'm flagging it as no index.

    Aren't archived topics automatically flagged as no index? My issue is, they still are given impressions in SERPs. 

    7 minutes ago, Daniel F said:

    If it's something helpful but outdated, I'm deleting it, but not without creating a redirect to the new helpful content!

    That would make sense, however is there a way for me to do a redirect (I'm using the cloud service)? 

  4. Do any of you delete older topics that are unhelpful? 

    Sometimes, doing a Google search for a topic returns a 15 year old (archived) topic that contains an unanswered question, when we have that same topic resolved in other, more recent threads. 

    I am wondering if it would help to simply delete those topics? And, more generally, if it would help deleting topics that do not contain anything helpful to our community? 

  5. On my Article home page, the bylines display: 

    1. The number of comments,
    2. The number of views,
    3. A blue raised thumb icon for reactions. 

    Could contain: Logo, Text

    However, in the Supergrid block, I see a fa-fa chart icon instead of the blue raised thumb icon? 

    Could contain: Text, Logo

  6. 31 minutes ago, Matt said:

    We really do our best to minimise disruption and we'll continue to revise our alarms, scaling and database instances.

    I understand that on your end, you're doing your best to deal with technical challenges. I have complete faith in the Invision Community team. I've witnessed the competence and reactivity of your team both on this forum and privately when using support tickets. I've invested a good chunk of my budget and a lot of my time into your platform which is now at the core of my business plan, and I intend to continue doing so in the long term.

    On my end, as a service user, I can't help but compare the service I'm getting. I use two points of comparison:

    1. My experience with my previous hosting provider. 
    2. My visitor experience with websites that I visit frequently. 

    So far this year I've found IC Cloud to be less reliable than my previous host or my experience visiting those other sites, which is concerning to me - hence this thread. 

    I have a question regarding https://status.invisioncommunity.com/ - how come when I click History & Incidents, I see 100% uptime for Invision Community Platform (US) for the past 30 days even though there was some down time?

  7. 17 hours ago, Matt said:

    Looking through David's ticket history, I can see there have been some difficult to track issues that impact his community only and aren't indicative of the greater experience

    These are unrelated to my complaining about the Cloud hosting service being intermittently down/slow for everyone, and for periods of times ranging from a few minutes to 6 hours (earlier this year). 

    When this happens, I check that:

    1. My internet connection is working fast as usual. I can access any other site.
    2. My site is down.
    3. Invisioncommunity.com is down.
    4. Both my site and Invisioncommunity.com are confirmed as being down on https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ 

    So far I've experienced this happening:

    ... which is much more often than I was experiencing when I was self hosting. 

  8. 7 hours ago, UncrownedGuard said:

    Between the IPS Cloud outages,

    6 hours ago, AtariAge said:

    Yeah, my forum has mostly been down the last hour, so I'm not very keen on the IPS Cloud service right now.

    I've been complaining about the lack of reliability of IPS Cloud hosting services for the past few months. Please do voice your experience/opinion:

  9. 47 minutes ago, opentype said:

    That doesn’t follow from anything anyone has said here. 

    It's just my own personal experience: if I don't, the article is still not indexed after 1 week. If I do, the article is indexed within a few hours. 

    49 minutes ago, Dll said:

    Make sure you link to it from your forum pages as well; that ought to encourage google to crawl it. 

    Yes, when I publish a new article, I also manually create a new topic in a forum to announce the article and link to it. That new topic is indexed automatically within under 3 hours. 

  10. Thank you Marc. My articles are now indexed and they are listed in the sitemap as expected. 

    1 minute ago, Dll said:

    Google will prioritise which parts of a site to crawl more frequently. I'd assume your forum is more active than your pages articles, so it's crawling for fresh content on a regular basis. 

    Ok that makes sense, thanks! I'll continue to request indexing manually then. 

    On 9/30/2023 at 3:22 AM, Randy Calvert said:

    You don’t need to manually submit it to Google.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "need": my experience is that if I request indexing in Google Search Console, my article is indexed within a few hours, whereas if I don't, the page is still not indexed after a week. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Sorry to hear you have been having issues. We have now resolved these and sites should be back up and running

    Thank you Marc, I appreciate it, however the general idea was that this is happening more frequently than it should, and a long term solution should be implemented so this does not occur again. 

    Here's a quote from @Matt from March 22: 

    On 3/22/2023 at 1:25 PM, Matt said:

    As Charles said, it is very unusual for us to experience this, so we are incredibly frustrated. Our uptime for 2022 was 100%, and so far this year including this event, it's 99.68% so it really is a very rare occurrence.

    It doesn't mean we're being complacent, but it illustrates that this isn't the usual experience.

    Unfortunately, this experience is still too frequent. 

  12. 22 minutes ago, Alex Duffy said:

    I just got these errors on both my site and this forum. Both are very slow to load now.

    Same here, again intermittently down/slow with 504 errors, this time I confirmed the down time with "Down For Everyone or Just Me". I'm still experiencing those errors now intermittently. 

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Page, Text

    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Text

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Text


    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage

  13. 9 minutes ago, teraßyte said:

    I was browsing this forum in the past few minutes but didn't get any error page like that. 👀

    Happy to hear you weren't experiencing that problem, but I'm not sure what to make of the problem I am experiencing. 

    I refreshed my site, this site and other sites such as Google, Facebook and Yahoo repeatedly for the past 2 or 3 minutes and only this site and my site where showing the errors on the screenshots - while other websites were loading as expected. 

    Maybe worth looking into server logs? 

  14. This just happened again, and lasted for about 3 minutes. 504 errors from my site and this site at the same time. There's no way this is normal behavior from a $150/month AWS cloud hosting SAAS. Something's wrong. 

    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage

    Could contain: Page, Text, File


  15. Update: Google has finally indexed the page.

    5 hours ago, opentype said:

    What’s the question?

    How come the page isn't automatically indexed quicker and without manual intervention, the way my community pages are. 

    5 hours ago, opentype said:

    You can’t force Google to index it.

    I know that, however I also know that I can reasonably expect Google to index it. 

    5 hours ago, opentype said:

    You don’t have to ask for individual pages to be indexed. That’s what that “no sitemap detected” is telling you. 

    Nearly 100% of my new community pages are indexed within a couple of hours, without manual intervention. 

    Without manual intervention, my Pages blog articles (Article database) are not indexed, even after a week. With my manual intervention (requesting indexing), they take about a day to be indexed. 

    5 hours ago, Daniel F said:

    The sitemap is built with a background task that runs all 15 minutes. This means that once you publish it, it won't be immediately listed in the sitemap, but it will appear once the sitemap is rebuilt successfully!

    Thanks Daniel. That screenshot I took was about 24 hours after I had published the article, so I'm not sure why I got that message. 

    Again, this happens only with Articles from Pages. Forum topics are indexed without manual intervention in under 3 hours. 

  16. On 4/17/2023 at 10:04 PM, Matt said:

    One thing to check is that you have lazy loading enabled. Just search 'lazy' in the AdminCP.

    Does that lazy loading setting apply to images in Pages as well, not just the forum? I'm about to publish a Pages article with quite a few large animated .gif images and wondering if that was a good idea. 

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